Monday, December 03, 2007

The 5th Beatle She Ain't

Guess, I am not a Spice Girl fanatic. I had no clue there was someone else who had originally been slated to fill the role that Mel C (how is that finding a man thing working for you?) currently fills. Lianne Morgan, who is now 37, was originally hired, but then fired a month later because she was told she was too old. Even though she was the same age as Geri Halliwell at the time, I guess she probably looked more haggish and so they went with that stunner Mel C. instead. In 2002, Lianne gave an interview and said she was 30. Now, five years later she is 37. My math isn't very good, but I'm thinking that she might actually be closer to 50 which is why she seems to be adding years a little faster than the rest of us)

Lianne isn't bitter anyway. "It was like winning a lottery ticket and then having it taken away from me. I'm angry about the way I was treated," Lianne told the Mail On Sunday. (but, even though she was treated like a piece of dog crap she can still put on a good face)

"I wish the girls the best of luck, but I'm still flabbergasted that they were picked in the first place when they can't sing! It's a total injustice. I'm a better singer than all of them. I don't like their new single, and I haven't bought their latest album." ( I wish them all good luck, but they suck, and I wouldn't give them a dime because they can't sing)

However, Lianne added that she has bought tickets to the group's reunion tour and will be in the audience at the 02 Arena in London later this month. (Well, just to make fun of them I am sure and to tell everyone who will listen that she was an original Spice Girl and that she wouldn't have to live in a council house with her mom, dad and six kids if she had been a Spice Girl. Of course everyone will think she's bonkers, and be whispering behind her back)

"I thought they'd be a flash in the pan," she explained. "It just goes to show what you can achieve if you put your mind to it." (Realizing she had sounded like a bit of a bitch, she decides to inspire the children, by saying that if they put their minds to it, they too can be fake singers with fake breasts and make lots of money as long as they look young and sleep with the right people. No, it doesn't actually say that, but you can read it all between the lines. )

1 comment:

  1. Would you like some cheese for that wine?
    Sweetie it wasn't a contest, it was a job slot and you didn't fit it.

    get over it.
