Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Britney Is Crazy

When Britney decided to skip the deposition that was scheduled for today because she claimed she woke up feeling ill, that was the final straw for me. Honestly, if she doesn't want the kids, then she just needs to step up and say that she is not mature enough to handle the kids right now. There is no shame in that at all. Some people should have kids and some shouldn't. Britney is obviously in the latter category.

I think her attorney should sit down with her and say he can make everything all go away; the depositions, the court appearances, the attorney fees, everything. All she has to do is agree to whatever Kevin Federline and his attorneys want, and it will all be over.

I think that would be the best thing that could happen to her right now. She wouldn't have to pretend that she loves her kids or wants to be with them. She wouldn't have to follow the judge's instructions or be subject to drug tests. She could party and speed and run over the feet of photographers and it won't matter.

I don't think Britney Spears loves her kids the way she thinks she is supposed to love them or in the way that she thinks her fans think she should love them. The problem is she has never figured out they come first. Stop pretending and just give up. Make all your stress go away.

The stress is making her crazy. She has always been unbalanced, but at this time I would love to see her admitted to a psychiatric hospital for a little rest and relaxation for a week or so. The level of attention she needs each day seems to increase exponentially. Her attention seeking has become a drug, and like any drug, it takes more and more for her to get the high off it. At some point you begin taking too many drugs to reach that high and you overdose.

Britney has reached that point with the attention seeking. There is no further she can take this act without really doing something no one has ever seen. In addition her temper which used to only be evident on occasion now rears its head several times weekly.

I'm glad she didn't show up for her deposition and hope her attorney doesn't talk her into going to a new one. Britney just needs to walk away and give in. Give in for her sake and for the sake of her children. Hopefully in a year or two or whenever, she will be able to be normal and at that time she can fight to see her kids. Don't do it now because it is expected of you. Do it at a point when you want to.


  1. Her gigantic sense of entitlement will keep her "fighting" for her kids. She doesn't think anyone, even a judge, should be able to tell her what to do.

  2. You know, it's funny. I sit here, virtually abandoned by both of my children's fathers, sitting on a mountain of debt with no relief in sight. I can't pay my house note, rent or electricity bill and I don't know where my groceries are coming from next week - and I'm getting paid on Friday. It's not enough. I am busting my arse to live. This girl has more money than I will ever see in my lifetime. And she's so obviously horribly unhappy. I hope she finds peace within herself at some point. God bless her. I want to go home and hug my babies now. It must be horrible to not know how to love them.

  3. Brit has become a caricature of herself. It's so sad to watch her on this downward spiral that won't stop until she does. Hopefully, it won't end drastically, but it's got to end. Why aren't people getting her help or demanding it from her? If the paps started to ignore her, maybe that would help. She's just another example of a child star with stunted growth syndrome who's over indulged and out of control.

    Sad...really sad.

  4. It IS hard to give a decent interview while stoned, just ask James Franco (yeah, I still love him anyways)

    But seriously, homegirl needs to be committed before this gets anymore out of control. The most disturbing thing about all of this is that she seems oblivious to it all.


  5. I've said forever that this girl has suffered from Post Partum since SPF. JJ only exacorbated it. I don't even know if i spelled that right but i don't care.

    I could be wrong and Brit could just have always been a crazy self centered twat.

    Either way..she's a vile human being..not for not knowing how to love her kids..but for not even trying.

  6. smooches..i agree. why dond't the papas who claim to 'love her' put their cameras down ala George Clooney to send a big message?

    oh ya i forgot..she's their meal ticket. it's a co-dependecy there.

  7. Post partum? Yeah... the coke, meth, and other drugs and alcohol have nothing to do with her craziness.

  8. Britney doesn't want those kids, she has done everything to prove it.

    She loves herself and the media attention more. I saw her on TMZ TV the other day, and I that there were at least 40 fat pap guys flashing her as she got out of her car and I was feeling the anxiety of that kind of attention. She's sick and she needs help and to stay away from those kids.

    Who would have thought that KFed would come out of all this smelling like roses.

  9. it all starts somewhere dear Pariss. you think that PP doesn't lead countless moms into drugs and worse?

  10. jax- she has been using drugs and abusing alcohol before (and probably through) her pregnancies. We've all heard the gossip. Many women have some depression after childbirth. Your hormones are out of whack, and it takes some time to stabalize. Some women experience horrible PP, that becomes psychotic. It is a horrible thing, and I would never belittle those who deal with it by saying this whackadoo has it- when I am not a doctor, have never met her, and know of her (alleged) drug habits. You are entitled to your opinion, and I have mine. She may be mentally unstable (duh) and I'm sure becoming a mom was no help- but many women face PP and I will not group her in with them. She was a loon before the kids. Not because of them. Why did she shave her head? Hmmm... Kevin probably told her she was going to get drug-tested, and court's typically use follicle testing, so without hair she figured she'd be safe. I just hate saying PP when we know there are many stable women, who experience it after birth. It (IMO) is just giving her an excuse to be a neglectful, drug addicted, irresponsible, joke of a mother.

  11. She is just like a crackhead mom who neglects her children, and abandons them because her drugs are more important than her children.

  12. Jax, I, too, believe that Brit is suffering from PPD. Her behavior has progressively gotten worse since having kids. She also seems to have an addictive personality, so throw that in with PPD and you have an attention starved, drug using, out of control star. She was a star at a young age and never grew up. I'm afraid she might be another Anna Nicole Smith...

  13. of course you're netitlled to your's just wrong.


    hey i never said bitch didn't ride the white pony just saying women who give birth to babaies with no maternal instict are PPD. hello brit even copped to it wayyyyy before this all went down. does no one remember her chat with Brooke Shields? am i on crack?
    drugs are def a problem..but dig deeper to find out why.i'd say it was more drugs she wans't taking!

  14. Man, ya'lls commentary is better than the shit on The View. They should fire those broads and start making calls to Pariss and Jax. MUCH more entertaining!

  15. Crack head should just give the critters to K.Fed and go get some frat.boy.batter and make new ones, that don't comes with all the legal nonsense, ya'll!

  16. sign me up..whoopi is boring and Nana Walters needs to grab Larry King, a couple of Ensures and ride off into the geriatric sunset....

  17. Jax- smoochers- tracee... Love you guys. I think she's mental. I think she may be bi-polar, schizo... whatever. I agree, she has probably been depressed since the babies. But I also think she was depressed before the children, never grew up, and has alot of the same problems many child stars experience. I just don't want to say PPD because (to me) it's like saying she was normal before the kids. She wasn't. She is certifiable. I guess I'm arguing potato (long "a" sound) and potato (short "a" sound. Crazy is crazy. But I hate thinking of lumping her craziness in with women who really have PPD, aren't using drugs like a rockstar, aren't drinking heavily, and are scared to talk to someone about what they are going through because they don't want people to think she's "a Britney".

  18. Astro glide jax.... just think Babwa, and astroglide.

  19. Ha! Glad to contribute today folks! *grouphug*

    Have a great night!

  20. i am a mother of twin boys, and i did not have ppd, however, the few weeks after giving birth, my hormones were a raging!!!! i do sympathize w/ ppd sufferers, but c'mon.....the girl is just plain CRAZY!!!!!! in my opinion , she does not deserve to even breathe the same air as her children until she gets some help!

  21. jax, while I agree 100% that she is suffering from ppd that never went away after the birth of her first, I find it hard to believe that her parents havent smacked her upside her pretty little extensions and put her in rehab .. i can tell you with 100% certainty that if I ever ever acted the way this little twat is acting, my mom would have first dibs on me, followed by by dad with a closing jab from mom .. c'mon .. where are these people??? this child needs helps and yes, she is a child emotionally ..

  22. While I do agree that Britney is needy of attention and isn't mature enough to handle any type of responsibility, much less kids, she isn't the only actor/singer/model/whatever desparate for any kind of attention (no matter what the cost).

    If you open up any entertainment magazine or gossip column, they are full of wannabees, never was, and hopes to bes that are itching to get a camera on them doing anything. It's the only reason why the Leguna Beach/The Hills kids are known, the reason why Paris Hilton is still here, and the reason why Hayden Panettiere actually believes she is a serious actress with social responsibilities. Britney knows that acting out gives her publicity and that it will get people talking about her. It's a crazy idea and one that she can't sustain long term, but she's just playing the game like the other Hollywood girls.

  23. Britney's parents seem to drift in and out of her life; maybe they're too beholden to her to really put their foot (feet?) down, but at some point, enough is enough. Why can't they stage some sort of intervention and have her involuntarily committed? Can't they go before a judge or something?

  24. When your daughter controls the purse do you force her into rehab?

    AGAIN..i said PPD is PAPRT of her problem..drugs are a huge part also but one made the other worse.
    I don't know the bitch,i could be wrong.
    i just call it like I see em.

  25. I, for one, look forward to the post mortem.

    It's gonna happen, just watch. I give her 3 months. She's either going to get help, or die.

    Date pool, anyone?

  26. I should clarify that by "look forward to the post mortem" I mean in order to find answers, not because I particularly want her dead...I don't. I'd rather she took the "help" route.

  27. Majik, if Lohan isn't dead yet, I don't think Brit will be going any time soon.

  28. Hmm...Scary enough, Anna Nicole almost seem lika a good mum compared to Brit..Well..better anyway.

    I think the reson mothers don´t connect with their babies are complex, and PPD are just a name for som of the constelations (sp? sorry, my third launguage) of them. Your personality (histronic anyone!), drugs being horribly infantile and so on,make you more or less vunerable.

    I got three boys, five, three and six month old and it brakes my hart to see mothers like her, and most of them acting like that are in my experience some sort of addicts.

    Hopefully her behaviour in the public eye can put the light on abused kids and neglecting parents all over the world and make us all pitch in to help them.

  29. Oh my god! Should have read it through! Please don´t laugh to hard! :( BAD language...

  30. Sound familiar?

    1. The first core trait is an extremely exaggerated vulnerability to peer pressure. Since 1991 we have
    used the term, moral chameleon, to describe this phenomenon. Few mental health professionals or
    scientific researchers understand this trait because they do not see the patient twenty-four hours a day,
    every day, over an extended period of time, in different peer groups and environmental settings. The
    Collective Family Experience overwhelmingly confirms the moral chameleon trait regardless of the
    IQ level.

    2. When individuals with FAS/E are aggressive against others or display volatile behavior, they do
    not have predatory intent according to the collective family experience. Their “air” of innocence is
    genuine, not contrived. If predatory intent is present, we have learned to consider that as a red flag of
    possible co-occurring mental health conditions. As mental health professionals begin to understand the
    lack of predatory intent as a core disability trait of fetal alcohol exposure, they will be better able to
    identify FAS/E and co-occurring disorders for which there are some effective medications and treatment.

    3. The inability to understand the need for societal rules and cooperation is a core disability trait.
    According to the Collective Family Experience, the left and right brain hemispheres in people with FAS/E
    appear to function independently at times when they “just don’t get it.” They remember the rules and
    consequences, and can quote them verbatim. But they are really clueless about predicting the results of
    their errant behavior. Since they do not “feel” the rules apply to them, they are not obligated to obey
    them. So... cause and effect escapes their understanding. If the consequences of these broken rules are
    carried out, anger or rage against the enforcer is the common result.

    just a theory, she's got some of the facial characteristics associated with FAS and SO DO HER KIDS.

  31. Anonymous4:30 PM

    If it was PPD I feel like she would be showing SOME kind of improvements by now, but she's just not. I keep fluttering back and forth between schizophrenia and bi-polar.

  32. people with psycho-social disorders (including PPD)
    turn to drugs to self-medicate. i suffered PPD after my second, and i turned to alcohol when not able to get in to see a shrink.
    many years later, we discovered my oldest was drinking and drugging, which led to a diagnosis of bi-polarism. i DO believe she suffers not only from PPD (a severe case) but also rapid-cycling bipolarism,
    anti-social disorder(perhaps), and likely a psycho-social (or psychotic,or schizo-affective such as a serial killer might). many of these disorders can go hand and hand.
    unfortunately, since she has not actually harmed herself (suicidal attempt) or someone else, she can't be committed against her will. in california, one can call emergency services with a "51-50" code, whice means the "patient" is over 18 and is believed to be an immediate danger to themselves or others. they can then be taken to a pyschiatric facility and held for a mandatory 72 hours, more if doctors believe there is emminent danger, otherwise released.

    soo.... i guess y'all can figure how i know this.
    sorry if i got too preachy.

  33. Wow. Have I ever enjoyed reading this thread. I agree with what you guys are saying.

    I've always seen her as a train speeding off course, and whenever I think it can't get any worse - it does. When is she going to go off the cliff?

    Is she destined to be that crazy, iconic star that lives high and fast, starts to fizzle openly, then dies young and full of drama?

    She started out not so bright, but eager to please. She danced, and sang, and was cute enough that she (thanks to "her team")rose through the fame ranks and made lots of money doing so.

    She had (relative) independence by her mid-teens and was rolling with a crowd that were into experimenting and spending wild amounts of cash.

    Her insecurities, possible bi-polar disorder, drug addictions, sense of entitlement, and later, Postpartum disorder all led to what we are witnessing now.

    She's also living in a world where her only friends are the ones who she's paying to be around her. Or, people who want something from her and ditch her as soon as they feel they've gotten it.

    Ouch. I would hate to be her. She's got the opportunity of a lifetime and she's too screwed up to know.

  34. Very insightful--like Kara, I agree with what you're all saying.

    A number of years ago, a friend of mind (a radio jock) interviewed her and said she was very sweet, but dumber than a box of hammers. Obviously education wasn't much of a priority. Does anyone remember that sad interview with Matt Lauer, where she was chewing gum like crazy and her mascara was all over her face? I think her publicist left her right after that.

  35. she def. needs help, but won't get it unless she o.d.s away from her buddies or slashes her wrists. even then, if a "well meaning" fan doesn't make the right call, she'll be out on the street again
    i agree with whoever said, who woulda known kfed would wind up being the good guy? i think its come down to the lesser of two evils.

  36. All of you are making excellent points here, k-fed is the lesser of two evils. Britney suffers from bi-polar disease as well as ppd. I have been a nure for 21 years now and she exhibits most of the symptoms. Britney is like a car accident, you can't help but look, hence the aggressive attention from paps. Britney is also narcissistic and has an addictive personality. people like her should never have kids, as they treat them like a doll they have been too long denied. once the doll is in their grasp, they enjoy having it.....until the demands are made. then, how to deal with it? hand them off to someone else to deal with the "problem", thats what.
    Her parents also dare not interfere, or the gravy train is cut off. all around, this is an extremely troubling situation. for her and the people who seem to enjoy watching her crash and burn.
    Well, enough pontification from me, good night peeps.

  37. well eventually at some point (probably far, far, into the future) her behavior will seem 'old' and the paps will be on to something new- once they stop giving a shit & she's not headline grabbing news anymore the poor girl is going to wind up like a dana plato, spending her money until she's broke & working at a dry cleaners in Las vegas, holding up convenience stores & shit.
    i mean seriously, what is this girl gonna do once no one is giving her the attention she craves more than the crack she uses?



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