Tom Makes Katie Pay
In an interview with the Daily Star which you would think might be an astrology magazine, but is in actuality about celebrities Tom Cruise hinted that he is a big ass skinflint and makes Katie Holmes pay for dinner when they go out. It's not all she's paying for. Anyway, it seems that Xenu boy doesn't own a cell phone, or jewelery. He has no e-mail address, and no watch, and most of all he carries no wallet. Now, I do suppose it is possible that he just carries a credit card with him when he goes out, but then you know that the waiter is going to ask for identification. So then he would have to carry his license and a credit card. And what if the place they are eating doesn't take American Express. Well, then he has to have at least two credit cards and his drivers license sitting in a pocket. What about valet? You know he is going to tip big or some asshole like me is going to call him out on it, so he needs to have some cash, two credit cards and a drivers license in his pockets. Obviously this is too much for his elf size pockets, so he must make Katie just jam everything in her purse, and when she wants to go out, he says, "only if you buy, because I don't have a wallet."
In the same interview, Tom also says, "I simply want to be with my children and make movies." I think he means child because I didn't see Conner and Isabella Cruise at that tea party unless they were the wait staff. I didn't see them at the premiere of his movie, or anywhere. I think it is time to bring them out of hiding, but he may be saving them for a big press disaster. Either that or they are in for service.
In the next breath, Tom claimed that the best times he has are "waking up and seeing Katie and Suri and giving them a hug". Of course they have come in from a different room and have had to make an appointment. I notice also that he said giving Suri a hug and not the other two kids. Maybe he thinks they smell bad. And what about kisses? Huh? I think the best time for me if Katie Holmes was my wife would be when Suri is off with the help and Katie says good morning naked and with a smile.