Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hope For Meth Addicts Everywhere

With the engagement of Josh Duhamel and Fergie, meth addicts around the world have something to shoot for should they get off the drug. If they can "sing," sleep with the right people, spend thousands of dollars on a new face, teeth and body, earn millions, and be a freak in bed, then you too can get engaged to a television star. I think Josh is going to think about the marriage thing for a bit but at least now everyone who is doing meth out on the streets knows that if they stop they too have a chance at a B lister. Oh who are we kidding. You really don't. But, go ahead and get sober anyway then you can see how ridiculous this whole Fergie/Josh thing is and laugh with the rest of us.


  1. I see this in a different light. I see hope for ugly women to get hot guys.

  2. haha Kory. That's mean; I feel bad but I kinda agree.

  3. I don't understand all the hate coming from Ent. It's a little much, doncha think? I mean, she had a problem, dealt with it, and is in a nice relationship. What gives?

  4. Mngddess
    I think EL has implied that she's not totally clean. There was a blind a couple of weeks ago about a singer who had to be walked on a plance by her band because she was about to overdose (or something to that effect). I think the consensus was it was Fergie.

  5. This picture makes her still look like she's on meth. Check out the eyes.

  6. he's a beauty, but she's got the cash.


  7. Apparently she said that "she wasn't expecting a wedding anytime soon because she was practically married to Josh already." Source

    And I don't really believe you can be that into substance abuse and stay in entertainment cleanly.

    Maybe he won't marry her until she is REALLY clean.

  8. Or maybe Josh is the b-lister that Ent was referring to in a blind item from earlier in the week that we all assumed was Jake G?
