Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Why Even Take Photos Anymore?

Michael Jackson appears on the cover of December's Ebony Magazine in a celebration of 25 years of Thriller. Well, I doubt little kids have been thrilled for the last 25 years when he is around, but whatever. The point right now is that I have decided there should be no more photographs EXCEPT pap photographs. They are the only true photographs. For the rest of the cover shots and magazine spreads, the subject should just say exactly what they want to look like, what they want to be wearing, and at what age they should look like. This would save the subject of the "photo" from having to do more than send an e-mail. It will eliminate the job of most photographers so they can go back to Sears and JC Penney. It will eliminate the need for many editor positions. All you need is one guy, a computer and the coordinates. The only connection these two photos have to the real Michael Jackson is that I presume that at one point he may have seen them prior to publication and he probably owns a top hat. Well, I would think he does magic tricks with it to keep the kids distracted. One hand goes in the hat, and the other goes under the covers. Before you know it, the kid is 15 or 16 and doing his own kind of tricks.


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Hey there pretty lady!


  2. That photo was worked on as much as his face.

  3. Anonymous11:26 AM

    It honestly looks like a drawing.

  4. Speaking as someone who grew up with Michael Jackson, who loved Michael Jackson, who was convinced I would one day marry Michael Jackson (sue me, I was 11 years old)...these pictures are both disturbing and horrifying. Oh, and there's all that other stuff he did, too.

  5. Anonymous11:51 AM

    And he still wants us to believe that he didnt get some kind of Elizabeth Taylor obsession and decide he wanted to be her. He's gone to every length to appear as such...and we're supposed to turn a blind eye? I feel sorry for him.

  6. Do you think he scares himself when he looks in the mirror?

  7. Enty - brilliant commentary! You could not be more right about the photographs.

    As for Michael - I saw him up close and personal in 1996. I managed a record store in an upscale northern NJ mall where many folks from NY come to shop. He came into my store (with a small entourage that included a pre-teen boy) and waited right in front of me at the counter while I rang up the sale. The boy bought a copy of the Rosewood soundtrack on which Michael has a song. (I know, that doesn't make too much sense). I have never seen such a scary sight. I was completely speechless. Many of his fingers were taped and he also had some across his nose. His skin was essentially translucent and I could see blue veins beneath it. That's as close as I can come to describing how disturbing he looked - and that was about 10 years ago! You know he didn't get any better looking since then... BTW - his visit to the mall was reported on the local news and in the paper, so it really was him.

  8. Ebony? Isn't he Japanese or something?

  9. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Michael's totally rockin' the Rachel, circa 1995.

  10. Hey, I'm just glad he changed his shade of lipstick.

  11. No lawnmower. He was a black man and now he's a white woman, but Harper's Bazaar wouldn't have him.

  12. The cover of that magazine should read: Ivory.

    MJ couldn't be further away from the shade of Ebony. Shame.

  13. You know Michael is innocent. Stop the hateration.



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