Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Huckabee Would Have Locked Up Ryan White

I need to make one thing perfectly clear. I don't care about politics and I don't care who you vote for. Your vote is your business. I don't care what country you are in when you are reading this and don't care if you are in the left, right or middle. The only thing I ever ask is that you vote. I think you give up your right to complain of government action or inaction if you don't vote. This is NOT about the presidential election. It is a story about ignorance.

As a Senate candidate in 1992, Mike Huckabee told the AP in a questionnaire about AIDS that "we need to take steps that would isolate the carriers of this plague" if the federal government was going to deal with the spread of the disease effectively. "It is the first time in the history of civilization in which the carriers of a genuine plague have not been isolated from the general population, and in which this deadly disease for which there is no cure is being treated as a civil rights issue instead of the true health crisis it represents," he said then.

OK, so he was an idiot back in 1992 running in a conservative state. I think it was a moronic statement and still do. Huckabee tried to backtrack a bunch this weekend on FOX News and denied that those words were a call to quarantine the AIDS population, although he did not explain how else isolation would be achieved. "I didn't say we should quarantine," he said. The idea was not to "lock people up."

I guess his idea would have been to find some nice quiet island someplace for people with AIDS to live and die quietly and as more people became ill they would be sent to the island to replace those who had died. People like Ryan White would be shipped off to the island as well. Oh, and probably his mother also. Why would his mother go you ask? Well, because to this very day, Mike Huckabee is not 100% certain that AIDS is not caused by casual contact.

On FOX News on Sunday he acknowledged the prevailing scientific view then, and since, that the virus that causes AIDS is not spread through casual contact, but said that was not certain. To this day. As of Sunday, if you have AIDS and stay in close proximity to Mike Huckabee he is not 100% certain that he isn't going to catch AIDS from you. In his world then in 1992, Ryan White would have gone to the island and because his mother was in close contact, would have to go as well.

Naturally, Ryan's mom wasn't happy about what the former Governor had to say.

"It's so alarming to me," she said in a telephone interview Monday with The Associated Press from her home in Leesburg, Fla.

"It's very important to me that we don't live in the darkness" when people thought AIDS was transmitted through casual contact, such as by "kissing, tears, sweat and saliva," White-Ginder said. "We have to treat this disease like a disease, and like Ryan always said, not like a dirty word."

White was 13 when he was diagnosed with AIDS in December 1984, having contracted the disease from the blood-clotting agent used to treat his hemophilia. He was barred from school the following year out of fear the disease was spread casually. He died in 1990 at age 18.

On Tuesday, the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights group, and the AIDS Institute sent a letter to Huckabee asking him to meet with White-Ginder — who declined in the interview to say what political party she belongs to — and calling his comments "completely beyond comprehension."

In the year 2007, a presidential candidate for the most powerful country in the world thinks that if he sits next to Magic Johnson he might get AIDS. Nice.


  1. How can you contract AIDS from a 'blood-clotting agent'? I think you mean blood transfusion.

    1. It’s that factor b thing they created by setting up blood banks in the ghetto

  2. Thanks Enty. Maybe Mike Huckabee could find an island to visit, then stay there. Ignorance is not bliss. How sad that as 2007 is winding down, there are believe who actually still believe this.

  3. Well, all the sites I'm reading say blood clotting agent. Can someone 'splain this to me?

  4. Probably a blood-clotting drug that is delivered intravenously, is what EL was trying to say.

  5. I guess you couldn't resist commenting on this...I hear you. I am compelled to open my fat mouth too, like Larry David.

    Can't we just agree that Huckabee was right? As I sit at home with the flu that I caught from a diseased person, I am bitter. More bitter than usual. If we had a flu community, maybe they could keep their toxins to themselves. Let's not stop there, let's have athlete's foot communities. You know, you never get rid of that crap once you get it. Separate their asses from the rest of us.

    Really this isn't about AIDS, it's about me having the flu and being pissed off about it. I always wanted to live on an island anyway.

  6. The last couple paragraphs are taken directly from the AP article (I read it earlier and wondered the same thing about the "blood clotting agent") Maybe someone has an answer!

  7. Kristen, like with a dirty needle? Because nothing else makes sense to me.

    Liz, thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't getting it.

    Kory, sorry you're under the weather. I was going to blow kisses, but I didn't want you to think you were going to catch something.

  8. Huckabee has to gang up on the LGBT community to show us what a real man he is. If he has to pick on a group of American citizens why doesn't he pick a group that has the same rights, benefits & protections as he has? www.OUTTAKEonline.com/blog.html

  9. Huckabee is an idiot, but then they all are.

    Is there anyway we could just send the really bad drivers to that island. If I get stuck behind one more idiot that has their right hand turn signal on and then changes to the left lane, I'm going to lose it.

  10. I'd love to comment to Huckabee's face but i'm scared i'll catch StupidFucknarrowmindedbigot-itis.

    People that still think like him should be on an island...how about Fire Island???? LOL.

    Seriously..this maggot has potential to lead your country..there is nothing i can do in Canada about that..please don't let this monster in.

    I will fight this shit for brains anyway else I can.

  11. I hate how Huck tries to come off as an awe shucks kind of guy but honestly, wasn't another tragically uninformed presidential candidate(and eventual president) suffer from this same problem. I am shocked how this guy is never called out on his hypocrisy. He is a master at dodging tough questions with cheesy one liners.

    Just last week, after news that Iran didn't have a nuclear weapons program, he was asked about Bush's World War 3 talk. Huck had no clue what the story was about.

    Oh yeah, in I believe 1998, he signed off on an open letter in USA Today referring to women has being the servants to their husbands.

    Long story short, can our country afford another insular president with zero intellectual curiosity...or knowledge for that matter?

  12. Twisted--hemophiliacs receive blood-clotting agents derived from donated human blood or genetically engineered products (found this at mayoclinic.com) to prevent hemorraghing. I guess Ryan was infected before the Red Cross (and possibly hospitals) started testing blood.

  13. The boy was heamophiliac - that means his blood was genetically unable to clot in the normal way. If a heamophiliac is cut, they can bleed to death because a scab wont form on the cut. (The gene for this was passed down Queen Victoria's line.)

    When you give a donation of blood, it is often split up into different constituents to help particular medical needs - plasma, red blood cells etc. A part that helps with blood clotting is given to heamophiliacs. Through the 80's, blood donations in the UK were not tested for HIV before being used. Several hundred haemophiliacs have died from this negligence. It was a scandal over here, as you can imagine.

  14. Honestly the US has zero room to be calling out the middle east as a terrorist state when it's breeding fundamentalist religious loonies in its own backyard, and loonies that could get into real power.

    I hope every sensible American votes against this prick because the US is seriously going to get left behind in the dark ages if this guy gets in.

  15. Princess Pea to the rescue! Thanks Princess. I didn't know the transfusions he was getting were derived from human blood. Makes sense now.

  16. No probs, sista (as Tracee would say)!

  17. Awe, thanks TS. Yes you are correct. I think I'm going to walk around in a gigantic condom from now on. You may all laugh and make fun, but I'll be the healthiest lunatic in Los Angeles.

    George, if what you are saying is correct about him signing off about women being servants to their husbands, then I am truly scared about the mental process in this man's head. He wants to go back to leper colonies and legal slavery.

  18. People like Huckabee make all Americans look like stupid toddlers. He has done so many atrocious things while Governor of Arkansas I can't even BEGIN to tell it!

    I will say it had to do letting off a convicted rapist/murderer because one of his victims was Clinton's cousin.

    Americans this upcoming March, please vote in the primary and then vote again in November! Let's show the world we're not some fucking lemmings that let the media tell us who to vote for.

    Do some research and vote for who will do the most good, represent what we're really about — not who could win homecoming king or queen.

    You'll be surprised how stupid politicians think we are. (Dems and Republicans alike.) Time to prove them wrong.

  19. ms_wonderland, thanks for your explanation, as well.

    Tracee, I'm with you. I'm so sick of our bailing out everyone in the world only to be trillions of dollars in debt. I'm voting for anyone who will build a border fence and stay out of everyone else's business, even if they flipping beg us to get involved.

    Yeah, I just read an article whining that we don't do enough for Israel. Can ya tell?

  20. Tracee, well said.

  21. You almost can't blame him. It's what politicians do to get votes. Look at Rudy. You hype up the threat and present yourself as the solution. Terrorism, AIDS, The Economy, etc. For the Republicans, they appeal to your fear of gays and their right to marry.

    Someday we'll be talking about the discrimination against gays who want to marry with the same disgust we look back now concerning the ignorance around AIDS.
    And im not even gay...

  22. Someday?

    Any forward thinking human with an ounce of compassion does that NOW.

    Politicians need to stay in the senate and stay out of my personal life. its getting very scary in America with all the religo nuts.

  23. I'm always happy to see anti-Huckabee stuff out there -- I can't believe he's moving up in the polls! But I have to say I would argue with Arkansas being classified as a conservative state. Our government is pretty well split. The Huckabee time was a dark time, however. Dark indeed... and I do NOT want to see it repeated on a national level.

  24. Joseph, everyone I know looks at discrimination against gays who want to marry with that same disgust now.

    I hope if you're gay, you don't live in Podunk Town, USA.

  25. I am a registered Republican. There, I said it! And as a registered republican I generally (but not always) vote conservative. I would vote for ANY other candidate ANY day of the week rather than see Mike Huckabee end up as our President. He scares me, for so many reasons, but his ignorance tops the list.

  26. I <3 you guys!!

    Having a political discussion WITHOUT throwing mud at each other?!

    (What I'm reading is that people just want some peace in their life, some protection for their loved ones and someone who has the fortitude to lead our melting pot of a nation.)

    My heart be still. Mwhaaa!

  27. We leave the mud-slinging for more important issues, such as who is A list versus B list.

    Tracee for President!

  28. Chatty, I vote both ways and I feel the same way you do about Huck, Guliani, McCain, Edwards and Clinton. Anybody but them!

  29. Not everyone looks at the gay marriage thing wrong. I'm all for it, why can't ANYONE who wants to get have the same rights - what "serious" damage is it going to cause the US? Seriously.

    Everyone needs to learn to be a little less judgemental.

    Sorry, that just had to come out.

  30. I hear all of you. People like F*ck-a-Bee scare the living sh*t out of me. I'm in-can-descent at the ignorance and arrogance! Who ARE these people? Where did they come from? Why did F-a-B even bother running for higher office with his record? Twisted, don't forget Romney.

  31. This guy should move to South Africa, he can help them with their brilliant ideas about HIV that are wiping out the entire country.

  32. And Enty, you're missing your calling as a columnist for Variety or the like. When you retire from law, do it. Or write a book.

  33. I am no Huckabee fan but this was back in 92 when people really didn't know what was going on with the disease. We had people scaring us that we'd all get it. Now we know the scare mongers back then were doing just that. Scaring us. HIV is very difficult to get unless you are a big IV drug user or use a lot of poppers like gays do.

    It's just disingenuous to attack a person on something he said way back in 92 about something people thought was a highly contagious disease.

  34. Not, I could understand if it was 1984, but not in 92. What we know now is the same info that we knew in 92. You're right; it's not transmitted that easily. It's also no longer primarily a disease of IV drug users and gays. As someone who puts himself out there to run for an office where he'll be representing AIDS patients as much as those who don't have AIDS, he has zero excuse. After his pet murderer was paroled and killed another woman, he really should have stepped down from office and become an advocate for victims' rights. There, he would have actually done something worthwhile. Instead, he decided to run for President. And now his remarks from 92 come out. He needs to give it up.

  35. About Ryan White's contracting the disease...

    he would receive transfusions of a blood product, Factor VIII, created from donated blood of non-hemophiliacs, an increasingly common treatment for hemophiliacs at the time

    That's what was tainted.

    From Enty...

    The only thing I ever ask is that you vote. I think you give up your right to complain of government action or inaction if you don't vote.

    This should get me in some pretty good trouble here.

    I haven't voted for a candidate in 20 years since there just isn't anything to choose from. The Democrats are spineless; the Republicans are bullies; the Independents are impotent. And I've come to realize that the American public will only let these knuckleheads get away with so much before we put our collective foot down.

    I have far more faith in the people whose postings I read here than I do in anyone in any elected office.

    For many years I always voted for referendums, laws, anything that didn't require me to pick a person. I gave that up after the shenanigans in Florida during the presidential election in 2000 when it was proven to me that if someone doesn't want my vote to count, it won't count. Thank you, Katherine Harris, for pointing that out so vividly.

    Finally, any political organization that lets Anne Coulter be a mouthpiece for them has no credibility ever. And that the Democrats haven't called the Republicans out on her poison means they have no credibility either.

    I now return to my regularly scheduled strep throat, dammit.

  36. Voting is nice but I can no longer be convinced it even matters. I can't believe this country voted in this president, twice, any more than I believe Texas voted him governor.

    It's going to take way more than votes to turn this country around. Honest, upstanding citizens need to start getting involved. They need to start speaking out without fear.

    People need to get educated - in anything. Way too many people wasting time letting their brains wither. That's how guys like Huckabee get where they are, IMHO.

    I hope everyone recovers from their sickness. Get some rest!!

  37. Could you imagine if Americans had to vote?

    It is compulsory over here...

    Mate, it was the best vote ever... people were refusing the "how to vote pamphlets" and TELLING the party representatives who they were voting for even before they walked in to the booth...

    Bring on the American revolution!!

  38. Noel, are you in Australia? I had no idea you had to vote. What an interesting concept.

  39. Uh, in 1992 any normal person knew you could not get aids any other way than through blood or sexual contact that involved the exchange of bodily fluids.

    Even in 1981, it was not okay to suggest putting people in leper colonies. Civilized people, Mr. "Not", do not act out their own fear of the unknown by punishing the sick and defenseless by basically throwing them under a bus, leaving them to suffer alone in some death camp. No matter what. To suggest that is okay, under any circumstances, makes you a potential nazi.

    I suggest you read Cormac Mccarthy's "The Road" to learn something, "Not."

    In 1985, I think, there was a case in the south, naturally, about a public school district that voted to construct a plastic cage for a seven year old with HIV. She was supposed to stay in the cage, in the classroom, so she too could have the benefit of an education. (ha!) Anyway, and obviously, the courts struck down this ridiculous, inhumane notion.

    And here comes Huckabee, waving the "i'm Stupid and You're With Me, Right?" flag... poor man. It must be hard to be that ignorant.

  40. twisted sister-

    yes I am an Aussie and yes, if you are 18 or over you HAVE to vote!! Electrol officers will even visit you in hospital so that you can vote!!

    You can cast your vote ahead if your are working etc... on polling day but it is everyones responsibility to choose what party they want to lead the nation!!
