Friday, December 21, 2007

Four For Friday

#1 There was a slight fire at the home of this B list television star's home the other night. Hit show by the way. Network. Married. Child(ren) Fire department was called out to the home which destroyed the Christmas tree and presents and half the living room furniture. Cause- Seems our star was freebasing and things got out of hand. Guess the cash he passed out to the firefighters who responded to keep things quiet wasn't quite enough, or you wouldn't be hearing about it.

#2 This one almost makes me want to jump up and down and scream. Unfortunately I am physically unable to do so. But on the inside. The inside it is happening. Married couple. A list celebrities, but B list in their chosen profession if you judge their recent results. Husband was kicked out. He cheated. If you saw who this was, you would be jumping up and down too. Unfortunately, he is probably going to be allowed back into the house because they can't stop appearing in public together. I can't believe he cheated. Crazy.

#3 I hate to put two move outs back to back. But, what can I say. The holidays are big for this type of thing. This one doesn't directly involve cheating although there has been some. It is more because of behavior. A list film/television/film couple. He will be allowed to visit on Christmas Eve and Christmas and that is it. If he can straighten out, she will take him back, but I don't think he wants to straighten out. Needs to, but doesn't want to.

#4 After catching an STD on his last tour, this male country singer of epic proportions now has a roadie interview each prospective one night stand to see if they have a STD because when he gave the STD to his wife after the last tour, she wasn't too happy.


  1. Anonymous1:38 PM

    #4 HAHAHAHAHA yeah, thats hilarious, an "interview" with the groupies is soooo going to prevent STDs. Groupies are incapable of lying, didnt you know?

    #2...Jumping up and down and screaming is mentioned far too often. Tommy Boy???

  2. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Hmmm....EL saying something about someone, "I cant believe he cheated. Crazy"...since when does infidelity surprise EL?

  3. Please don't let the last one be Tim McGraw.

  4. #2 - the Beckhams???

  5. Is Tim McGraw with Epic Records?

  6. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Oooh I like the Beckham guess for #2....B list in current endeavors but A list overall...David's been injured and playing poorly and Victoria has not been well received. She does have the tour though.

  7. #2 : Seal & Heidi (Crazy is a Seal song)

  8. What about J.lo and Skeletor for #2

  9. I think #2 might be JLo and Marc Anthony! Their recent works have been pretty mediocre!

  10. I don't know why but I say #2 is Angie and Brad.

  11. can't be brad & angie says married.

  12. #1 Kelsey Grammar????

    #2 Mr. & Mrs. J Lo sound good

    #3 ???

    #4 Let it be Tim McGraw, PLEASE!!

  13. #4: Tim McGraw, or Garth Brooks
    #2: J.Lo and Skeletor, but I love the Heidi?seal guess too.......

  14. It is my sincerest holiday wish that #4 is Keith Urban.

  15. #1- dunno
    #2- Seal & Heidi (ENT loves Heidi and Crazy was a seal song)
    #3- dunno
    #4- Keith Urban

  16. The comment that EL can't believe the guy cheated, tells me he thinks the guy was damn lucky to land someone like her, so I immediately thought of J-Lo and Ick Anthony.

  17. Anonymous2:04 PM

    hunch for #1 was Christina Applegate (married w/ children), but she's not married nor a man. No clue.

    hunch for #2 was beckhams, but the girl has to be someone Ent likes, and we know he likes Heidi (not so much J.Lo) so I'm with Heidi & Seal. Good guess zoe.

    first hunch for #4: Tim McGraw, but she was on tour with him, and I find it hard to believe they didn't make sexy time until after the tour was over (Honestly, I'm all about the man meat, but the first time I saw the video for Breathe, I seriously questioned it). So someone who the wife wasn't on tour with him. Didn't ent post a photo of Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams earlier this week?

  18. #2 - Whomever the woman is who kicked his cheating ass out - I LOVE HER!!!

  19. Why would EL write this about Seal?

    "If you saw who this was, you would be jumping up and down too."

    It has to be someone that most of us rag on, so I don't think it's Seal.

  20. BI # 4

    Ummm who is the Country guy of epic proportions... besides McGraw... who is with Curb Records I believe.

    George Strait, Alan Jackson, Toby Keith, Garth Brooks... all married & very successful.

    Out of those 4... let it be Garth. haha! He just gets on my last good nerve with all his crying... and he just did all those shows in Missouri... and is on his way to California for multiple shows.

    Kenny Chesney could be also consider of epic proportions... he is extremely successful. But not married.

  21. I still think #2 is Heidi and Seal. ENT loves Heidi and Seal isn't exactly good looking.

    #4 I seriously think is keith urban. Part of the reason he went to rehab was because he was caught cheating on his tour bus.

  22. What about Big n Rich for #4?

    1-no clue
    2-NOT SEAL!!!!!! noononoo.
    3-Huffman and Macy?
    4- shriveled dick i dont care about.

  23. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I dont think its Seal and Heidi. Theres no mention of the kids. "Crazy" as a clue, as a song title, I dont think works, because not only are there probably dozens of songs with that title, but it could just be an interjection of disbelief.

    And finally, I dont believe that Heidi and Seal are such attention obsessed celebrities that she'd take him back because they needed to be photographed together. Just doesnt seem like it one bit.

    I too hope that #4 is Keith Bourban.

  24. I think #2 is Tomkat.

  25. #2 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Parker

  26. #3. the Cox- Arquettes?

  27. Depends if the jumping up and down is on the couch........

  28. #2 Eva and Tony? Jumping = basketball.

  29. for#4 i just looked Big & Rich just off tour and starting back up in early January..'Big' is married.

  30. ps

    In case I don't the chance later...

    Merry Christmas everyone and happy Hanukah! Ill be around on my 10 days off..hope to see some of you here. If not have Happy New year and be safe!

    EL i'll send you an egg timer for next years drunken 30 min break!!!

  31. #4 "epic proportions" big kenny alphin(big and rich)

  32. #3 rebecca romijn and jerry o'connell

  33. #2 Is that Crazy Tom jumping up and down on the coach again?

  34. #2 "crazy" because of the pre-nup clause. they have to appear together because they have a common project. CATHERINE ZETA-JONES and MICHAEL DOUGLAS.crazy.

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  36. Please don't let the last one be Tim McGraw.

    That was my 1st thought.

  37. I feel like Bug and Rich were the answer for another blind - something involving a lot of alcohol.
    Anyone remember that?

  38. I can't help but think that they're not both actors in #2, so it's probably not TomKat. #3 specifies actors, but #2 is all around it. Celebrities... chosen professions... etc.

  39. #2) Tony and Mrs. Parker.

    #3) Courtney Cox and David Arquette...there have been lots of blind items referencing his drug habit, and ENT's item says the problem in this marriage is not that he is cheating but "because of behavior"--that would be drugs! And they are def. an A list film/television couple.

    #4) Who cares?

  40. So many great guesses. Liking Courtney Cox and David Arquette for #3.

    Agreeing with captivagirl's rationale for #4, I think "epic proportions" is related more to girth than popularity/stardom.

  41. Kelly, it was a blind item about a bunch of people from a country western band we'd be surprised to see doing a lot of coke after an awards show or something.

    Someone said if they did coke, they wouldn't be so big, but another poster said if they were doing coke a lot but also drinking they would be. (sorry, I can't recall who the posters were)

    Is that the one you're talking about?

  42. #2 - How bout Dr. Phil and his wife. Crazy because he (they?) writes books about how to have happy marriages?

    #4. probably Keith Urban

    #3 - may be the vaguest blind I've ever read on here

    #1 -

  43. Anonymous4:07 PM

    When I read "Epic proportions" I too thought of body size rather than an indication of where their career is at....

    how about Garth Brooks? Big Red said having sex with him was like having sex with a big gross whale. But that is assuming that GB is married and still fucks his wife.

  44. pope-rah, I love your guess for #2. Wouldn't it be crazy if it was Dr. Phil?

  45. trix--you crack me up! I think Garth Brooks is a great guess, and was thinking that too.

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  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I don't think #4 is Keith Urban...I think if Keith gave Nicole an STD ...Ent would be jumping up and down again.
    I like the Cox/Arquette guess for #3. I can see someone with a small child letting Daddy come home for Christmas.

  49. #2 is TOMKAT. Jumping up and down refers to Tom on the Oprah show.

  50. Garth Brooks is married to Trisha Yearwood.

  51. Pope-rah, Dr. Phil for number two is really great! The thought that he would risk ruining his career by being a hypocrite is making ME want to jump up and down, too!!

  52. #2-Affleck and Garner?

  53. Tom Cruise does make sense if you think about jumping up and down, and the name recognition being A, though the work is only B. EL can't believe he cheated....with a woman...probably with Leelee Sobieski. How funny would that be knowing what a closet gay he is?

  54. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Woo woo, I love the Affleck and Garner guess!!!

    I TOTALLY love the TomKat guess, but I can't see Katie having the power to kick Tom out of any house. Although that one would make me jump up and down.

  55. I also believe #2 is TomKat.

    With Andrew Morton's book coming out, Tom needs all the anti-publicity he can get to seem hetero. "I can't be gay--I was caught cheating...with a WOMAN."

    On the other hand, I can also see Katie accidentally wandering to Tom's bedroom to see him with another man.

  56. I agree with Jen and Ben Affleck for No. 3. They're rarely photographed together these days and it's been rumoured since the Chicago premiere of Gone Baby Gone that he's back on the booze. If true, it's very sad when he has such a great family.

  57. Ok, I'm on on the Garner Affleck train. I guess I really can't remember the last time I saw pictures of them together and the Arquettes were around in pictures this week.
    I would love to know who #1 is.

  58. #1. ) David Faustino aka Bud Bundy.

  59. #1) Not anyone from "Married with Children". The men are hardly B list.

    #2) Not TomKat unless it's a publicity stunt. Katie has been in on the deception since their very first, date.

    I think a more surprising guess would be Dr. Phil. He has a whole lot more riding on his marriage than most celebs.

    #3) Unfortunately I think this is Jen & Ben.

    #4) ???


  61. #2 - I think JLo and Stickboy are the best guess. They did that movie together that tanked, her album didn't do well, and the reason they "can't stop appearing in public together" is because she's pregnant. It would look really bad if he weren't around anymore. What other couples HAVE to appear in public together??

  62. Anonymous10:17 PM

    1. No idea - I am clueless with current television shows

    # 2. I agree it can't be TomKat - Tom has the power in that relationship.

    # 2 again: Beckhams would surprise me only in that it isn't hard to think Becks might have cheated - not nice to think it - they have 3 kids and some serious longevity in the marriage - but come on - who doesn't think he is hot? He must get hit on by everyone he meets. Which is why I don't think it would be all that surprising or make anyone jump up and down or go crazy.

    # 2 again: Skeletor and JLo is a good guess as it would be a really rotten time to cheat on her and she's definitely the pretty in that package. But who else would sleep with Skeletor? Ew. Still, a good guess. He would have to be an idiot to cheat

    # 2 again: Heidi and Seal. Hate to think it would be them, but that would be really shocking. ANd it would get the shocked disbelief reaction from just about every man on the planet. Best guess so far (I think).

    # 3 is probably Ben & Jen. If so, very sad.

    # 4 is a piss poor strategy. Expect to see the singer appear in many blinds if he is dumb enough to keep up his road kills after getting burned. Hope the wife gets his money.

  63. 1. David Faustino. Perfect match.
    2. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. I just want to know if Tom Cruise cheated with Will Smith or not. Those two are so gay lovers.
    3. Will Smith and Jada Pickett Smith. Let's be real, if kids weren't involved and if he wasn't pimping them out in his movies, they would be divorced.
    4. Keith Urban. I would be shocked if it's Tim McGraw. He doesn't let anyone on his bus after concert hours and has spoken against groupies to the point of banning them.

  64. 1---don't know
    2---def. not Seal and Heidi; they have both had successes guess is Marc and JLo
    3---I'm thinking Affleck/Garner or Arquettes
    4---don't know country


  65. oh, right and then there's the pic of JLo directly below this with glasses: "or is she so...blind" --- looks like #2 to me

  66. I really like the Rebecca Romjin/Jerry O'Connell guess for #2. Ent has made it quite clear several times that he thinks O'Connell is a lucky bastard who married way above, so it makes perfect sense to me.

    No clue about the others though.

  67. I just had second thoughts... What if "behavior" referred to beating? Then the short visits over the holidays would be a result of simple fear. So him having "to straighten out" could mean undergoing therapeutical treatment.

  68. christopher meloni for #1? i can't think of any other actors who are on hit network shows that are primarily known for tv acting (EL didn't say television/film actor) and are married with children. he also just seems like he'd do drugs...

  69. Agree not Heidi/ Seal-- they both are riding high in respective professions...

  70. acetomato777 pretty much said what I was thinking for #2.

    The guy who cheated is either crazy because she's so beautiful, or crazy because she's his only chance at a meal ticket. That eliminates Tony Parker and Eva Longoria, because he has his own career and while she's beautiful, he could have any number of beautiful women.

    I like either Jennifer Lopez + Marc Anthony or Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O'Connell.

    Although the Dr. Phil guess is mega-fun, I've never seen his wife so I'm thinking the "can't stop appearing in public together" part doesn't fit.

  71. Just thinking out loud here -

    We can't be guessing Jen and Ben for #2, if we also thought he was the one having an affair with the TJ hooker/nanny who is now having his baby with his wife's approval. So, if you're staying with Ben and Jen for #2, then who is the guy with the pregnant Tijuana hooker/nanny? Plus EL doesn't think that highly of Jen that he'd write, "I can't believe he cheated on her." He WOULD write that about Marc Anthony and JLo, though. He might also write that about Rebecca and Jerry, only Rebecca cut down on modeling a while ago and seems to be doing well now that she's on Ugly Betty. As much as I like the jumping up and down connection to Tom Cruise, I think EL is just using that expression to tell us he'd be THAT happy. And since he said we'd be jumping up and down, too, and a lot of us express disdain over Marc Anthony, but not over Jerry, it's probably Marc and JLo.

  72. Dr. Phil's wife appears on his show everyday with him. She's supposedly getting her own show which makes me think that might be why she'd take him back.

    From the wording of the blind though, I dunno.

    Could be Seal and Heidi and they can't stop appearing in public together since they're dueting on that new song now..

  73. #1. rob lowe #2. a-list doing b- list work catherine z j and michael douglas #3. courtney and david #4.big kenny alphin

  74. #2 Yo - JUMP UP & DOWN. CRAZY. This is definitely Tom and Katie.

  75. Does LeeLee have a PeePee?

    Maybe she's a tranny

  76. Kids, there's no freaking way Kate could kick Tom out of his house. Who would have to leave? His mom, his sisters, his kids, his scientology handlers who live way. No way. He's not having random affairs with people. Scientology sex partners, maybe, but only people who've been screened and like, lobotomized for that purpose and are chained to some cellblock in Clearwater.

    I also think Big and Rick for #4. Who's #1?

  77. Why would any couple without children be an answer for # 2? Jerry and Rebecca would just split up for the holidays, or stay separate places or something. No, #2, as someone pointed out, has to be a couple with children because that would be the only reason to be together on christmas. And small children-teens don't care. Exit Dr. Phil as an answer.

    Also, seal and heidi and heidi's mom are in Aspen, all together.

  78. I think #2 is Eva and Tony. Haven't seen them together since they got married, it comes out allegedly he cheated, and now you see them together all the time, the blind item doesn't indicate at all that they have children it says he will probably be allowed back in the house because they can't stop appearing in public together. IMO

  79. no. 2 is Skeletor for sure. Besides the J-Lo give away photo below (which should be enough of a hint for you guys)... she has not been photographed with him of late. A list celebs yes, but strictly B list (or even c) if you count their strings of box office bombs (particularly that Hector Levoe disaster). Plus J-Lo's last album tanked.

    And he once had a big hit with song 'Crazy For Your Love'.

  80. #1 I'd like to know but have no guesees
    #2 JLo & Skeletor...she runs that family
    #3 Please don't be Ben & Jen! I love them.
    #4 Keith Urban. Is Nicole Kidman really going to admit to another failed marriage?

  81. Could #2 be Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos? I just saw a story about her "storming out" of somewhere because of his 'other woman.'

  82. Anonymous11:32 PM

    #2 I like JLo and Skeletor more and more. Doesn't he have a history of cheating on a beauty queen wife already?

    Chris Meloni is hot. Anyone who can make a gay sexual predator/killer sexy to me is uber hot. White hot.

  83. #2 sounds like eva & tony. she is a publicity addict.
    #4 may be "big kenny" of big and rich

  84. Could #4 be Willie Nelson?..gross but who knows...

  85. My 1st thought for #3 was Ben and Jen. back to back could point to back to back Jen and Jen....A list film-Good Will couple-Electra?

  86. My guesses:

    1. I have no clue. Have I missed something about Chris Meloni? He seems to be a guess for a lot of blind items. Also, I think that he would be considered A list, wouldn't he? Television-wise? Isn't he the star of SUV? And before that he was on Oz. Also he also does act in movies (love him in Harold & Kumar). Maybe I'm in denial about him. I love crazy Stabler.

    2. J. Lo and Marc Antony sound right because of the random photos and her being blind.

    3. Could be Dr. Phil (I think very small children might not be aware, but teens definitely would, and care), but it does sound like it could be Ben & Jen (although again the young children and not being really aware). Wasn't he a reveal for being off the wagon?

  87. Oh, and for #4? I have no idea. I can't imagine it being Faith Hill and Tim McGraw since I think she'd kick his ass. Remember that whole thing with a fan touching his ass? I don't think she'd simply be pissed.

    Very bad of me, but I want it to be Toby Keith because he seems like suck a sanctimonious ass.

  88. I don't have any guesses, just wanted to say Merry Christmas to ENT and everybody here!

  89. anyone else thinking rob lowe for #1??

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  91. 1. Patrick Dempsey
    2. David Arquette/Courtney Cox
    3. Michelle Williams/Heath Leger
    4. Keith Urban/Nicole Kidman

  92. OMG anac- I would never have guessed, but could SO see it being Toby Keith for #4!!!

  93. I am hesitant to write this, but I'm going to endure the beating I will probably take on this.
    I think #2 is Bill and Hillary Clinton.

    Here's why:
    1) ENT only says that they are celebrites. He does not specify that they are actors/singers as he usually does.
    2) "Their recent results". This struck me as odd as "results" is a turn usually used in elections and polls.
    3) No suprise in Bill cheating, but if he has cheated NOW it could blow all of Hillary's chances in the polls.
    4) They CANNOT stop being in public together at this time. Not because they don't want to be separated, but because she NEEDS him to be around right now.
    5) I think the crazy comment meant that he can't believe he cheated on her RIGHT NOW right before a presidental election.

    Hopefully, this will be one that ENT clarifies. ENT, could you at least denounce this guess?
