Monday, December 31, 2007

Blind Item Reveals

July 11, 2007

So this A list couple has been divorced for some time now. Each have moved on as divorced couples tend to do. My five ex-wives are grateful everyday they don't have to see me and the monthly checks I'm forced to send them keep them in Laboutin's and me in a basement. Anyway, there really was no reason given for the divorce. Just one day it was over. Out of the blue so to speak. Turns out that perhaps the lady in all of this was not really quite the lady we all thought. It's not that her husband minded because he really didn't. The problem was that our wife wasn't as discreet as perhaps she should have been and a huge secret was about to be revealed which neither the husband or wife really wanted. Seems that maybe the other man in this wife's life was not just some random guy off the street, but someone much closer. Each had their own reasons for keeping everything a secret. The wife really was happy being married to the husband which is why there were very few fireworks and instead just a resigned disappointment that she wasn't going to get to stay. The wife violated a rule and has slowly been eliminated from any contact with the ex and the ex's family.

Nicole Kidman


  1. KellySirkus was right!

    So does this mean all of TC's wives have contracts?!

  2. More than likely. Makes ya wonder what Kate got herself into

  3. what secret was that?

  4. What I really want to know is...what reasons did they have for keeping the secret and who's the random guy (a famous married Brit/Scottish co-star)?

    PS. You're behind on the alimony, but if you'll answer those questions, I'll let you off the hook this month.

    PPS. It's already 5:30 pm and you're still sober?? WOW!!! I'm really impressed.

  5. I wonder what is in the contract. My guess is they have to keep quiet about Tom Cruise's male acquaintances.

  6. ...and what was the rule??

  7. ahhh, the ewan mcgregor pregnancy.


  8. ah yes Ewan rears his ugly seed.

    mm juicy indeed. im thinking th eone rule was no married dudes.

  9. ummm yeah ok. I forgot miscarriage was a euphamism for abortion. TC can't have children.

  10. WATCHING AS I PICK UP MY JAW FROM THE FLOOR!!!! Glad I am still sober enough to read these!

    Lets see what else Enty can give us!!!!

  11. guess this is why we never see her with the sad...

  12. pale, I was just thinking the same thing. How sad that her children are being kept from her, I know I know, she should have been more careful but still, that shit makes me just not like the Gay Midget even less....

  13. I thought it was Ewan too but I just had a thought, EL's use of the word 'closer' must have been Jude

  14. the baby was not fathered by Ewan or Jude.
    the baby father is a FAMOUS surgeon.
    the rule she broke was wanting to give birth to that baby and the real father knowing he was the father...too many loose ends.

  15. I'm trying to read these at the kitchen counter while I put food in the warming drawer.

    Next I'll be reading from my bathroom while I try to slap some fresh makeup on.
    Damn, Enty, you know how hard it is to line your eyes and read and type?

    must get priorities in order -- there's a NY Reso.
    so no more parties. Need privacy!!!!!!!!!
    Nappy New Year everyone!

  16. And by "the ex's family," you're talking about their adopted kids, right?

  17. Anonymous6:50 PM

    kellysirkus - you've been totally holding out on us, diva!

  18. This was one hot reveal Kellysirkus - congrats! If you know anything more you had better start talking - NOW!!

  19. I think KellySirkus has been saying this from the beginning, if you look at the original guesses on the original BIs.

  20. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I am going to start paying very close attention to KellySirkus' comments from now on :)

  21. Excellent reveal. I can only imagine what the contract looks like and what these wives know. I think Ms. Katie is in way over her head, beard or not!

  22. I have a question. I keep reading that TC can't father children So who is Suri's father? She sure looks like him.

  23. This is why I get so mad when I see people say she ignores her kids and doesn't care about them.

    Gay Midget Dwarf has completely alienated the kids against her. Hell, he made them go to a three month Scientology summer camp in Oregon this year so they're further brainwashed. He's brainwashed them against Nicole, there's no doubt. Especially with the Katie-bot saying they call her M "mom" (gag!!).

    As for the rest of it, yep. Pretty much what I figured all along (the pregnancy which obviously wasn't Tom's followed by her miscarriage).

  24. dxr - TC could most likely father children. who knows? although he does not , never, or would want to have sexual relations with female humans in any still leaves scientific variables, many more than we as humans could understand without being cleared and the like.....confused? oh don't be, it's fine... watch oprah's new season john travolta's her fave movie star and her BFF, oh no don't let kirstie here that...shhhh....

  25. Mimi Rogers said he was sterile way back in the day captiva.
    That would be the same Mimi Rogers who introduced him to Scientology. She probably knows more about him than anyone, but as you said..who knows?
    The media obviously has a fear of the church lawyers or I'm sure the Mimi interview of her talking about his lack of viable sperm would have been reprinted a thousand times when "Kate and Tom are having a baby7!" stories hit.

  26. the father is most likely Toms cousin. The Mapother guy who is actually playing a character in "Lost". He looks like Tom. And Suri , like him.

    I think this is the "much closer" guy, ent referes to..

    I also think that intitially it was planned to get Nic pregnant, like its going on in the actual scheme.

    The rule broken would be she wanting to be with him raising her own kid as a family, instead of going on with bearding and adoptions.

  27. Reading this BI makes me feel a little sad, a little for Nicole. She did enjoy her marriage to TC, and I believe she loved their kids, but she was stupid and got knocked up by someone that she wasn't suppose to get knocked up by. Hence a 'miscarriage', but that was still the nail in her coffin for the marriage.

    If TC really isolated her from the kids, that's just wrong, and as their mother, she should have had a say into what religion the kids could study.

    This is really messed up and while I'm sympathetic to Nicole, I still think she's partly to blame for her circumstances. As for Tom... what a calculating selfish creep.

  28. Katie was pregnant when she hit Tom's list.

  29. Suri's dad has got to be chris klein, she looks just like him.

  30. Yeah i do believe that the kid is Chris Klein's. I want to say they broke up only a couple of months before she started dating Tom, and she was already pregnant. I think Suri's bday is actually a few months before they're saying it is.
    That's why they were in hiding for months; they didnt want anyone to see that Suri was actually a lot bigger than she should have been. And he's lucky that Suri looks like Katie, b/c they both have similar features so the kid can actually be passed off as his daughter. So sad that she is so hungry for PR that she has to resort to living her life as a big fat lie. But she gets to shop, so I guess she doesn't care.

  31. Yeah, Suri is older than 18 months. Just look at her! That's a 2 year old or better.

  32. Come on people, get off that Chris Klein train! That baby looks like a female toddler Tom Cruise.

  33. katie was preggers when the deal was brokered. the public is gullible. people believe what they want to believe. and nicole only cares about nicole. she'll do ANYTHING for money.(marry gay alien midget, adopt children, "bewitched", "the stepford wives"...etc.)it's all about money.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. How ridiculous is this lifestyle? Katie had everything going for her - she's young, famous in her own right, a promising career, and she gives up her loss of freedom for an inderterminite length of time and servitude to gain money, clothes, and a baby daddy? I guess I could understand it if she had nothing, but what is in the cosmos over Hollywood that warps the brain of these people?

  36. She probably thought she'd be the next Nicole Kidman if she hooked up w. Cruise. It's not like her career was really going anywhere. Personally, I don't think she's a good actress at all and wonder how she's gotten the parts she's landed.

  37. This on one was awesome ENT and it completely fits Nicole.

  38. bxrlvr:
    "promising career"...umm, have you seen Batman Begins? Thank God she's not in the next one.

    Suri definitely looks like she is part Asian (small part)...just like Chris Klein. I just wonder if Chris knows/suspects Suri is his. Maybe was paid off too.

  39. brenda - OK, you made me laugh! So, I'm optimistic - sue me! I keep thinking about the early years when Nicole was married to Tom and people kept saying that the only reason she got roles was because she was Mrs Tom Cruise. So maybe there's hope for Katie once she emerges from his shadow!

  40. i wouldn't cry any crocodile tears for the adopted children. i remember a blind item YEARS AGO in an australian street press mag where an A list Australian actress married to a superstar burst into her publicist's office and said something to the effect of "you said we had to adopt these kids, you didn't say i had to look after them".

    i feel dirty now.

  41. I remember reading on People that NK had a DNA test done on her fetus & it was Tom’s. Court ruled it.



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