Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Debra Lafave In No Win Situation

The Florida teacher who pleaded guilty to lewd behavior with a teenage boy has been arrested again for allegedly violating her probation by speaking to someone under the age of 18. OK, now this is a crazy term of her probation. Now, Debra Lafave was arrested for talking to a 16 year old female co-worker about family problems, friends, high school boyfriends and sex.

I want to make it clear that I in no way condone what the teacher did to the teenage boy. However, I think the probation order should be looked at through the spirit of how it was intended rather than the letter of it. First, she used to be a teacher. She is used to speaking to kids about problems and I think to not help a 16 year old who may have been facing issues, would have been bad for the girl if she couldn't speak to her parents.

Second, she works with the damn girl. What the hell is she supposed to do? If the girl asks her something, just ignore her, point to a sign on her chest that says she can't talk to anyone under 18? If a kid stops her on the street, just she have to ask them for i.d before she can give directions to a gas station?

The idea of the order was to keep her away from underage boys or girls so she wouldn't repeat the same behavior she plead guilty to in the past. Now, I don't know if she tried to hit on this co-worker or what, but I do know that where she works probably involves at least some communication with people under 18 on a daily basis.

If she was trying to hit on the co-worker or have her bring teenage boys over to the house for a little fun, then throw the book at her. But, if this girl just needed someone to talk to, then they should realize how stupid the order is and modify it.


  1. I think she was not supposed to be unsupervised around anyone under 18. I see your point, but I think discussing sex with a 16 year isn't appropriate for her. I can understand if she was having family problems, but I would think there would have been other 16 year olds who would have been more appropriate for this girl to talk to. This woman did horrible things. She wants to still be a teenager. She needs to not think of teenagers and sex in the same sentence. She doesn't need to be best girlfriends with a 16 year old. She was given that as a punishment to protect more teenagers from becoming friends, trusting her, and then being taken advantage of.

  2. She is not to have any contact with anyone under the age of 18. The order is ridiculous. They made her quit her job because she talked with this co-worker. Even the co-worker says all they did was talk about problems she was having. It's stupid shit like this, that I have NO faith in the justice system.

  3. I doubt she was trying to be 16 again, I think she was trying to be helpful and caring. Besides, she had issues with underage boys, not girls.

    It is a little ridiculous. I don't think SHE of all people has a lot to offer in terms of advice but I see no problem with her lending an ear to the young girl. At least she was talking to someone...

  4. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Yeah the sentencing seems ridiculous in context, considering she was WORKING with underage kids...I mean, you'd think a court order would specify against that first, instead of not at all.

    I personally do believe she has some kind of complex where she wants to be a teenager again. She may not realize it. But a lot of child molesters and sex offenders are caught in an era of time where they were supposed to grow up, but didnt. They get "stuck" in that era, and their sexual advancement is halted, and it becomes locked and tied to people of the age they were when their development was hindered. Befriending the girl seems harmless, but she's filling a need she didnt have fulfilled while in school, herself. Its obvious she probably wont try to seduce an underage girl, as she wants to BE one, which is probably subconsciously why she slept with one.

  5. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Well, I just read that she openly had a lesbian relationship in high school...that changes it a boy OR girl is safe around her, apparently. ;)

    Also read that she and Nick Carter were each others' "first," and that he dreamed of reconciling with her until he found out about this...

  6. Anonymous9:44 AM

    wow timestops well if thats right, then I guess she really shouldnt be having any underage friends, period. Such a strange, pretty girl...

  7. Obviously she has a screw loose and shouldn't be counseling anyone. The court order makes sense.

  8. She wasn't supposed to be UNSUPERVISED with under 18 year olds. She was allowed to be around them, as long as it was around normal grown up people. She's a very pretty girl. Who molested and took advantage of a 14 YEAR OLD. I'm a mom. I want her no wher near my kids.

  9. And jhammert- Did it really take this pervert not being allowed to be BFF's with a 16 year old to dishearten you? I will say that I think there is a judge involved who has all the details, and is probably doing the right thing.

  10. pariss-- No, it's the justice system being so worried about stupid crap like this, when there are far more important things to worry about. Murderers, serial rapists, child abusers, etc. Yeah, she may have had sex with a 14 year old, yeah she may have had a lesbian relationship when she was in high school, but I don't think that 'talking about problems' with a co-worker is hardly a risk...

  11. I respectfully disagree, and you are entitled to your opinion. I am far from thinking the justice system is infallible (sp?)- but she IS a child abuser. If she were a man, this would be thought of totally different. She had sex with a 14 year old. I have a 15 year old step-son, and that to me is child abuse and rape. A grown woman should not find 14 "sexy"- period. She damaged a child, and I respect the courts decision to try and prevent this from reoccuring. In your head. Make it a 26 year old man, who raped a 14 year old girl- and is now BFF's with a 16 year old boy. It's sick.

  12. a term of her probation should have stopped her from being around teens at her workplace. these abusers "groom" victims before physical contact. they start with mild conversations then lead to inappropriate sexual topics. it's all about gaining trust to move further.they are predators. she should be registered and monitored.

  13. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Captivagrl made exactly the point I was going to make: "innocent" conversations about "regular stuff" are just one method of grooming a victim for many child molesters.

  14. Stiff shit!!

    She did wrong.

    She avoided jail because of her looks

    Imagine if she was of African American descent?

    She still wouldn't be out yet...

    She was a TEACHER who abused her position!! People have to send their children to school (at least over here...) so for her to do what she did is despicable.

    So yeah, I don't feel sorry for her at all. Also, she should not be around any teenagers whatsoever; the fact that she is very attractive and a manipulative person who puts her own wants at the great expense of others is placing young people at risk.

    She should be grateful she was able to avoid prison.

  15. Noel is correct. She's pretty, blond, white,a woman and I believe had some money.

    THAT'S why she got away with house arrest instead of a lengthly jail sentence. A man, black or poor person would still be in jail and no early release possible.

    If the terms of her probabtion were no contact with minors then she should have heeded it. She got off easy as it was.

  16. Anonymous6:51 PM

    This is too pathetic to even snark on.

  17. I'll post the obligatory "I wish she was my teacher when I was in school" comment.
