Monday, December 10, 2007

I Hope Britney's Lawyers Don't Have Plans For Tuesday

As you are reading this, I wouldn't be surprised if Britney Spears' attorneys are getting an ex-parte call from Kevin Federline's attorney. Ex-parte notice must be given prior to 10am the day before you are going into court to file some type of motion without giving regular notice.
Since Kevin's attorneys go to court for just about anything, you know the fact that Britney stole a lighter AND bragged about it in front of video cameras is surely going to get some court time. Kevin's attorneys have nothing o lose, and Kevin doesn't care because Britney will probably end up paying for it anyway.

Kevin's attorney will go before the judge and ask that visitation be reduced further, thus giving K-Fed more time and more child support. The lawyer will say that a woman who can afford almost anything on this planet, but chooses to steal a lighter worth $1.40, risking arrest, and then bragging about in front of media, is not the kind of person who should have any type of visitation with her children. The judge, will probably agree, but may want to see Britney in court first and question her in person.

What if she had been with the kids and they got to see mama arrested for something so idiotic. Now we all know that they will see their mama get arrested plenty later in life. Oh, I think they will, and they will see it often. They don't however need to see it now.

Hope the lighter was worth losing more time with your kids.


  1. How much stupider can she get?

    Out of control doesn't even begin to describe her anymore ... now, along with phoning the paps with her itinerary, she's conjuring up ways to up herself on the outrageous scale.

    It's a shame that the people who "love" her aren't willing to risk their car on the money train to stop this madness.

    Whatta mess.

    ENT -- I hope you're right about this; heaven knows that TMZ is like a Britney GPS -- FedX's attorneys can always find out where she is and what she's up to.

  2. I still say she doesn't want ANY time with those boys. She'll keep pushing and pushing and until she's completely cut off.

  3. wtf, I agree that she'll eventually have no time with them. Then she'll go on a media blitz saying how much she loves them, how much it devastates her not to be with them, and how unfairly everyone is treating her.

  4. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Y'know... how much of the LA County tax dollars are being wasted on judges who have to sit through these inane hearings? I mean, seriously, an emergency hearing because she stole a lighter? I realize lawyers get paid by the hour and the amount they can bill for, but wow... what a waste.

  5. I looked at the video, I am thinking maybe she paid for the lighter, she gave the cashier a lot more money then a pack of gum would cost, and I didn't see any change back, maybe she told the cashier, "I also need a lighter" and then forget to grab it until she started out the door then grabbed it, her "oh I stole something" was just being sarcastic.

  6. A real waste of everyone's time.

  7. Anonymous9:44 AM

    This women has not one ounce of sense in her entire body. Anyone in their right mind would know that this is not the time to behaving like that.

  8. It's as though she likes the concept of being seen as Earth Mother and Solid Citizen, but never wanted the responsibility -- because she never had a childhood.

    When she loses the kids and has to fork over major bucks to Kevin for support (I still think he and Shar planned this knowing how weak Brit is)she'll portray herself as a victim. That way she'll be the center of attention again without the responsibility. And get some good songs out of it, too.
    I really don't think her frontal lobe is fully developed yet.

  9. "I looked at the video, I am thinking maybe she paid for the lighter, she gave the cashier a lot more money then a pack of gum would cost, and I didn't see any change back, maybe she told the cashier, "I also need a lighter" and then forget to grab it until she started out the door then grabbed it, her "oh I stole something" was just being sarcastic."

    Except that the store owner later spoke to People and confirmed that she hadn't paid. So either he's confused, lying, or she stole it.

  10. Anonymous10:26 AM

    "I still think he and Shar planned this knowing how weak Brit is"

    If she's this damn weak, I'm glad they did plan it! I'd much rather see Brit's money going to Kevin for child support than up her nose or in her arm or up in smoke or whatever it is that's wrong with her.

  11. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Seems the more she gets in trouble the more dimmed witted she is.

    For someone that keeps saying she loves her babies she sure knows how to shape up her imagine. Doesn't seem to give a dam about her kids if she did should would do something about her imagine.

  12. hey we're all just extras living in Brit's world. this girl knows nothing about concequences or just doesn't care.

    EL- sorry no sex in a But fun was had by all...on tape.

  13. try a little harder for attention and validation, you don't look quite pathetic enough yet.

    re: britney"

    However, typically a child with FAS will have some or all of the following: weak attention spans, difficulty with social skills, weak memories, difficulty with reading, writing and mathematics and delayed language development. The FAS child may fidgit more than usual, may not work well independently, have difficulty sitting still and often won't learn from mistakes made. Behaviorally, these students are often non compliant and act impulsively

  14. What is it with her and gas stations? I avoid 'em like the plague yet Britney uses gas station toilets more than the ones in her own home. Why can't she just stay home? Oh ya, no cameras.

  15. Califblondy, she probably prefers to go someplace cleaner.

  16. please..she's getting drugs or doing drugs away from the presence of anyone willing to sell her out to Kevin. and you can bet one of the snaps are selling it to her.



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