Monday, December 31, 2007

Blind Item Reveals

August 9, 2007

#1 Despite their appearances together on recent talk shows and their public comments to the contrary, these two actors really don't like each other and what you see in public and what goes on in private are two very different things.

Chris Tucker / Jackie Chan


  1. So the real acting is when they have to do the interviews together. Oscars anyone?

  2. They seem like two different people. Chris Tucker is also rumored to be very difficult to work with. The real question is how close did Brett Ratner get with either man.

  3. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I remember that one being obvs.

    hope i can stay sober enough to read a good amount of these. we're only on august and i'm on half a fifth!

    I'll leave the chat open a little longer, but since that item's almost buried, I'm gonna close it soon.

  4. How could anybody not like Jackie Chan? I can totally see the Chris Tucker thing, but Jackie, he's like a teddy bear.

  5. *takes a bow*


  6. A lot of lead actors hate each other. The best example I can think of is The Fast and Furious. Paul Walker and Vin Diesel hated each other and yet they promoted the movie. Vin was said to leave the second movie because of his hatred for Paul. Thus, Tyrese was brought in the mix. Which means the set for The Fast and Furious 4 will be interesting when Paul Walker and Vin Diesel go back on set together. I expect a blind item about those two sometime in 2008.

  7. But I could see Paul Walker and Vin Diesel being mad at each other because Paul refused Vin's sexual advances. It may be interesting to see what comes out of #4

  8. Paul is very close to Tyrese and Scott Caan. Both have been rumored to be at least bi for years. Male on male advances shouldn't be a problem for him.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Lol @ him trying to be slick.

  11. I totally retract my comment (I deleted it) but just in case you read it, that whole rant applied to Chris ROCK not Tucker. Geez, seems a little racist, but it's not. I'm just not that into either of them so you know... sorry

  12. OK. officially have to go now.
    you guys have fun.
    see you next year.
    Thanks for all the fun.

    you know we love you EL

    Happy New Year to all my fellow CDAN Clan
    bring on the election, Bitches!

  13. Anonymous8:39 PM

    did ENT pass out on us?

  14. keep em coming ENT! Reading these reveals is my New Year...

  15. i'm trying to not panic..
    in the words of my beloved trainwreck, "gimme gimme more"

    please ent, give us more!

  16. More , please, Ent. Over the rest of the week/month?

  17. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Please, Sir,

    May I have some more?

    (thank you Ent - Hapy New Year!)

  18. Anonymous9:25 PM

    *sniff, sniff*

  19. Anonymous9:27 PM

    UGH - let's do this properly...
    (thank you Ent - Hap*p*y New Year!)

    And to everybody! Hope 2008 is much better than 2007 for everyone!!



  20. uh oh. guess ent's trashed. next blind reveal: jamie lynn's baby is the jolly green giant. britney and lindsay will become nuns.

  21. Happity new years!!!! 2000008!!!

  22. Lol..jolly green giant

  23. I know for 100% certainty that Paul has no problem with gay men or their advances. With that said, I also know that Scott and Tyrese are neither bi nor gay.

    The Vin comment is also not true, but I'm not so sure about his sexuality. Some evidence I've seen first hand would point to him being gay, BUT, I don't know for certain.

  24. I don't why anyone would turn down Vin's advances. Sure, you'd want to duct tape his mouth shut, but oh those arms!

    Happy New Year everyone!
