Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Amy Winehouse Arrested

I don't like to say I told you so, but it was just obvious from the beginning that if Blake's plan had any chance of succeeding he was going to need money, and the only person who had that much money was his wife.

Singer Amy Winehouse was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of attempting to interfere with a court case involving her husband. Police would not confirm the report from Sky News but said a 24-year-old was arrested during an appointment at a police station in connection with an investigation into perverting the course of justice.

Blake Fielder-Civil, as you will recall was ordered held in custody in London last month on charges of perverting the course of justice stemming from a case in which he is accused of assaulting a barman in June.

Fielder-Civil allegedly tried to interfere with a witness' testimony, according to court documents.

The way he tried to interfere was by offering a bribe. The only positive about this for Amy Winehouse is that she doesn't have to worry about making daily visits to the jail; Pete Doherty can practice his smuggling skills; and hopefully Amy will get out of this clean and sober, and divorced.


noel said...

I hope they have her on suicide watch...

ms_wonderland said...

She's been arrested but not yet charged, so Amy can't be held longer than 48 hours. She went to the police station by appointment, so her solicitor (lawyer) would be there and all set to answer questions. I think she will be charged then bailed. The police dont want her dying on them.

Oh, and there wont be a mugshot. That doesnt get released over here.

kellygirl said...

thanks, Ms. Wonderland, for the info.
any chance her 'rents will get her straight to rehab?

Unknown said...

How many hours has she been in? Girlfriend's going to start going into withdrawal soon and damn I hate it for her. Prayin' for ya, girlie.

jax said...

she's over 18..no one can do anything if she's not co operative.
(with rehab)

ms_wonderland said...

Amy has been released on bail until March. She was there about 6 hours max. No charges reported.

I do feel for her parents - it must be hell for them. That grey haired guy in the pic is her dad. He's with her a lot these days, so at least there's some support.

ms_wonderland said...

Oops, no grey haired guy in that pic! But he's often there.

piratechick said...

I still think Blake tried implicating her to save his own ass.

And poor Amy, who probably just lets him have all the money he wants anyway without asking what its for (stupid girl in love), is going to pay for him being a weasel.

Here's hoping she wises up.

Jerry said...

From what I've read, in the UK you have to be arrested before you can be questioned unlike the US, where you're questioned first. Presumably, the police in both countries still beat the snot out of you when appropriate.


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