Monday, December 17, 2007

3Some Woman With Hugh Grant -- Porn Star & Idiot

The woman who was seen making out with Hugh Grant while another man groped her is Shu Qi. The other man is John Duigan who directed Hugh in the film Sirens. It seems that Shu Qi, who is 31 has been staying with Duigan while she explores acting possibilities and extracts every last penny from her host. Qi starred in a number of porn films and stripped off for adult magazines before landing roles in mainstream movies. In 1999, director Ang Lee offered her the lead role in Oscar-winning film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but she opted to star in a Coca-cola advertisement instead. Yes, you read that right. Ang Lee offered her the lead role in one of the biggest films in the last ten years, and she decided to suck down some coke and a smile instead.

It's not like the ad paid more or anything. Qi just decided that didn't want to take on the challenge of doing a film, when she could make almost as much money doing commercials and f**king guys on the side for many thousands of dollars night. I looked for the Coke commercial but couldn't find it. I did find a Head & Shoulders commercial that she took instead of the lead in some film called Titanic because she thought movies about ships and boys sounded stupid.


  1. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Brains are so overrated!

  2. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Enty, you really expect us to believe that James Cameron would've tried to pass an asian woman off as a passenger on Titanic?

  3. So are condoms! dirty minx..wrap it up!

  4. ENT, I was willing to go along with you on Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but Qi as the lead in Titanic? I don't think so. That's just a little too unbelievable.

  5. As for the Titanic comment, there is this thing called sarcasm ...

  6. Erm, EL if you actually believe that was what happened you're a fucking moron. Either that or you've become plain antagonistic and self-important to make snap judgments about actresses and actors from other continents you don't know about to weave BIs out of thin air.

    Take it from someone who has lived in East Asia for the past 10 years and working in the entertainment field, Shu Qi's still a top tier star in that region. Any American with even a passing interest in Asian cinema can attest to that as well.

  7. The Crouching Tiger story is true

  8. Shu Qi is hot.

    She did some soft core films, but she has become a big star in Asian cinema.

  9. ditto..maybe you need to do some research yourself there Justind.

    its just fuckin gossip people.

  10. Not the way EL recycled it, again with the recycling eh?

    Shu Qi was in the frame to take the part but as soon as Zhang Ziyi become available, Shu Qi was shit out of luck.

    What I'm most bemused about is the British and American press harping on about her being an ex-porn star (soft porn and erotic but still) who was with Hugh Grant and John Duigan. You'd think that hasn't happened before.

    The biggest angle should be that the mystery woman between Grant and Duigan is one of the more marketable stars from Taiwan and Hong Kong.

  11. hey jax, why don't you piss off again like the little bitch you were?

  12. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Hey justind, why dont you take a freakin' chill pill (with your attitude, I'm guessing a dose of Xanax would be just about right), its just gossip. Calm the fuck down. A lot of us dont always agree with EL or the way "he" presents things. Its just celebrity gossip on some website, its of no consequence.

    As for the rest of you...sarcasm, people. You couldnt tell the Titanic comments were a joke?

  13. Didn't Shu Qi star in the Transporter?

  14. I have an aggressive tone that I like using on gossip blogs. Deal with it bitches. All I did was present information that's actually true and not something picked up by an antagonistic ignoramus. Notice how EL discounted every fact but that she's a "porn star" despite the fact he noted Ang Lee did approach her to star in his biggest film.

    I don't like the way EL presents shit either. If the person writing the blog can be raving loon (who still wanted Owen Wilson to finish the job, lest you forget), I don't see why I need to hold back just to spare your delicate sensibilities.

    gwu: You are correct.

  15. She was in the Transporter - she has also been in several Stephen Chow movies and a Jackie Chan comedy. She is super famous in China and Hong Kong!

  16. "I have an aggressive tone that I like using on gossip blogs. Deal with it bitches."

    That was awesome.

  17. @kissannie
    Thanks. I googled her after I posted the comment.

    I think this article plays into a lot of Asian stereotypes btw. And if Drew Barrymore gets to take on the whole fucking band, the let Shi have Hugh and John. Pretty tame in comparison.

    Off topic. Any suggestions for Lainey's new blind 'Trailer Visits'. I thought it was Hugh Jackman, but he's not filming?

  18. Justind...ooh hurt me.

    I laughed when I read that.
    Thanks,that was great.

    Now go back to your Shu Qi Fan page and leave the gossip to folks who don't need meds to deal with it.

  19. oh btw you can fuckin bet if it were and American whore trying to start a threesome in a PUBLIC RESTAURANT we'd have shit to say on that as don't make this shit about her being Asian.

    you may be a newbie but we have more brains that that here sweetie darling.

  20. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I am laughing here just reading what you guys are writing. I love this site LOL.

  21. Me too Sylvia, me too.

  22. Jax, Justind isn't new. Longtime lurker that one. Always screaming that her pussy hurts or some shit like that.

    She's fucking mess! Or he is. And Justind has many different names. Trust.

  23. Jax and Tracee I'm sorry. I can't help being a pussy-assed bitch even though I'm a male. I can't help it. This is the tone I use on gossip forums because I think I'm cool, when really Bill Gates is about a trillion times cooler than I'll ever be.


  24. EL I'm going to apologize to you too because I've promised many times that I was going to stop reading your blog but I can't seem to stop. Reading and then leaving shit-filled posts allows me to get the only attention I crave. If I ever stop being a douchebag supreme, maybe I'll stop posting but for now, I gotta be me - a giant douchebag cunt!


  25. jax: listen up you shit-stabbing endomorph, anyone who delineates posters here as newbies and regulars must be the one with the problem because as far as i see, it's a freaking comments area. as for meds, weren't you the little bitch that "quit" this blog for awhile just because some people questioned the inanity of your guesses.

    yeah, i figured as much.

  26. justind, jax left because someone called her out on her repeated references to getting high, saying it was immature to brag about it, unless you are under 21 or something. She took offense, said she was viciously attacked, and left for awhile.

    As a casual observer, I see what you were trying to say, but your tone was too abrasive and condescending for some of the posters. To be fair, you technically "started" it, but on the other hand, some posters are dismissive and overly prickly to your comments, and rudely respond to your comments also. I like your input - it's a nice variation from the same 3 or 4 people posting constantly, all day and night long.

  27. pst, are you new here? The reason people are dismissive and overly prickly to justind is because he's acts like a motherfucking asshole towards anybody who doesn't agree with him. If you were a long term casual observer you'd know that.

    Anyways I don't know of anyone who posts constantly all day and night long. I think you're just another troll with that comment.

  28. molly - I'm going to say something, so I hope you'll (and others) keep an open mind and not bite my head off. I am going to defend justind's right to defend himself.

    Like pst, I usually enjoy justind's input. Why is it okay for some (jax for example) to call others out, but when justind calls jax out for the way she goes about it, he gets reamed out for it? I usually enjoy jax's comments--she's smart and funny, but can be very biting at times, to the point where it appears she has a big chip on her shoulder. Let me say again, I like jax. I've been a fan of this blog from the beginning, but only post occasionally. I love to sit here and watch the back and forth between everyone, the sharing of ideas, hints, clues. That's what makes this blog so great. And so what if people disagree? Jax and justind should both just relax and let things roll off their backs - it's not worth getting so worked up about. Let's have fun.

    Didn't mean (or want) to get in the fray, but just wanted to suggest a time out. It's the holidays - where's all that good will towards men (& women!)?


  29. Um, Molly? there are SEVERAL posters who post all day and all night...

  30. melissa who are they? I must be missing them. Not that it's anybody's business but I keep up on this blog and don't see anyone's names here all day and night. I see some people post more regularly than others (tracee, jax, dnfrommn, brendalove, captivagirl to name a few) and some who post regularly then disappear for weeks at a time (twisted sister, sarah, majik, etc) and people who post rarely (me, maureen, thedeacon, etc). If you're saying tracee or jax or brendalove or any of those people post all day and night I don't see it. But even if someone is, what does that have to do with anything? If some of you are sick of reading their posts skip them.

    surfer people call jax out too but she doesn't rip people new assholes just because they disagree with her she usually saves the nasty for people who go after her first. justind has pissed off a ton of people here because as he admits he's very aggressive which is only a nice way of saying rude and bitchy.

  31. Molly, if you are not new here than you know that there are people who comment repeatedly, many times over the course of the morning into the evening. It's that way with every comment section on every blog. How that is a troll-like insult is beyond me...I just said I like to read variety sometimes and justind's comments spice things up sometimes. And the way I know that some people post all day is because I either read this blog at night, after everyone has pretty much commented, or the next morning, and it's hard not to notice the times of the comments.

    God I hate this business of labeling people "trolls". From what I understand, trolls are people who purposely sabotage the forum or try to interrupt the conversation because of spite or an agenda, not people who question the validity of something written by the blogger or who disagree with the views of the majority. A lot of the commenters on this site call others names or treat others' rudely, it is not just the so-called "trolls" like justind.

    Agree to disagree, okay, but don't call me names or insult me for saying my opinion just because it differs from yours, Molly. Not to pull politics in, but it reminds me of the dynamic of the Republicans growling that anyone who criticizes the Iraq war is anti-American and unsupportive of the troops, and deserves to be derided. It is the same dynamic, just on a much, much, much, MUCH smaller scale!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. sorry pst if I got you mad. I shouldn't say anyone is a troll but it seemed like you were being critical of people who post a lot. I read in spurts so I don't notice. They probably post in spurts I doubt they sit here all day and night doing nothing but posting. And who cares anyways? If you get sick of reading some posts don't read them rather than saying people sit here all day and night. That's offensive to people who post here regularly.

    Lets not bring up politics we can't get along as it is without bringing that up.

  34. MOLLY why are you apologizing to someone who obviously is justind or his sockpuppet? What she said was insulting so yup she sounds like a troll!

  35. You got me, anon! I am justind's "sock puppet." In fact, that is what I call myself, how did you know? And I said something insulting so I am a troll! You saw through my evil scheme - I live to mildly insult a few commenters on this blog. Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to take my 3 year old son to his grandma's and go get a Border's gift certificate for my 5 year old son's kindergarten teacher! But I might be back...! (i.e. grow up!)
