Friday, December 14, 2007

Four For Friday

#1 This divorced A list rock star God and father, takes his invincibility to a whole other level when he is self medicating. When he does, his guns come out and his clothes come off. Recently he and his "doctor" were naked except for machine guns and night vision glasses when the police found them. Neighbors in his LA community had called police to report machine gun fire and loud screaming and yelling. When the cops showed up they found our rock star and his "doctor" in the above stated positions. Sure they had been firing away, and should have gone to jail. Instead the police asked about the guns and asked for autographs.

#2 This lead singer from one of the greatest bands of all time has always been known as a ladies man. He was, but no longer. Now he much prefers the company of men. As in, never goes out with women anymore despite what he publicly professes.

#3 B list film actor in top 15 film each of the past two years is starting to get a little crazy. Seems his drug habit is getting out of hand. Not in the amount of money he spends, but what happens when he gets wasted. After three hellacious nights of partying, a friend of our actor came over to the actor's house and saw that the actor had taken $20 bills and made wallpaper out of them. There were over $25,000 in $20 bills glued to the wall of one of the bedrooms. Glued as in never usable.

#4 This Idol star is in negotiations with an adult magazine to shed her good girl image and to reveal all in an upcoming pictorial. Right now there is a $2M offer sitting on the table.


  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    #2 - MICK JAGGER???????????

  2. #2Bono?????????????????????

  3. I gotta say Mick Jagger #2...there were rumors about him back in the 80's.

  4. Paul
    Catherine Mcfee

    totally wrong im sure.

  5. Paul McCartney & guns don't mesh for me.

  6. 1. Mick Jagger
    2. Steven Tyler
    3. Juaquin Phoenix
    4. Kitty McPhee

    first thoughts that came to mind on all 4

  7. #1 Ted Nugent loves guns, but I don't think he lives in L.A. I don't think he's divorced either.

    #2 Mick Jagger. He hasn't been linked to anyone in a long time.


    #4 Katherine McPeePee

  8. #4 has got to be McPheever.

  9. #1 How about Steven Tyler with the guns?

    #2 Robert Plant/Jimmy Page. I always forget which one's the singer.

  10. WHAT???? Robert Plant is the singer.
    My god give me a heart attack.

  11. Anonymous2:16 PM

    No chance that #4 is Kellie Pickler?

  12. 1. Kid Rock -- Rock N Roll Jesus

    2. Mick

    3. No idea

    4. McPheever

  13. #1 Mick Jagger
    #2 Stephen Tyler
    #3 Shia Labouf
    #4 could be latoya london, kat mcphee, or that one girl from season one everyone thought would win????

  14. Jax, I'm sorry. Let me be redeemed by at least saying that I really do enjoy their music.

  15. 1. Sounds like someone in Malibu. I'd say Ted Nugent except he is clean as a whistle and is never in CA.

    2. Not Jagger. Mick is just too middle class and boring - even in his hay day. Maybe Bryan Ferry? David Lee Roth? Billy Corbin? I'm trying to think of any lead singer who makes my gay sense tingle.

    3. Pheonix is a great guess. How does a vegan boy raised to hate the modern world deal with being rich, anyway?

    4. no idea, never watched AI.

  16. What about Gene Simmons for number 2? I mean, KISS always call themselves the best band ever, and Gene has made a name for himself as a ladies man.

    Personally, I would laugh my ass off if Gene Simmons switched teams.

  17. 1) Not sure if it's a clue but back in the day the slogan went Clapton = God.

    2) Jagger

    3) I love the Joaquin guess

    4) Not sure

  18. Butterfly -Good Lord if Kid Rock is an A list Rockstar God I'm marrying George Clooney on Saturday night!!!!

    Trix - good guess - it could be pickler or mcphee hmmmmm

    Ashley - NOOOOO not my Shia!

  19. #3 so reminds me of Empire Records, when the main char. glues all the change to the floor, and giving warren the "I don't have to explain my art to you."

    Heh, if I had millions I'd probably use a coupla thousand for wallpaper. And the KLF burned a million quid for their art. I dunno, maybe I live in a different world, but the whole thing doesn't seem strange to me.


  20. For # 1, some of the guesses above are interesting, but remember, this person is divorced and lives in LA. Not sure where he lives, but Eric Clapton is married (again), I thought Mick lived in London, although he does have a long-term girlfriend, L'Wren Scott, who I think lives in LA. Ted Nugent/guns makes a lot of sense, but I think he lives in Detroit. So I'm totally stumped.

    # 2 - Gene Simmons would be hilarious, but I doubt it's him.

    # 3 - Joaquin Phoenix is a great guess

    # 4 - my first thought was Kelli Pickler.

  21. i though Pickler at first too..but acts of desperation smack of McFee.

  22. Rebecca you are forgiven but for penance you must listen to stairway to heaven twice back to back. hope you're not too busy tonight...

  23. Anonymous2:44 PM

    well, for desperation it smacks of for stupidity, it smacks of Kellie! I guess we'll all see!

    As for #3 Joaquin was my first thought.

  24. #1 It didn't say lead singer - how about Slash?
    #2 Mick Jagger - first thought only thought
    #3 MMMMM
    #4 thought Pickler, but its probably McFever since she doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

  25. OFF TOPIC from PAGE SIX:

    WHICH legendary actor's wife recently sold their luxurious Manhattan condo to a couple who later found hidden closed-circuit cameras in the guest bedroom and guest bathroom during a gut renovation of the apartment?

    Who do you think this is? I have no clue.

  26. 1. I have no clue.
    2. Mick Jagger.
    3. I have no clue but if he wanted the money back, all he needs is a hair dryer on direct heat. The heat would melt the glue and he could get the money off the wall. A blow torch would work also.
    4. Definately Katharine McPhee. Perfect fit with the clues. She has said that she is taking on darker roles to show more sides to herself and she joked around lately that she would go nude if her career needed it. Well I guess now is the time since her album tanked.

  27. twisted - how about Robert De Niro and his wife Grace Hightower?

  28. twisted sister some say Grace Hightowner Robert DeNiro's wifey...

    I belive Number Two is David Lee Roth from Van Halen he's turned completely gay.

  29. I think number one is Tommy Lee. Or at least someone from Motley Crue. The reason for this is the album/ song title of theirs, "Dr. Feelgood". The song is about a drug dealer. The BI is about him and his "doctor".

  30. #1 Tommy Lee? He would get naked for sure.. Hmm, the "doctor" could that be someone famous too?

    #2 Not Mick. Spent New years with him on Bali once, def NOT gay.

    #3 I´m on the Joaqin train

    #4 No idea

  31. Damn it harriet, you beat me to it!

  32. #1 has to be someone that would drop your jaw--the cops basically dropped what they were doing and wanted to get autographs and talk. the one and only ROCK GOD=ERIC CLAPTON. Enty doesn't say if he's remarried, just that he's divorced. Clapton still fits, and is definitely 'invincible'. Famous father, obviously.
    Tommy Lee is a good guess, but he doesn't bring a lot of attention to his kids. I wouldn't use "famous father" as a prime descriptive, is what I'm saying.

    #2. My first thought was Robert Plant...Led Zepplin=One of the Greatest Bands of All Time. No two bands have influenced the modern or new rock movement more than Led Zepplin and Velvet Underground. Lou Reed is very well known as bi, but Robert Plant was always known as someone that would screw anything female.

    3. Love the Joaquin Phoenix guess, but is he B list? I always thought, with the name anyway, that he'd be A.

    4. First thought Kelly Pickler--isn't McPhee already buiding her own reputation as a diva? Playboy is one of those mags you, as an actress, go to when you need a boost to your career--McPhee's doing okay, I hear. ;)

  33. oooh how very pervy.

    "you pervin at me? i think you're pervin at me?"

    god i so hope its De Niro.

  34. Surfer and Dee Dee - great guess! I couldn't think of who lives in NYC. Duh me.


  35. majik - you're right in that Enty doesn't say anything about being "remarried," and Eric Clapton is known as a "rock God." Not so Tommy Lee, nor is he A-list by any stretch of the imagination. I also like David Lee Roth for # 2.

  36. twisted - glad to throw my two cents in, for what it's worth!

  37. With all of Joaquin Phoenix's award noms, I have a hard time seeing him as B-list.

  38. Irishstayc said...
    Butterfly -Good Lord if Kid Rock is an A list Rockstar God I'm marrying George Clooney on Saturday night!!!!

    oK, so Kid isn't an A lister. It's the first name that came to mind due to his current single and he fits all the other clues - he's a single father, he's divorced, he owns guns and he has a home in CA.

    I've lurked since the beginning but only just recently started commenting because I'm not as good at guessing the blinds like some people. Personally, I think #1 is more likely Eric Clapton.

  39. #2, Vince Neil or um, Bret Michaels
    #3, I like Joaquin for this
    #4, I don't watch Idol, so *shrug*

  40. Butterfly, just jump in any time. I suck at these but it doesn't stop

  41. joaquin had no movie in 2006.

  42. Is James Hetfield still married?

    From their website: "James is the main songwriter in Metallica, co-creating the framework and structure for most Metallimaterial. When he's not writing, singing or playing, James enjoys a variety of outdoor activities including hunting, snowboarding, water and jet-skiing, sketching, annoying neighbors with guns and loud pipes on his chopper "The Saga",

  43. #1 How about Eddie Van Halen?

    #2 - I like Mick for his past rumors of being bi (David Bowie)

    #3 - J Rhys Myers? Shia La Douche?

    #4 - Clay Aiken?

  44. Keith Richards for #1 He is notorious for whipping out a gun if Mick Jagger's name is mentioned.

  45. Keith Richards is married.

    I agree about David Lee Roth for #2, even if I don't see how it could be fresh news.

  46. Mcphee isn't worth 2 million.

    Carrie Underwood however..

  47. 1. IDK
    2. David Lee Roth - not news but maybe he wanted to bring that item out of the closet with them on tour again.
    3. ?
    4. Pickler. Underwood is doing so well she had nothing to gain from it. McPhee might consider it, but my money's on Pickler and her implants.

    The Page Six one above: I have no idea why I thought of them, but what if it's Tony Randall's widow. Their Central Park condo was for sale a while back (saw pictures posted somewhere - the place is fabulous). He's legendary and the BI is phrased like the actor's no longer in the picture.

  48. I say it's Robert Plant. He is reported to have shouted out "I am a golden god!" and spends time in LA and UK.

  49. #3 - Orlando Bloom?

    2 Top 15 Films:
    2006 - Pirates 2
    2007 - Pirates 3

  50. #1 Sounds like Tommy Lee to me.

    #2 Definitely David Lee Roth. Back in the day, everyone knew a girl DLR had slept with. Now, everyone knows he's a mo.

    #3 No clue.

    #4 Sounds like K. McPhee.

  51. I vote Pickler for #4.

  52. Mick has been rumoured to swing both ways for years-he was even discovered naked in bed with David Bowie (can't remember by whom right at the moment)

  53. #3 has to be owen wilson - 2005's wedding crashers and 2006's cars. gotta be.

  54. ellen- that's where i was...owen. then i read again "starting to get a little crazy"...owen, starting? now this one's a nutball... but, i was also thinking Robin Williams(night at the museum and robots). i just can't go B list with him though. we're missing someone...

  55. i think the clue is saying top 15, not 10. one of the two years, the movie is in the bottom 5 (of the 15). i'm also thinking 2005 and 2006. it's possible ENT is going with 2007 with the gross so far this year. thoughts?

  56. 1. Steven Tyler
    2. Paul McCartney.
    3. Vince Vaughn
    4. Carrie Underwood.

  57. I love that someone thinks Poison is one of the greatest bands of all time!!!
    #1 I know he is not technically a rock star but what about Michael Jackson- invincible album, divorced, father...Nevermind there is no way its him
    #3 what about Ben Foster- is he B list? He has won a bunch of awards. X-Men 3 and 3:10 to Yuma.

  58. For 2 - John Lydon (Johhny Rotten) of the Sex Pistols. Leaving his missus for his best (male) mate.

    Orlando is a good guess for the drug one, but I would say he's A list. He was the answer, I think, to the one about the star who was introduced to crystal meth at the Playboy Mansion and now cant get enough. Boy's been looking rough lately.

  59. #1 rod stewart
    #2 mick
    #3 orlando
    #4 katherine? carrie?

  60. #3 will arnett 2007 ratatouille and 2006 ice age: the meltdown

  61. About #2 -

    Johnney Rotten was never a ladies man.

    Mick and Bowie were NOT caught in bed naked together. That was a rumour based on a spurious quote by some girlfriend or wife who said she found them passed out in something like a bed.

  62. Whitedragon, had you asked me in 1989, I would have agreed that Poison was one of the geatest bands of all time. I would also readily have referred to Tommy Lee as a "Rock God". They had some pretty catchy tunes back in the day. They may be douches now, but it's douchebaggery well deserved if you ask me ;)

    Still love old pictures of Bret Michaels though. Mmmmm. Men with lip gloss.

  63. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Is there any reason why #4 wouldn't be Kelly Clarkson? She was the winner, but Ent has been known to omit some details to make the blind harder. She's definitely a "good girl" and needs the publicity after her album bombed.

  64. Anonymous8:45 AM

    #1 I agree with Charlie... it would sound like someone from Motley Crue... but I would say Nikki Sixx... i've just read his Heroin Diaries and that BI sounds ALOT like him.. and he's recently divorced and has kids...

    #2 - Robert Plant? I hope not but... whenever he goes out (award shows) he never has a date... always with one of the kids from his ex-bandmates (Led Zeppelin)

    #3 Joaquin Phoenix sounds good to me...

  65. #1 steven tyler

    #2 david lee roth

    #3 joaquin phoenix

    #4 kellie pickler

    tyler was/ is a heavy duty partier..roth switched teams in the 90's, I can just see joaquin, grinning madly, cackling and humming to himself as he was busy gluing and pickler is proud of those new girls.....I could see her taking them out for a stroll.

  66. joaquin does not have a 2006 movie

  67. Mick is definitely number 2. If you read any of Pamela Des Barres' books, there are many mentions of his bisexuality with a strong preference for men.

    He actually had a long relationship with David Bowie according to her, and other sources listed in "Let's Spend the Night Together".

  68. I get the feeling #2 is someone you'd never guess. Mick Jagger has been rumoured to be bisexual for a long time.

    Speaking of Mick Jagger, wasn't there also a rumour about him, Marianne Faithful, and a Mars bar being

  69. No. 2 is Roth. If you lived on lower east side of Manhattan, its not exactly a secret last 20 years. Kind of ironic, given the manufactured 'ladies man' rep.

  70. Joaquin's last hit film was in 2005 (Walk the Line) and I'm not sure if that was even in the top 15. It's not him.

  71. PS, I think #3 could be Orlando Bloom. Johnny Depp is A-List, Orlando is B-List and can't carry a film on his own. I also think he and Kate Bosworth were huge cokeheads when they were together, so I could seem him having a serious drug problem that has continued.

  72. for the rock star switching teams i am going to take a gander at AXL ROSE.

  73. #1 is Eddie Van Halen ... he fits the description, especially as a rock "God" that would make the cops starry-eyed.

  74. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Van Halen is on tour... plus Eddie went to rehab for alcoholism.

  75. "Is there any reason why #4 wouldn't be Kelly Clarkson?" Her body. It's fine by "normal person" standards, but she so does not have a Playboy body. Yes, there's photoshopping, but to have her in "Playbody" shape, would be a major undertaking.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. 1. Jagger. he's wack.
    3. Phoenix
    4. Definitely Pickler and her new shoes. She's desperate for fame. McPhee's already settled a bit and has the movies going for her.

  78. Isn't Kelly Pickler country? That doesn't seem to fit then...

  79. 1. Keith Richards - he always looks half dead and ENT makes reference to the person being invicible. He stayed awake for 9 days on drugs one time!
    2. I agree - David Lee Roth
    3. These were the only starts with top 15 movies in 2005 & 2006 -my guess is Owen Wilson

    Johnny Depp (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Pirates of the Caribbean,)
    Ben Stiller (Madagascar, Night at the Museum)
    Owen Wilson, (Wedding Crashers, Cars)
    Patrick Stewart (Chicken Little, X-Men: the Last Stand)
    Will Smith (Hitch, Pursuit of Happyness)
    Adam Sandler (Longest Yard, Click)
    Tom Cruise, (Wars of the Worlds, Mission Impossible III)
    4. Kimberly Caldwell - I forget which season she was - but she hosts some Access Hollywood or ET Tonight type show. Katharine McPhee just got engaged - I doubt she is going to bare all. Laura - you're right - Kellie Pickler and Carrie Underwood are doing really went right now in the Country market - plus - I can't remember when a country star was in an adult magazine.

  80. OK, what about Fantasia for #4? She did the movie about herself, has the whole pulled-up-by-her-bootstraps story, and take a look at some of the stuff she wears in her videos ... that girl's dying to take it all off and play sexy.

    Agree with David Lee Roth for #2 ... he lost me with the Hee-Haw version of "Jump".

    Dunno who's plastering money to his walls, but money becomes meaningless to these guys anyway ... but if "the last 2 years" is 2005 and 2006, I'm guessing Owen Wilson.

  81. #2 could be Paul Stanley...

  82. #1 jagger or tommy lee, #2 roth, #3will arnett, #4 kelly c

  83. #1 takes his invincibility to a whole other level
    Keith Richards should have died a long time ago, according to himself. He said that in an interview last year right after he fell down that palm tree and wasn't really hurt. He said this with a clear reference to his drug use over the years, to prevent fans from taking any drugs because he said it's not the usual way a body responds to such an amount of drugs and regular use over the years as his body does.

    #2 could be Bono or Mick IMO

    #3 Joaquin wasn't in a top 15 movie last year but it would fit, hehe. Love him!

    #4 no idea

  84. Keith Richards is actually quite a good guess, but does he live in L.A.?

  85. Oh and I have been convinced for years that Paul Stanley is gay. My husband says it's blasphemy, but P.S. just pings my 'dar.

  86. as far as i know keith is still married

  87. Key in #2 is "one of the greatest bands of all time". This rules out Motley Crue, Van Halen, etc. in terms of popular perception. Mick is too easy. What about the Who? Led Zeppelin's Robert Plant...Bono is married, and actually married married so he's not a choice. Steven Tyler I guess, if Aerosmith can qualify... As far as #1, I vote Nugent, or Eddie Van Halen, probably the latter.

  88. Also, if Mick were ever gay, he'd be dead now since he was and is one of the biggest philanderers ever.

  89. 1- Eddie Van Halen (Song Clue-Somebody Get Me A Doctor)

    2- David Lee Roth?

    3- Owen Wilson? (Based on Allison's top 15 movies)

    4- Kellie Pickler?

  90. Harriet Hellfire said...
    Oh and I have been convinced for years that Paul Stanley is gay. My husband says it's blasphemy, but P.S. just pings my 'dar.
    A co-worker's friend claims Paul came onto him in NYC in the 80's. Guy was hanging out with him at a party, they caught a cab to go somewhere else and in the cab, Paul's hand was suddenly rubbing the guy's upper thigh. Guy mumbled some excuse and got out of the cab. End of story.

  91. #1 Richie Sambora (Is there a doctor in the house as yelled by Jon Bon Jovi at the start of Bad Medicine) or I would guess Tommy Lee, both live in LA.

    #2 Peter Frampton, he was a ladies man in his day but now, I am not so sure. At a concert here in Southern California (about 3 years ago) a woman went up to the stage for a kiss and he would not kiss her, he says, "hon you don't know where these lips have been", she never got her kiss. Not the greatest band but certainly a band that made its mark.

    #3 Thinking Jamie Foxx for this one, but really we need more clues!

    #4 Totally Kat for this one!

  92. My first thought for #4 was Kellie Pickler
