Thursday, December 20, 2007

Great News For Your Holiday Season

Mischa Barton is thinking about quitting acting. With the exception of Jessica Simpson retiring this is about the best news I could hope for this holiday season. Oh sure. I know you are thinking world peace or something like that. Too cliche. This is the new world peace. Instead of drinking to world peace, you drink to Mischa Barton quitting acting.

She says: "There's been times I've thought, 'I don't want to be an actress forever,' and there are times I feel I can't live without it."

Well let me go ahead and give you a push to your first though Mischa. First, you really aren't that great of an actor. As much as you thought you were the shit when you did The O.C., it really wasn't much of a stretch based on who you are as a person. I don't see offers flowing your way to the point where "you want fries with that?" should completely leave the back of your mind as a career alternative. Oh sure, there will be people that will hire you. You can play the same tired roles and every now and then sleep with some producer so you get a bigger role, but really, shouldn't you just follow that first thought that came into your head and just quit acting. Then I can start worrying about world peace, and goodwill towards men. (Except of course for FOX News who copied my statutory rape article almost word for word yesterday with no credit. I know, I know. I do the same thing, BUT, they have lawyers and writers and do it full-time, and really have no excuse. )


  1. Please, please, please send a bill to Fox for a legal consulting fee.

  2. I say sue them for $40million.
    Seems to be the way to go.

  3. Oh Mischa, when were you ever an "actress"?

    She's still on my list for ruining the OC!
    Didn't she just sign on to play the crazy bitch in a movie that sounds remarkably similar to "Swimfan"?

  4. "Fox" is synonymous with plagiarism. If you ever create anything, stay the H away from Fox. They'll turn you down and then a year later, they'll release your story in one medium or another, as theirs. I think you should call them on this, EL. Or would you like us to?

  5. or......El is actually a Fox NEws Correspondent!!!!

    Get your pitchforks! lol.

  6. ENT for Fox News??? I feel ill.

  7. Also, the only thing Mischa is famous for is scrogging Cisco ;-)

  8. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Love the whole FOX "stole my expert legal anaylsis" thing here. LMAO! The writer here cobbled together various others' writings posted far earlier in the day and then complains because another thief reposts. Classic but the best? Complaining that FOX ACTUALLY HAS LAWYERS, unlike this site perhaps?

  9. I liked Mischa in Lost and Delirious.

  10. My first thought was that Mischa would have to be an actress first before she can quit. Mischa just wants to pull a Carmen Electra, Jenny McCarthy, Traci Bingham, Tara Reid, Paris Hilton, or Pamela Anderson. Do light acting work but most of the time party the night away by making numerous appearances in nightclubs, Vegas gatherings, promotional parties, and the occassional charity work for publicity to prove that they aren't dead yet.
