Monday, December 31, 2007

Blind Item Reveals

July 16, 2007

Some very interesting news. It seems that this certain A list body with the B list resume has been sticking with her guy after everyone thought that all was said and done because they got married. Not recently and no one even in the family is the wiser. They did it on a lark, but now at least she understands that in order to get out of it, people are going to find out she was in it in the first place. He's just happy to be married to her. I know when you read the first line you think it's very obvious, but it's not.

Jessica Alba/Cash Warren

Note: I'm not sure why I wrote the line about the obvious, but not.


  1. Not surprising. I had a feeling both had something to gain by staying together. I wonder what Jessica is hiding?

  2. she's actually NOT the newest member of the hollywood unwed mothers club?

    why so secretive?

  3. Hmm...interesting. *awaits the other BI's*

  4. Very interesting, yes very strange thing to hide.

  5. Cash Warren is a production/director's assistant on various crews. There was a rumor that Jessica Alba was very friendly during castings. I wonder if she dumped Cash, if it would come out that she slept around to get various roles. Just a guess but it has to be something career damaging for her to want to stay together.

  6. That already married thing will make it difficult on their recent "engagement", me thinks.

  7. Anonymous6:06 PM

    If I remember right, something was going on with Brangelina around the time of this BI that made everyone think it was them.

  8. I think his family does not like her.

    funny, she is actually the "lucky" one, they think

  9. They're fucking married? Hilarious!

  10. God she's such a stupid twat. Why does this not suprise me? Makes sense now that she took Cash back after he cheated right and left.

    Well, this explains why she ALWAYS looks like Grouchy McGrouch 100% of the time. I guess marrying a jobless cheater and being stuck with him would make you feel bitchy constantly.

    randomramblings, yeah it's been well rumored around Hollywood that she got where she is via her horizontal talents instead of her acting talents. Which makes it all the more disgusting when she's CONSTANTLY playing the prude card ("I refuse to do nudity!" "I don't like to show my body!" blah blah blah). She whored her way to success and now she acts like she's a frigid nun.

  11. Hi I am a first time poster. In January 2007 there was a BI about a smart actress who gave her boyfriend a birthday present of a 2woman show with her and eventually her boyfriend joining in. I guessed it was Jessica Alba based on the clues but always wondered who it was. Have a happy new year everyone!!

  12. Whoa. Why not admit to already being married? It takes away the stigma of having a child out of wedlock (not that there's anything wrong with that)

    @sitcur: I think the actress was Autumn Reeser. She played Taylor Townsend on "the OC"

  13. Well one can assume that she didn't have her own K-fraud sign a pre-nup... and now she can't get rid of him without a ugly fight over money.

    What a dumb-ass... she deserves all the sh*t she will get dragged through over this...

  14. but, who is on the wrong end of this deal...?

  15. Hi Gammagirl. I was looking through the BI Hints for the past year and saw that ENT said the actress foursome was solved by a very clever reader. The most clever post I saw was a poster's deduction that it was JA based on the clues. Could be Autumn Reeser too!!

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