Friday, December 28, 2007

Dad Choice -- Pimpa Joe Or Michael Lohan

While I was reading another truly obnoxious statement by Michael Lohan this morning I got to thinking about who would you rather have as your dad. If you had the choice would you rather have Michael Lohan or Pimpa Joe Simpson. I left out Thora Birch's dad because no one would ever want him.

Michael spoke to Extra yesterday. Oh, they didn't call him. He called Extra. See no one actually gives a crap about Michael and so he has to interject himself whenever possible. Specifically he offered up his support to the Spears family. I'm sure he will be their spokesperson by the end of next week. He also offered up the gem that Lindsay and Adrian Grenier are only friends and that she was only at his place for an hour last week drinking water. Allegedly he gave this answer in response to a question from Extra. My guess is that he said something about it first and they prompted him for more.

Here's the thing with Michael you get a pure asshole who can't get along with his ex and would just ignore his kids if they didn't make any money. If he couldn't make a living and get famous off his kids, they would be lucky to here from him except at Christmas. While Pimpa might like to watch his daughters, Michael seems like the kind who want to join in.

Pimpa is harmless. He is a perv and he makes lots of stupid decisions as a manager, but ONLY when it comes to things involving his daughters. He needs to stop managing them because he cannot delineate between personal and professional with them. No manager would have ever let that movie open. They also wouldn't try and stage such obvious publicity ploys.

Pimpa does a really good job when he is not emotionally attached to the project. Women's Murder Club is an example of this. The show probably should have been canceled, but instead he turned into something that (a) still has some episodes left (b) is being renewed (c) and is one of the highest rated new shows.

As much crap as I give Pimpa, and I'm not going to stop, I know that at if I were his child he would at least care about me, and if I didn't want to "sing" or "act" he would still care about me. Michael on the other hand would probably forget my name and move on to the next kid.


  1. Just watched "Blonde Ambition," and it would've been a typical mediocre romantic comedy if it weren't for her abysmal acting. Papa Joe should be given props for getting her as far as he did, given the raw material.

  2. thora birch's dad is a BI reveal, i think.

  3. Thora's dad's story wasn't a blind - Page Six posted the story about him watching her sex scenes.

  4. I guess Britney's dad is looking pretty good right now.

  5. Reminds me of a question asked in "Would You Rather?" book - would you rather be hole punched to death or eaten alive by the cast of Different Strokes? Not really much of a choice. I'm with Ent tho - at least PJ has a job. ML just seems like a low life scammer.

  6. Ent is giving Pimpa too much credit. Pimpa is a Perv Extraordinare. I would rather have an azzhole dad than a perv dad.


  7. At least Michael Lohan was locked up for a while. I wish the same would happen to Pimpa.


    I just watched the movie here too - you know what? I don't think it's THAT bad - I've certainly seen worse. And if you take it for what it is - predictable chick flick - total over (under?) acting and mono-tone voice from the guy, it's watchable.

    I'd go with PJ for the same reasons as Ent.

  9. I would rather be an orphan.......the city system HAS to be better then these 2 sleezeballs.

  10. I agree with EL, Pimpa is not as bad. He did help her get to where she is. It's Jessica's own fault for insisting on "acting" when she has no business doing so ( Major Movie Star? Seriously? Who they heck writes this crap). It was also her own fault that she couldn't be bothered to rehearse so she wouldn't embarass herself in front of millions on the Dolly Parton tribute special.

  11. Was sperm bank anonymous donor a choice? I pick that one. Neither one of these men is fit to be called dad.

  12. I'm with Production Girl.
    I'd rather my children be raised by a pack of wolves.

    I think we can all look closely at the Spears, Lohan and Simpson families and feel really good about ourselves as parents...even on our worst days.

  13. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Alec Baldwin.

  14. Re - Blonde Ambition. I watched as much as I could stand online yesterday. Yes poor acting, but even worse was the appalling writing/plot/story good grief! The movie industry has nothing to do with art and creativity anymore sadly.

  15. LOL, Brenda. I'm with SisMary on this one. Look at how we view Lilo and Jessica on the issue of their dads: Lilo is pitied and Jess is an idiot. I'd take MLohan over Pimpa.
