Thursday, December 20, 2007

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which clumsy rocker dropped a ciggie on his manhood while belting out a Beatles' song on the loo? He was left in agony and close to tears...


jax said...


Dijea said...


captivagrl said...

just some asshole

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Crazy Pete does always have a ciggie dangling from his lips. It's not that far of a stretch to guess it would drop onto his peen while he was singing naked.

Unknown said...


jax said...

it was the Beatles song that got me..i can totally see Petey naked playing his gee-tar singing Day Tripper.

jax said...

my second guess is Wentz..he has a busted leg right now.

whimsicalrationale said...

Raine Mada (sp), lead singer of grunge/rock band Our Lady Peace...they have a song called Clumsy.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to guess one of the Gallagher Bros. from Oasis - major Beatles fans.

Maja With a J said...

Baahahahahah!! I have no idea but this is awesome.

Rhianna said...

Wow, I was thinking Keith Richards. God only knows what that man smokes - there's even a chance he got off on the scent...

Anonymous said...

as a smoker, and a girl who parties entirely too hard
i can tell you that you'd have to leave the cigg on your skin for a long couple seconds to feel the burn like that.

dumb ass

Majik said...

OZZY--has a song called "No More Tears", definitely clumsy, likely to be followed in a British tab....gotta be.

jax said...

Ozzy doesn't smoke.

deity2 said...

p m...........can;t agree w/ you more,,i have burnt myself and my keyboaRD

RandomRamblings said...

Pete Doherty


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