Monday, December 31, 2007

I Love Craig David's Publicists

I barely remember Craig David but he does have some great publicists. Craig was recently accused of trolling for women on MySpace. I don't see what the big deal is about that and I didn't realize that MySpace trolling was limited to people who are not considered celebrities. At what point are you allowed to troll? When you drop to D list? When your show ends? It is not really clear.

Anyway, Taylor Ray Lewis who I thought played for the Baltimore Ravens, but is actually a supermodel told the bastion of truth News of the World that David begged her for sex after sending her a message on the social networking site.

Lewis said: "I ignored his messages for ages because, even though they came from a site called Craigdavidpersonal, I couldn't believe a star like him would have to go on MySpace to meet girls."

So I guess Lewis is basically saying she is a nobody because she is a supermodel and on the site, but she herself needed the site to hook up with guys.

Lewis said she had dinner with him and then he invited her back to his place to watch a movie in the bedroom. Nice.

Lewis commented: "We went into his bedroom to watch a film, but when we laid down he started kissing me. I was a little bit scared as he was the first person I had been with since I met my husband six years ago.

That is such crap. She hadn't been with anyone in six years and then two hours after meeting Craig she was in his room having sex with him. Probably she meant to say that Craig was the first person she had been with that day.

"But once we started having sex it was a real let down. It seemed like he just wanted to get it over with. I was not really enjoying it. I began to think ‘what am I doing here?'

"Afterwards he went out of the room and got dressed. I felt ashamed and said I had to go. He just said 'OK. I'll text you'. That was it."

The model added: "Other friends told me they had received messages from him asking them on a date. Now I feel so embarrassed."

She should feel embarrassed that she had to earn $100 by selling this lame ass story.

The best part though is the response from Craig's publicists. "Representatives of the singer have denied the allegations that he uses MySpace to meet women but did not deny he had dated Lewis."

It is such a nice quote. They deny that he uses MySpace to meet women, but he didn't use it to meet women, he used it only to meet one woman.


  1. what the hell do you expect when you hook-up with a MySpace whore?

    I'm sure his pubs. are just happy to have something/anything to comment on

  2. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I'm surprised Craig David needs to use myspace. He was the Robin Thicke of 2000! .... oh, 7 years ago. Well, I still love "Fill Me In"

  3. Yeah, he does have great PR people. They got you to write about this nobody, on a day when your site is getting a bazillion visitors, didn't they?

    Note to Craig: send those PR flacks a big 'ol bonus!

  4. I don't know who either of these people are. And don't care. And never will.

  5. @ dnfromnm: "fill me in" was my song when I was in 11th Grade!
    Actually, his debut CD was very well done, it's a shame his career totally fizzled out.

  6. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Jesus Christ, how low we have sunk! We love us some controversy, but I don't wanna hear about someone's bad sex hook-up!

    I wonder if she would have sold the story if he had been a Sex God?

  7. That settles it. He's definitely gay. They only go to these ridiculous lengths when a gay story is about to break and draft in some "industry beauty" they can then pay off or make it look like they've paid her off.

  8. Fantastic voice - what happened?


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