When Danielle Fishel was arrested over the weekend for a failure to appear warrant on a drunken driving case it got me to thinking. See Danielle is only 26 years old and yet it seems like she must be about 50 for as long as she has been around. As you all have probably guessed I am a bit of a perv and I like the fact that most of you seem to tolerate this aspect of my behavior as long as I return the favor by allowing you to explore your own hidden desires by posting photos of naked guys at least once a week.
I'm not a big one for television crushes. I think this is a direct result of being ignored and never responded to by Marie Osmond as a youth. I must have written her 14,000 letters and the only thing I got was a letter from her attorney and a visit from the FBI. Later when I did actually meet her, I "forgot" to mention this infatuation and the results which followed. I just kicked myself for actually liking someone who was so obviously whacked out or the biggest airhead in the world that she couldn't string together two coherent sentences.
Since then I have forgone the usual crushes. Except for one. That's right. Danielle Fishel. There was just something about her that just really peaked my interest if you know what I mean. For awhile there Boy Meets World was my must see tv. I grew out of it when wife #4 burned all my old videotapes of the show while questioning my ability to perform in any situation involving another actual human being.
I hadn't thought of Danielle in quite some time. But I do want her to know that I would be happy to represent her in this case for free. Hell, I may even go out and buy the Boy Meets World special edition DVD boxed set and have myself a merry little Christmas in anticipation of her call or another visit from the FBI. Just hope they don't find out about the whole Ginger/Mary Ann thing.
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ReplyDeleteIt's official - you're my favourite blogger. Seriously, you crack me up. Cheers!! Merry Christmas.
ReplyDeletePffft EL doesnt hold a candle to MK.
ReplyDeleteAnd EL you're wrong, we look the other way not because you post male nudie pics but because very few of us believe you are actually as you say you are!! LOL.
Merry effin' Christmas everyone!
Take a pill, Trix. I don't care if EL is actually a lawyer - or not.
ReplyDeleteHis posts are fun. I love the deadpan humour. I'm not into entertaiment blogs per se, but finaly visiting this one a few months ago gave me a giggle and his straight-man humour keeps me coming back.
If he took himself seriously, like most bloggers, I wouldn't bother visiting here very often.
who's mk?
ReplyDeleteI didnt mean I didnt think he's a lawyer, I just dont think he's male, or super fat, or has six ex wives! I think its more likely that he's some female publicist or something LOL. Maybe YOU need to take a chill pill if you feel the need to defend "him" and what you said!
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah every once in awhile, he gives me a chuckle. But his humor isnt up to par enough to compete as a favorite blogger, for me.
Or at least when compared to Michael K. I mean, his posts have ruined me for every single blog except idontlikeyouinthatway.com. I dont even read Perez anymore because it just doesnt seem funny if I've already read Dlisted for the day.
Trix, I totally concur. But EL can continue being in denial that we all know... if he wishes. It is the season of denial and heavy delusion-induced drinking, after all. :)
ReplyDeleteEnt, I had crushes on all the boys on that show... I'm probably the same age as the older brother and I'd like to think that makes it okay. :)
ReplyDeleteOh I don't believe the biographical stuff either. But that's part of what makes it funny - to me at least. Female, male, herm, whatever. I'll give EL the benefit of the doubt and go with male. Regardless, EL is a character in every sense of the word and there's always a good line tucked away that makes me laugh.
ReplyDeleteDlisted is certainly acerbic and enjoyable, but they have different styles. Personally, I prefer the subtler story-telling humour of EL.
Perez sucks and his self promotion is a total turn off. Lainey... on the fence with her. One more post about fashion and I'll wear Birkenstocks in protest. However, her BI's are good.
For a good non-celebrity chuckle, nothing beats Fark.com and the commentators on Gawker.
Forgot my favourite site - www.darwinawards.com
ReplyDeleteEh, it's fun to have the "ultimate blind item" of Ent. It's the blind he will never reveal.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I never understood the appeal of Topanga. To me all of her features are huge, like an anime drawing. It's a fun video watching her talk about how Lance Bass was her first boyfriend.
not really your type Dn? lol.
ReplyDeleteOh Topanga..ya saucy minx. i wanted her hair and her bf. cory was cute ina less dorky fred savage way.
EL is by far my fav blogger..and he's either man or a lesbian..lol. MK comes a close 2nd for outright shock and snark. then i head over to TMZ for the real deal.rinse repeat.
Dlisted is funny, but Ent has heart and sincerity that you can't find anywhere else.
ReplyDeleteAnother funny from Ent. So, Ent do you really look like Brad Pitt or is that just in our fantasies? I bet you think we all look like Angelina Jolie's better-looking sisters.
ReplyDeleteBecause we do.....
You have to be kidding me - 14,000 letters - Jesus ...bloody Christ ! I'm surprised the FBI hasn't shown at your door at say, letter # 100 you PSYCHOPATH - I mean we all do get crushes at some point, but 14,000 letters damn - what are you expecting her to reply back to you, she probably figured you were a sicko from letter # 2 FFS ! LOL. Yeah I liked Boy Meets World and had a crush on her too - but has your favourite sitcom actors/actresses grow older they are no longer the innocent people you once loved but grow to be delinquants (look at most if not all of the cast of Different Strokes LOL) you all thought Fishel was such an innocent girl on BMW, she is not any different - drinking and driving is fucking irresponsible even worse if she's 26, she should know better and obstruction of justice ? WOW, quite a nasty girl Topenga ! who would have thought.
ReplyDeleteSo may I recommend you something, and I won't even charge you anything for this - GET A GIRLFIEND, you need to get laid QUICK, I don't care how allegedly ugly you are, eventually every person has a match in this fucked up universe we live in - so go out more, stop watching TV, get some help, find a girlfriend, and no more tv crushes - if you keep up your psychotic behaviours you might find yourself some day in some no fly list or flagged as you know what ! :)
Lawyer ? Are you really a lawyer LMAO - I doubt it - and how would you represent someone who has no case and is guilty - tough case man, you are about as good for a lawyer as Vincent Gambini is in My Cousin Vinny !
Have a good day!
You have to be kidding me - 14,000 letters - Jesus ...bloody Christ ! I'm surprised the FBI hasn't shown at your door at say, letter # 100 you PSYCHOPATH - I mean we all do get crushes at some point, but 14,000 letters damn - what are you expecting her to reply back to you, she probably figured you were a sicko from letter # 2 FFS ! LOL. Yeah I liked Boy Meets World and had a crush on her too - but has your favourite sitcom actors/actresses grow older they are no longer the innocent people you once loved but grow to be delinquants (look at most if not all of the cast of Different Strokes LOL) you all thought Fishel was such an innocent girl on BMW, she is not any different - drinking and driving is fucking irresponsible even worse if she's 26, she should know better and obstruction of justice ? WOW, quite a nasty girl Topenga ! who would have thought.
ReplyDeleteSo may I recommend you something, and I won't even charge you anything for this - GET A GIRLFIEND, you need to get laid QUICK, I don't care how allegedly ugly you are, eventually every person has a match in this fucked up universe we live in - so go out more, stop watching TV, get some help, find a girlfriend, and no more tv crushes - if you keep up your psychotic behaviours you might find yourself some day in some no fly list or flagged as you know what ! :)
Lawyer ? Are you really a lawyer LMAO - I doubt it - and how would you represent someone who has no case and is guilty - tough case man, you are about as good for a lawyer as Vincent Gambini is in My Cousin Vinny !
Have a good day!