Monday, December 31, 2007

Blind Item Reveals

August 3, 2007

#4 What boy band group broke up not because of creative differences, but because one of the singers got tired of the sexual advances and lifestyle of one of the other singers. (No, it's not N'Sync)

New Edition

It is also a big hint for #2 for that same day's blind items.


  1. Wonder who did what to whom in this case. Hmmm...

  2. Now I wonder who is the bi/gay one.

  3. Johnny Gill.

    Eddie Murphy/Johnny Gill

  4. I always wondered about him.

  5. I <3 this freakin blog

  6. #2 The final straw for the wife of this A list film actor was when a party was being held at the couple's home and a friend at the party walked in on our actor and this former teen singing group/solo sensation laying on a bed making out and half undressed. It wasn't the first time, but it was the last in that house as a divorce was filed soon after.

    I agree, this is Johnny Gill and Eddie Murphy...

  7. "My girl wants to party all the all the time!!!"

  8. I have to agree with all of the EM/JG, but then that was the majority of guesses back in August. I never would have guessed that.

  9. Well Eddie was caught picking up a transvestite prostitute back in the day claiming he was "just giving her a ride home." yeah. ok.

  10. Giving her a 'ride'. Heh..

  11. Why doesn't Eddie just come out already. He can't think he's fooling anyone anymore, can he?

  12. Eddie Murphy is a freak!!!!!!
    I cannot figure what is in the deal for Traci Edmunds.
    although, there were many rumblings that Babyface had some of the same "afflictions" as Eddie.

  13. Nicole has known the deal for quite some time. Why this was the deal breaker who knows, but Eddie's charades are so transparent. There is no closet to come out of- he's out.

  14. *Snort!* So funny Rare Avis...Ha!

  15. Oh, Johnny Gill. I'll never hear "Rub You the Right Way" the same again. That is if anyone ever plays it again.

  16. theflock07---that is soooo true! Too funny!

  17. Just found a link that seems to confirm this.

  18. Did not guess this, but it makes perfect sense after all the years of Eddie Murphy/Jonny Gill rumors, as others have said. Just saw on People that Eddie Murphy married Tracey Edmonds tonight, and Jonny Gill was best man. Ha! Hilarious. I am waiting for the divorce announcements. I think giving it a year is generous.
