Friday, December 21, 2007

Did You Hear The One?

I don't know why didn't share this one last Christmas, but when I read the story about how Kathy Hilton rounded up donations from celebrities to auction them for Make A Wish it reminded me of it. Speaking of Kathy Hilton, and I do so with only great trepidation, the only reason anyone knows about her donation efforts is because she told all the media. No one was paying attention to her and what she was doing and that just didn't sit right with her, so she started calling the media to bring attention to what she was doing. Why can't anyone just do something just to do it? That is why I love the kindness blinds I run. The subjects are only doing it for good, and not the glory or pats on the back.

Anyway, last year this B list film actress with A+ name recognition was going through money at very healthy clip to support her drug addiction. Tired of stealing from her friends at parties, she came up with a grand scheme. She said she was collecting donations for a toys for tots like organization, but since it was overseas she needed cash instead of unwrapped presents. $50,000 in donations later, she had herself one hell of a holiday season. The only reason she got busted on it was because the idiot offered some coke to a person she had previously plead poverty to. When asked where she got the money for the coke, she told the person about her scam. In her drug addled confusion she forgot that her fellow coke sniffer had been one of the contributors to the cause.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. does paris really have herpes?

  3. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Brit brit: I'd say so. Valtrex was found in that storage locker that she forfeited by not paying the bill on. As well as medical records, including one for her abortion, which, from the hacked emails and timing, was thought to be Fred Dursts, who probably was also the one to give her the Herp.

  4. LOL, Only Paris would have the balls to do that!!!

  5. Jolara, you're not kidding! She probably expected them to pick up the tab.

    I agree it's Lindsay Lowlife.

  6. Are you friggin' kidding me? I would find her and beat the CRAP outta her, then I would go to the nearest media outlet and rat her out to anyone would listen...

    And does anyone think LL is B list? She's more B-C list if you ask me. Is she in any upcoming films?

    And we should all take bets on who's gonna appear in Playboy first: Lilo, Britney or Jessica. All their careers are sliding.

  7. this should be revealed...she should go to jail or something...well maybe community service...we all know jail is an easy sentence if its in LA nowadays....

  8. mngddess, can I watch?

  9. Anonymous1:37 PM

    IMHO, anyone that would have given LL any kind of money for anything deserves what they got.

  10. Anonymous1:44 PM

    She basically commited fraud. Thats a crime. Dumb ho.

  11. Why, Brenda? Half the people probably thought she was doing something to fulfill her community service hours. What she did was the lowest of the lows, and like Trix said, illegal since it's fraud.

  12. I do believe LiLo will be the first to flash her broke-ass firecrotch in some nude pictures. Hell, Dina will pay her if she lets it be a mom/daughter shoot.

    how long 'til little Ali is flashing it?

  13. LIndsay does sound the most plausible, but she wasn't broke last year, and still doesn't seem to be at the rate she's spending money. She was still making money back then on films, too.

  14. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Twisted - this was last year that she did this - before community service. Last year at this time she was deep into her addictions and everyone pretty much knew it.

  15. Brenda - okay, got it, and thanks for explaining. Maybe the people who forked over money were high when they did it.
