Friday, December 07, 2007

Four For Friday

#1 - This B list television actress. I say B list because she is on a hit network show. It is an ensemble, but she is one of the stars, and thus, B list. If she was just a recurring character, than maybe a C. Anyway, she lives with a guy. Not a celebutard. He is a celebrity. Can't say what he does because it would give it away. If he was an actor I would say it, so that should give you some help. Anyway, turns out that our actress refuses to have sex with him. Yep. She only had sex with him until they moved in together. Now, all she does is yell at him, and call him names. Oh, and dresses him in her clothes. He puts up with it though. For now.

#2 - This one is kind of common knowledge, but thought you might get a kick out of guessing. This aging film actress from a very famous family and in a very famous entertainment case was at a party once. In front of her was what she guessed was a small bowl of sugar. She scooped out most of it and placed it in her coffee cup. Turns out it wasn't sugar, but instead was a bowl of cocaine worth about a thousand dollars. The hostess was not pleased and the actress was never invited back.

#3 - This married A list film actor with child(ren) dropped off his car with valet at a restaurant in LA. When the valet got into the car, there was a horrible smell coming from the car that could only be described as something dead. There was nothing actually in the car, but it seemed like it was coming from the trunk. The valet told his boss, and instead of asking the actor about it, called the cops. The cops came, smelled the same thing, and went and got the actor and asked him to open the trunk. Two dead bunnies inside. Seems they had dies three days earlier and he just hadn't got around to throwing them away and had been sitting in his trunk for three days. The cops took them for him.

#4 - B list film actress. I say B list based entirely on name recognition. Everyone knows she is an actress, but honestly it seems like forever since she has been in anything. A+ name recognition though. Bit of a drug problem. OK, more than bit. A lot. A bunch. She could keep the cartels in business by herself. She needs to go to rehab. The whole family knows she needs to go rehab, but she thinks she can do it on her own. Doesn't want the stigma attached to her about rehab. She is not one of those people who seeks out publicity and certainly not for that. She has been quietly meeting a counselor for several hours each day, and trying to make it. If she doesn't make it through though, don't be surprised if she disappears for awhile. If she does go to rehab, it will not be in the US or anywhere in the Western Hemisphere.


  1. Sorry, redacted based on "She is not one of those people who seeks out publicity "

  2. A shot in the dark here, but could # 2 be Angelica Houston——aging film actress from a very famous family?

  3. #4 Lucy Liu? (the Western Hemisphere comment leads me to believe it's an Asian actress)

  4. Lucy Liu makes a LOT of sense but she's in that new show on ABC... something Cashmere.

    As far as the rabbit blind, the cops should have looked into animal cruelty. That's disgusting and uncalled for.

  5. Could 4 be Sarah Michelle Gellar? She hasn't been in anything in a long time, and she is always going to Japan for stuff.

  6. #1 - Teri Hatcher
    #2 - no clue, but I'm surprised she didn't overdoese
    #3 - who cares
    #4 - no clue

  7. #1 - Nicolette Sheridan
    #2 - Shirley MacLaine

  8. your #1 guess Kory. Is Shirley McLaine's family famous?

  9. #3 sounds like tom cruise for some reason. Maybe it's the "child(ren)" part - makes me think of Suri and then his two adopted kids.

  10. Shirley MacLaine's brother is Warren Beatty. Google this incident...

  11. Oh I LOVE Nicolette for #1

  12. #1 - Nicollette Sheridan matches.

    She's a regular on a hit ensemble and she's living with Michael Bolton who's a musician and famous in his own right.

    Can anyone else see her yelling at him and making him play dress up?

  13. I can totally see Nicole making Michael Bolton play dress up.

  14. Nicolette for #1 - sounds promising.

    Here's a link to the Shirley MacLaine dipping into the cocaine ...

  15. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Nicollete was my first guess.

    Maybe one of the Gabors for that cocaine story?

  16. I thought Brad Pitt for #3. He seems the type to get distracted.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. 1. Jennifer Esposito
    2. I have no clue.
    3. That's just disturbing. I have no clue but it's just plain wrong.
    4. Sarah Michelle Gellar. The girl has lied for years about her good girl image even when caught.

  19. # 2 is clearly Shirley Mclaine. There was a huge story about it on several gossip websites recently, i'm surprised it's even a blind considering how widespread the story is.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I like Sarah Michelle for #4 - she always sounds slightly congested.

  22. 1: has Nicollette Sheridan written all over it. This is similar to they way she treated the last guy she was engaged to. From all accounts she is horrible and crazy.

    Hmmm not sure about SMG for #4. The 'whole family' bit makes me think she comes from a famous family and that's why she has A+ name recogniton.
    RRamblings - can you please elaborate on SMG being caught comment - do u mean she's not so nice or that she's been caught doing drugs?

  23. Sarah Michelle Gellar has built her reputation on being the non-smoking, non-drinking, non-partying good girl. A few New York gossip blogs like Gawker started documenting the fact that she was a party girl who had a penchant for late nights, alcohol, and anything smokable or sniffable and she had to do a whole I'm a good girl press tour to try to salvage her reputation. Standard PR backtracking and denying. This was after Buffy ended and before she made the D-level horror movie of the week. Thus, Sarah Michelle Gellar being #4 wouldn't surprise me in the least. If she needed help, she would just deny it.

  24. calista's little one is NOT the proper age for bunnies, dammit!!
    thanks alot, enty. if that had been a dog or a cat, people would be all over your ass.

    sorry, folks, go back before easter last year and check out the kindness that ent posted for me to see why i'm so pissed. whoever it was should have been arrested. in some counties, he would have been.

    i still love you, ent.


  26. not harrison, i missed the "married" duh!

  27. PLEAAAAASSSSSEEEEE let #1 be Bianca Kajlich! I would laugh hysterically for days.

  28. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Shirley's daughter is Carrie Fisher, so if it's already well known, I bet it's her.

    I thought of Jane Fonda, but I'll go with Shirley.

  29. I'm pretty sure Carrie Fisher's mother is Debbie Reynolds...Mclaine was just in "postcards from the edge" a movie made from the book Carrie wrote about her and her mother.

  30. #2 def Shirley
    #4 Kate Hudson?

  31. kinsey, you are correct.
    Debbie Reynold's is Carrie Fisher's mother.

    Nicollette is a great guess for #1.

    I really hope those bunnies were dead when he put them in the trunk- asshole.

  32. #4 ashley judd? reading it again it sounds just like her.....

  33. Wow! great deduction work! I never would have thought Nicolette Sheridan but it works, and while #2 is obviously Maclaine, #3 is I have no idea...#4 I'd say Kate Hudson is A list, wouldn't you? She could definitely get a picture made if she signed on. Gellar has been working. Kristan Dunst? Doesn't everyone know who she is but she's been completely unemployed for a long while..

  34. The cocaine one is in a tabloid... I think people or intouch. She didn't drink the coffee that's how she didn't o.d.

    The other day at work out of nowhere I thought the only way u can get this info is if your a tabloid lawyer or tabloid writer. 100% accessible to celeb photos and gossip. Not just a lawyer for celebs.

  35. OK, while it is weird that two dead bunnies were left in the trunk, I think because the star has kids, the bunnies died and he maybe wanted to spare his kids finding out, thus hiding them in his trunk until he could dispose of them. I dont know, the whole thing is just odd. Two bunnies? Putting them in the trunk? The actor not smelling them, but the valet guy and the cops can? WTF?

  36. For number 4, I am stuck on the 'whole family knows she needs to go to rehab.' That line makes me think a few things....1) A movie(s) with a family theme, 2)The actress comes from an acting family 3) the actress is from a culture where family is a big part of their lives, like Italian or maybe Japanese. There is just something about that sentence that sticks out, but I can't figure it out....

  37. The more i think about number 4, I think it is kate hudson. She comes from an acting family (hence the whole family thing) and I don't think she likes publicity all that much. just recently, she was in NY and when a photographer tried to tape her, she pointed to michelle williams, who was across the street to draw attention away from herself. She does seem to fit the clues. I can in no way see her wanting to admit she has a problem. Plus, she is pictured right below the BI's.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. 1. Heigl & Josh Kelley?

  40. randomramblings - thanks for the dish on SMG.
    You're right in that she has always painted herself as being this hard working, non-drinking, perfect princess. I've certainly heard from several reliable sources that she is quite horrible but I'd never heard about her inner party girl. Nothing would me suprise me though because I'm convinced her marriage is a sham and if you can tell a big lie like that...

  41. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I think the Kate Hudson #4 guess is excellent. She is definitely a B can't be A when you never make movies. Plus I saw some recent pics where she was looking very rough.

  42. 4 : Patricia Arquette ? Famous family, B list name recognition but hasn't been in anything for a while, def. not publicity hungry, starred in a movie called "Stigmata" (hence the "stigma" thing in the BI)... could be her.

  43. Kate Hudson is always filming sonething....she's been working plenty, so I don't think #4 is her.
    Plus, ENT LOVES Kate, so I don;t think he'd put a BI up about her.

  44. #2 couldn't possibly be Angelika Houston. She was arrested @ Jack Nicholson's house in the mid Seventies when the cops came for Roman Polanski (for having sex w/ a 13 year old girl). She had a small vial of cocaine in her purse and the charges later were dropped.

  45. Patricia Arquette is the star of the NBC show Medium, which does pretty well and has new episodes starting in Jan. So writer's strike notwithstanding, she's working.

    I like the Kate Hudson guess - she's really become a loose cannon since her divorce.

  46. i think #4 could be kate hudson or kirsten.

  47. I'm going to take a guess on number four and say that the answer is Kate Bosworth...

  48. ok kiddies, just guessing on a couple here.....

    #1 nicolette sheridan/eva longwhoria

    #2 it is shirley mcclaine

    #3 matt damon?????

    #4 mira sorvino????

  49. out on a limb, i am saying marissa tomei for 4.

  50. 1.Nicolette Sheridan. What can I do to get the image of Michael Bolton singing "How can we be lovers" in drag out of my head?

    2. Shirley McClaine. Batshit crazy but I love her anyway!

    3. This one stumps me. I'm not convinced its Tom (Were they a
    Scientology sacrifice?) and Brad has been in NoLa...

    4. I think its Kate Hudson. Homegirl has been looking kinda blearly in the press lately and the "family" comment makes me think its someone from a prominent fan.

    It could also be SMG because her career is stalling out(MAXIM?) so she would be known more for "being an actress" than her upcoming projects. Karma is a bitch!

  51. I'm sorry but the person who said that SMG is trying to play up this "good girl image" has it all wrong. SMG threw out that whole "good girl image" out the window when she did Cruel Intentions, which was back in 99. So no I don't think Sarah is the type of person who tries to be this "good girl" all the time. She doesn't seem like she gives a sh*t about what people think of her.

    So my guess for #4 is Kate Hudson. She is someone who seems like she doesn't like publicity unless she's doing a movie or something. She doesn't seem like a media whore and she definitely seems like she doesn't want a lot of attention. So if she does have a drug problem, she definitely does not want people to know or the paps will follow her around a lot more. And that comment Ent says "she thinks she can do it on her own" is definitely something I could see Kate Hudson saying. She probably thinks the drug thing is no big deal and she can figure it all out on her own. And what upcoming projects is Kate working on? SMG has been doing movies for a while now and "Southland Tales" is coming out pretty soon.

  52. #2 is not Shirley MacLaine unless she was involved in an entertainment case no one has ID'd.
    Angelica Huston, on the other hand, is from a famous film family AND was a witness in the Roman Polanski case. I think it's her.

  53. Honestly, a little research goes a long way. I hear you on the entertainment case part, it originally threw me off, but my friend Ms. Google showed me the light. Then I went to my other friend - Miss Wikipedia and found this:

    Twentieth Century-Fox offered her a role in another film, Big Country, Big Man, in hope of getting out of its contractual obligation to pay her for the cancelled film. MacLaine's refusal led to an appeal by Twentieth Century-Fox to the Supreme Court of California in 1970, where the Court ruled against them. Parker v. Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp., 474 P.2d 689 (Cal. 1970).

    Google: Shirley MacLaine Coke Coffee and you'll get lots of hits on the stories.

    Google Angelica Huston Coke Coffee and you'll get nada.

  54. I am afraid that the #4 item is Drew B. :(

  55. what about Winona Ryder for #4?

  56. Re #4, Lainey just posted a blind that sounds remarkably a lot like this one.

    Or maybe absolutely everyone in Tinsel Town is jacked up on coke.

  57. On Lainey's website: could it be the same blind?

    Some stars you look at with blinders on. She is for me one of those stars. But the glassy eyes are hard to excuse. And the thinnification too. Thinnification to get back to work and in her case assisted by good old cocaine which she apparently did in copious amounts on sets through summer and fall to stay alert and focused and un-hungry. Which is apparently always something she’s dabbled in, only before she was able to actually stop between gigs.

    This time however, even though she’s wrapped, she’s taken to taking it home, wreaking havoc in her family life and bringing on serious bouts of depression. After a particularly painful episode with a very young, very innocent witness, she finally went for help. The good news is she knows she needs to stop. And she has a supportive partner behind her. Word is, to avoid public scandal, she’s fighting the beast at home during the holidays under professional supervision.

    Wonderful news indeed.

  58. Not sure who #4 is.
    Kare Hudson is the answer to one of Lainey's recent blinds. (not a drug one!) I'd be surprised if she was the answer to this one, too.

  59. #4 Immediately struck me as Gwyneth. Lainey loves her and she's been out of the public eye for a while now.

  60. Some shelebs who seemed to have drastically thinnified and who haven't really been in anything major of late: Drew, CZJ, Uma, Liv Tyler, Kate Bosworth, Kiki Dunst, Amanda Peet, ... and still not ruling out Wynona or Kate Hudson.

  61. #4. BAAAAAA... *likely* Brittany Murphy. ?:[------...

    Well Ent. L.... are you going to Help Britt get HerSelf OFF OF *drugs* and DIVORCED from *that BLACKMAILING SKUM-jacka$$ KREEP* or WHAT?



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