Thursday, December 27, 2007

$250 And A Pair Of Shoes

Without coughing up the alleged nude photos of Lindsay Lohan that Riley Giles claimed to have, the only thing he got from Lindsay Lohan and their two month relationship were the two gifts she gave him and the $250 and pair of tennis shoes he got for selling the photos above. For that kind of money he would have been better off just selling some blood and keeping intact his stellar reputation. Judging by the girth around his middle, I am guessing that much of the $250 will be spent at his local McDonalds. Nothing wrong with that. If it is good enough for Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt on Christmas then it is good enough for all of us. We are supposed to do whatever celebrities do, and so now each year every McDonalds will be filled to capacity with Brangelina worshippers. I think KFC is a bit greasy so I am going to take a pass on the December 26th tradition. Well, maybe a biscuit. Anyway, now Riley can move back to the old girlfriend in Utah and tell her how he was out under a spell by Lindsay. Judging by the intelligence of the ex we all saw in those MySpace messages I am sure Riley will be welcomed back to her arms. He is after all the first person she knows who ever got on an airplane or uses words of more than one syllable. Plus she can brag to all her friends that she was hotter than a movie star because Riley left Lindsay to go back to her. I'm not sure that is all Riley will be bringing her, but we'll save that for another day.


captivagrl said...

lindsay, a "singer"? i know she wants to be......HIV positive?? interesting thought...

__-__=__ said...

Oh, she is working on a new album.

merrick said...

Captivagirl .. that was my first thought too after reading that last line .. and she is supposedly "in the studio" right now .. wow, that would be a bombshell on top over everything else that has happened ..

Anonymous said...

that was the first thing to pop into my head too. I doubt enty would have characterized her as a "singer" though since that is not mainly what she is known for, and it would have been easier to writer "actress/'singer'". BUT I could see her as being one of the people infected by someone who slept with the singer of the BI.

jin said...

Blohan has herpes - that may be the present Ent was hinting about.

This is well-known, she has visible sores on her face right now.

jax said...

what a cad this douche turned out to be. obviously these photos were taken when she first arrvied at Cirque. she seems (god hoping) to be keeping it day at a time.

MnGddess said...

with all the good looking guys in L.A. you would think Lindsay and Britney would have better taste...



Jesse D said...

You know, mngddess, I have oft wondered the very same thing, myself. If a dogface like Fergie can land a Josh Duhamel....

Jim said...

nickee - if he categorized her as an actress/singer, it would have made it easier to identify.

When I read the BI yesterday, Lindsay was the first person who I thought of.

I have heard before that she is HIV+ but it is something that is hard to confirm obviously.

Anonymous said...

If so, this might be how she has been able to hold herself together thus far. Either that or she's the strongest person just don't get over a massive cocaine habit like she had - unless maybe you've been scared sober.

Maja With a J said...

I like how she looks my age even though she is 12 years younger. Or, do I look like I'm in my early 20's? No. I really don't.

Majik said...

Jesse D said...
You know, mngddess, I have oft wondered the very same thing, myself. If a dogface like Fergie can land a Josh Duhamel....

Since Fergie looks a helluva lot like a tranny, I'm gonna say JD's with her cuz it's easier than being with a real tranny, professionally speaking. Hard to explain that one to your agent and fans...

kellygirl said...

oh, that's got to be a reveal
"not sure that is all Riley will be bringing her."

let's hope that "another day" is very soon

Dick Insideu said...

I didn't realize it was common knowledge that Blohan has herpes. She sure as shit has a banging body, though. I bet she's a wild fuck when she's snorted a few rails. It would be too bad if she was HIV+. Someone that good looking who likes to fuck that much deserves a break.


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