Monday, December 31, 2007

Blind Item Reveals

July 13, 2007

#2 This parasite was seen giving a lap dance to a record producer you don't want to cross. A photo was taken of the incident and immediately the record producer's thugs grabbed the camera, took the memory card out and gave the camera back to the photographer.

#3 This A list actor is already very tired of his fairly new wife. The problem is his fans expect him to be a certain way and getting divorced from the mother of your child(ren) is not something they want to see. So, he puts on a happy face and tries to find other people to act as a buffer.

#2 - Paris Hilton / Suge Knight
#3 - Ben Affleck


  1. I figured Paris would be the answer to a number of BI's tonight. LOL.

    Aw..Violet is too cute a kid for her dad to be messing things up. Maybe he's never gotten over J-lo

  2. Why would you give Suge Knight a lap dance? I mean it is Paris, but still.

    And could Ben's buffer be Matt Damon?

  3. #1 So this A list actor in name recognition and actually can open a movie on his own but you just don't really think of him as A list is getting a divorce although there was some question about whether they were really married. Anyway our mystery actor has been signing false tax returns for awhile and his wife didn't quite catch on until recently that he was hiding money from her. She finds out and then relationship go bye bye, and our actor better hope he doesn't go bye bye to prison.

    Why no answer to the first blind?

  4. Could be Matt. They've been friends for years.

  5. I guess that is why we always see Jen & Violet but never Ben.

  6. Yep, especially here lately. :(

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. OH SNAP!!!!! Yes, #2 was "snap-worthy."

  9. ...getting divorced from the mother of your CHILD(REN)...? Isn't there only Violet or was this originally written at a time when it was speculated that she was pregnant?

  10. Jen and Violet both deserve better, such a shame. When he's older he'll realise what he's thrown away.

  11. I think there was some speculation Jen was preggo again.

  12. Ent likes to keep things blind by saying "child(ren)" to mean at least 1 child, maybe more. He usually says "I don't want to make it easy" if people can guess the BI by counting how many kids.

  13. Anonymous6:09 PM

    rare avis - don't expect an answer to every single blind.

    As much as I enjoy ragging on the Affleck, it is still sad to see this family falling apart. Little Violet is adorable.

  14. Parasite would lap dance for OJ at the Defendant's table if there were cameras around...even just the gumball machine type that shoot water.

    Ben has many demons. I actually hope for Jen2 to get the hell outta that mess and find some nice politician on the east coast

  15. Never been a fan of Affleck's, but my tolerance for ultra perky/nauseatingly sweet Jen and Violet could be measured in seconds. I can now see Ben and Jen as the reveals in quite a few previous BIs if things are this bad.

    Loving these reveals Enty; thanks so much!

  16. I originally thought this was Matt D. Well if she wasn't aware, i'm sure she will be now. She should take her mini-me and keep it moving.

  17. You rarely see Ben & Jen together. She seems to only hang out in playgrounds and at farmer's markets and that's sooooo not Ben's scene.

    Makes perfect sense. On the rare occasion you see them photographed together, she's all happy, smiley and holding Violet and Ben just looks like he wants to chew off his leg to get out of that trap.

  18. I'm reminded of these 2 BIs. They sound like they could be connected to Ben as well. Jen could be considered A list television, but is Ben A list in anyone's book?

    12/21/07 I hate to put two move outs back to back. But, what can I say. The holidays are big for this type of thing. This one doesn't directly involve cheating although there has been some. It is more because of behavior. A list film/television/film couple. He will be allowed to visit on Christmas Eve and Christmas and that is it. If he can straighten out, she will take him back, but I don't think he wants to straighten out. Needs to, but doesn't want to.

    I can't find the second one, but basically it stated that an actor with child(ren) who had not been married long realized he made a mistake because he's missing the boys.

  19. Re the second sentence of #3: Affleck has fans? I think he writes well but can't act for s**t. Don't know how well he directs 'cuz there's no way I'm seeing his film. Has anyone seen it? Can't even remember the name.

  20. Gone Baby Gone.

    Happy New Year to all!

  21. "very tired" or nodding?

    go there ent - it's almost 08! i dare you!

  22. Ha! I knew it had to be Affleck.

    He has looked miserable ever since he married her. And I have stated more than once that he only married her cause she was knocked up. He would have never married her otherwise... and she knew it.

    After all this time... women never learn getting pregnant is not the answer to get a husband. It is the best way to have a man hate you for the rest of his life.

    If truth be known he really did/or still does, love Lopez... but she couldn't keep her mouth shut and their relationship private... and it destroyed his career.

  23. #1. who cares? #2. put on your party face.

  24. When he's older he'll realise what he's thrown away.

    Everyone ages, not everyone grows up. I agree with you, it is a shame. I always thought she was too good for him and I'm not particularly a fan of her acting. She just took to motherhood so well and made her little girl the star in her eyes. That to me is full of win.
    Affleck is full of fail.

  25. and you know hautietx, last time I checked it takes 2 to make a baby.
    She wasn't exactly destitute when they met and married, fairly certain she could make her own rent.
    Her mistake was obviously trusting her heart with an asshole.

  26. Hautietx, I totally agree with every word you've said. I saw an old photo of him with J-Lo recently (who I did not like him with, for the record) and he looked so happy, in love, and into her. He has NEVER looked that way with Garner, ever. And it's a shame b/c I like him with Garner. But that marriage will not last. I also think he's uncomfortable with her pimping that kid for the cameras so much. Notice in many pap photos of them as a pair, Jenn looks thrilled and is smiling, showing off Violet for the cameras. And Ben looks like he wants to shoot someone or himself.

  27. Anonymous6:30 PM

    With the word "Parasite" that was easy to know it was that shank Paris LOL.

    I have never liked Affleck. Always felt he was a wimp and bad actor. Also not man enough to be blaiming Jennifer L. for that movie Gigli. Unfortunately I saw the movie just to get an idea why it was bad and to tell you the truth Affleck was extremely bad in that movie. Also I was wondering how long being married to Jennifer #2 would last. Always felt that the only reason he married her was because she got pregnant. Sounds like a desperate woman to do that.

    Feeling sorry for Jennifer G. I don't since she left her husband for that actor in that show she was on. Than she left that actor for Wimpy Affleck.

    So I guess payback is a bitch LOL.

    Oh another thing I always felt wimpy Affleck is gay. If not Gay than Bi but for sure not straight LOL.

  28. On Ben's BI, check a fan's reply here...
