Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Does Anyone Care If Nick And Vanessa Got Married?

On Friday, blogs around the world were breathless about Nick Lachey and Vanessa Lemon Jello getting married over the weekend in a secret ceremony. First of all, I don't know how secret it would be since you know that as cheap as Nick is and as publicity hungry as Lemon Jello is that they will have presold the photos to the wedding and reception to OK or something and the wedding night sex to Vivid.

That is the only way Nick is going to get married. If he can somehow make a profit out of it, and Vanessa is only doing it so she can at some point screw Nick enough where he will finally agree to another reality program before her body goes to crap and the world completely forgets about her.

Well after the big advance state of anxiety of a C list couple (maybe B in a blind item, but with explanation) getting married, there was just crickets chirping over the weekend. I never saw anything that said they got married. Until this morning. There was one website that I think extrapolated a secret wedding going to happen and turned it into a wedding did happen in the Bahamas. Problem was Nick was in Cincinnati working on a show for NBC, and also a show for MTV.

What is the MTV show? He knows what he needs to do to get paid. Besides, it's not like she would be the worst wife in the world and you know for a 100% fact that her dad couldn't be worse than Pimpa Joe and is probably not coming over and watching if you know what I mean.

The thing I hate most of all about this is that I don't really care whether they get married or not. I was actually going to write a story about Ryan White and AIDS and then decided I didn't want to piss everyone off so offered up some Nick and Vanessa fluff. Why do I care if they get married? I personally think they will never get married. I think to Nick she is probably a great friend and a great piece of ass and that he will stay with her as long as she is willing to be that. I think she is going to have to wait on the whole wedding thing for quite sometime because I know she won't sign a pre-nup, and I know Nick won't get married without one.


  1. Enty, I would love a Ryan White story. Who the hell would be pissed off about that?

  2. Ooops! Meant to add, who really cares about Nick and Vanessa Manillafolders anyway?

  3. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Princess was just thinking the same thing LOL. Let's have a serious story once in a while.

  4. Fuck the haters let's hear some Ryan White.

    I think the whole Nick thing happned like a game of telephone..some rag mag heard about Howie D from BSB getting hitched and ran with it..somehow it broke down to Nick Lachey.

  5. EL, you know I love you, but you've already managed to piss everybody off. Why stop now?

  6. I actually like Nick, he has always seemed like a pretty down to earth person, Hollywood hasn't totally gotten to his head yet...

    Curious what BI they could be the subject of....

  7. From the AP: ~As a Senate candidate in 1992, Huckabee told the AP in a questionnaire that "we need to take steps that would isolate the carriers of this plague" if the federal government was going to deal with the spread of the disease effectively. "It is the first time in the history of civilization in which the carriers of a genuine plague have not been isolated from the general population, and in which this deadly disease for which there is no cure is being treated as a civil rights issue instead of the true health crisis it represents," he said then.~
    Ryan's mom has requested a meeting with him. Huckabee's accepted and is back-pedalling on his 1992 comments. How vile and repulsive.

  8. He was at a club in Cincinnati where I was and since I have spoken with him a few times, I asked how the wedding was. Nick laughed and Vanessa looked mad. No one likes when he brings her into town.

  9. Nick is a very nice guy and is not just interested in making money. If he was, he would have stayed married to that cash cow and rode it all the way to the bank.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I've heard the same think about Nick Lachey, that he's a really normal, nice guy. Which bugs me because I really want to dislike him just for the awful songs he sings. Vanessa Minillo strikes me as smug, though. And fake.

  12. I have to agree that Nick seems normal enough and I give him props for dealing with Jessica and her messed up family. Vanessa on the other hand is just using this relationship as publicity to save her non-existant career. What does Vanessa do as a job?

  13. Good question-what DOES Vanessa do as a job?

    Anyhow, I noticed too and thought this weekend that the noise about their 'secret wedding' was odd...

    I guess it was on the tails of their irrelevant OK! Magazine cover...what was that even about?

    I love Nick-he's a man's man and seems genuine and hard working (from what I observed on the newlyweds show)

    But agree with EL, he summed up their relationship pretty spot on.

    Wonder what the BI they've been in could be!?!
