Friday, December 14, 2007

David Hans Schmidt From Beyond The Grave

One of the last projects David Hans Schmidt was working on prior to his death was the brokering of some nude photos of Marcia Cross.

The background is that a firm was hired by Cross and her husband to remove trash from Cross' home in L.A. According to Schmidt, one of the firm's employees discovered the photos when he got to the dump. [...]

The photos consist of over 200 photos of Marcia taken by her husband. Many of the photos are of Marcia showering at an outside shower fully nude. I guess that would make sense because most of us don't shower with clothes on. I have in the past, but the shower was generally just a bucket of cold water thrown on me by unsympathetic bar owners.

Anyway, Marcia tried to stop the sale of the photos by arguing she had a copyright to them. The problem is that the US Supreme Court has said that anything in trash is fair game. You lose almost all your rights to anything once you throw it in the trash which is why it is not a bad idea to invest about $20 in a paper shredder. An even better idea would be to just stare at your wife's naked body everyday and not need 200 photos of her showering. And better yet, once you take them, try to remember where you put them.

If you want to see the definitely NSFW photos, click here.

She seems so much smarter than this. Never take naked photos of yourselves. EVER. She doesn't look thrilled in the photos, but she didn't try and stop him either.


  1. wow..i found Santa's Beard before it went white!

  2. not smart marcia. nothing wrong with the nudes though. no big deal. she could use a wax with that wash.........

  3. kidding in 2007 im surprised on how big the bush was.
    that's like bad 70's porn bush.

  4. Maybe her husband likes a face full of muff?

  5. Bre Van De Kamp would never allow that much bush.

  6. Whoa mama! Marcia looks like she stepped right out of the very 70's Joy of Sex book.

  7. Respect the bush. Look, I love pr0n as much as the next guy, and usually like it trim, but if someone wants to grow some shrubbery, that's coo. But then I guess every actress should be wafer thin too, god forbid if they're not in the Hollywood mold.

  8. hey all the power to her and her afro..but if you take nudies then throw them out in the trash expect CDAN posters to have at you and your toupee.

  9. she looks like she has a penis in one of the pictures!

    oh please she probably planted them there- she's a complete publicity whore-- she's always staging those photo ops in the park with her kids, sprawled on a blanket with her husband while she looks on at them, smiling. it's the same picture every couple of weeks, only the outfits change

    maybe the paps are getting tired of taking pics of the kids so she needs a new outlet

  10. Part of the PR campaign to prove she doesn't bat on the same team. Ever stop and think how various celebs seem to 'lose' intimate video tapes? Or how 'intimate photos' always seem to just 'turn up'? And it's always a construction crew theft. Yeah right.

  11. true, when the rumors were out that she was bi, she quickly got engaged - i dont think she was dating him for very long either.
    And I think it was her first marriage too.

  12. A lifelong single gal. The show explodes in popularity, far more than anyone could have anticipated. Arrangements are made, contracts are signed. All of a sudden a fiance 'appears', seemingly out of nowhere and with no history of dating him. Quickly hitched a la Rock Hudson. Oldest Hollywood trick in the book.
    But the modern take on PR scams is the addition of the 'contracted mandatory baby' and/or 'stolen intimate photos'. As if anyone would believe these stars are straight.
    Hollywood PR machines now have same playbooks: Beards, 'stolen' nude photos, car crotch shots, faked 30-day 'rehabs'. The more you see it, the more obvious its becoming.

  13. Shame on you ENT LAWYER. How did you come across the Pics that Schmidt had? I already know, just want you to share with everyone else. Schmidt was trying to profit from the pics and now, 3 months after his death you have them and are blogging about this? There is a probate case and he has two minor children. Greed will get you nowhere. There really was a lesson in Schmidts death. You must've missed it.



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