Thursday, November 29, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 This celebudude hasn't been getting a large enough allowance from his B list film actress girlfriend to be able to afford his cheating lifestyle. So, in the last few weeks he has started selling little stories about her friends to the tabloids. The money has been so good, that it is only a matter of time before he starts selling stories about her.

#2 New hit comedy show on network television. One of the male stars of the show was surprised when his ex and daughter showed up unannounced at our actor's home, and he was enjoying some time with one of the very young female actresses on the same show. Seems that he had been telling the ex he was completely single and didn't want to do anything but be a great dad.


  1. 1. Cash Warren - Jessica Alba's bf?

    2. No idea!

  2. Can't be Cash Warren b/c Jessica Alba doesn't have any friends.

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    new hit comedies include:
    Samantha Who? man on that: Barry Watson
    Pushing Daisies - men: Lee Pace, Chi McBride
    Big Bang Theory - men: Johnny Galecki, other dorky dudes.
    Rules of Engagement - men: David Spade, Patrick Warburton.

    Thing is, none of these have a "young" girl on them that I know of.

  4. How about Heroes? That show is fairly new. Does Milo have kids?

  5. Would Dirty Sexy Money be considered a comedy? Peter Krause has a son and I know for a fact that he's a dog with huge commitment issues.

  6. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Chuck is new, and a comedy, and has a varied cast.

  7. Rebecca, Hereoes isn't a comedy.

    Trix, is there someone on Chuck who divorced with a daughter?

  8. Chuck doesn't have any young girls either, though.

  9. it doesnt say they were married only that it was his ex and in the normal world you can have kids without being married so you surely can in hollyweird

  10. I'll just throw this out there - how about Dylan McDermott - new show - Big Shots, divorced with one, maybe two kids. Young female actress - the girl who plays his daughter

  11. Would "Big Shots" be considered a hit? Other than that, best guess yet.

  12. thanks mooshki - I think I read somewhere recently that it has been picked up for another season.

  13. Dylan and his TV Daughter from Big Shots makes sense to me. He would probably be giving Shiva that line about be a good dad to keep the settlement lower.

  14. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Mooshki, the show DOES have young girls. The main female agent is young, Chuck has a sister on the show, and a female coworker.

  15. try doing a Google search on "big shots cancelled" and you'll see how big a hit Big Shots is not.

  16. 1. dreadpirate - you took the words right out of my head. I have never seen JA with a girlfriend, just once with a "sister-looking" slave.

    2. I definitely thought of Chuck first.
    I woudn't consider Yvonne "Sarah" to be young at 25
    That's like middle aged in H'wood

  17. Twisted Sister,

    Oh yeah. Duh for me for not reading the underlined "comedy show".

  18. Rebecca, I do that ALL the time! My eyes outpace my

  19. #2 baldwin "30 rock"

  20. Well, if one can consider Reaper a "hit" (it's doing pretty well, CW-wise), Ray Wise could be a long-shot option if he were hooking up with Missy Peregrym. The actor who plays Sam's dad on that show could also be a contender. Though the thing with the reference "very" young I take to either mean the actor is quite a bit older and the actress is 20/21/22 or the actress is like 18 and our actor is in his mid-to-late 30s. I just don't think of 22 as "very young" on TV and re: Chuck - the older of the two actresses on that is pushing 30 and the younger is at least 25. I wouldn't call that "very young," especially considering none of the males on the show are over 40.

    My guess is it's a comedy show that has "kids" on it - ie an 18/19 year-old-playing someone's daughter. Definitely a reason Big Shots sounds interesting though, yeah, not a "hit." Life is Wild popped into my head but a) not a hit(?) and b) I don't know if D.W. Moffett has kids.

    What about someone on Back to You?

  21. baldwin and maybe.... bowden (she's 19)

  22. Anonymous2:15 PM

    The blonde actress on 30 rock is only 19.

  23. Maybe Tracy Morgan and the receptionist on 30 Rock.

  24. Is 30Rock a 'new' comedy? I don't know when it started.

  25. It's new in the sense that it wasn't a hit the first season.
    BTW, Tracy has three sons, so I'll retract that guess.
    Specifying "daughter" does make it sound more like Alec, though.

  26. AS IF Kim B is hanging out with Alec Baldwin...kid or not.

  27. I don't know, but I can't imagine Basinger going anywhere near AB or his house.

  28. Here are recent Nielsen numbers for new shows:

  29. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I have to say, I'm liking the Baldwin guess. I can see Kim dropping by unannounced to drop off Ireland.

    30 Rock started last year, but I think we can still consider it 'new'.

    He has said that he's focused on being a better dad after calling the poor girl a pig in the voicemail.

    I think we may have #2 solved.

    Are we satisfied with Cash Warren, or should we look for a different celbu-dude? Brandon Davis? Wasn't he seen with an actress recently?

  30. 1. Even though JA seems to not have many "girlfriends", Cash Warren is the only celebudude with a widely known history of cheating on his B list FILM actress GF.

    2. I'm a little stumped on this one. I KNOW its not Kim and Alec Baldwin. OKay, not really.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Although I think Alec Baldwin is a great guess, I agree with jax and gammagirl that Kim would never stop by Alec's place, at least not in this lifetime. And, this is also the second season for 30 Rock, even if it wasn't intially a hit.

    I think #1 is a no-brainer.

  33. maybe ireland needed something she left at her dad's house. kim b would leak this story w/o going to the tabloids. the last sentence in the BI is telling. in an interview after the "little piggie" phone thing he said just that....almost a direct quote i think.

  34. I am thinking #1 is Brandon Davis. Wasn't he "cut off" or "down" quite a bit from family funds recently? He would be so slimy to do that too.

    #2- I agree, no way would kim go anywhere near alec. He gives me bad,icky vibes big time. Gotta be someone else...but I have no clue who.

  35. What about Riley Giles for #1?

  36. @ Lauren, I also thought about Riley Giles, but I think Lilo has him on a really short leash. I don't see him being able to get away with tipping off the tabloids.

    I also thought of MK olsen and Max Snow, but I'm not sure they're still dating and MK does more TV than film these days.

  37. speaking of Lilo and Riley, she has been at XIV Karats three times in the past week. That is THE place to go to get an engagement ring. I bet she's going to pull a Britney.

  38. definitely J Alba and Cash.

    Riley is a GOOD guess......but my first thought was Puddy (Patrick Warburton)

    Rules of Engagement is doing pretty well.....

  39. Kind of off topic - but does Cash Warren do anything? Why is she with him?

  40. #2 alec baldwin

  41. Cash Warren came from money. He's assistant producer, harvard Grad, his father Michael Warren, UCLA basketball star, Television star of Hillstreet Blues and also produces a lot of tv shows. Cash Warren, Kate Hudsan and basketball star Baron Davis all friends from that went to school together. So Alba is lucky to be with Cash. He doesn't care to be the center of the spotlight. Plus Alba is said to got herpes from Yankees Derek Jeter so I doubt if she want's to be linked with Jeter again. I heard the rumor was proved true and the nurse who secretly told someone was fired from her job.

  42. Lauren - Cash Warren is an Industry Kid. His dad is actor Michael Warren. While not hugely recognized in the outer world, he is hugely connected in the inner world of H'wood.
    Cash definitely considers himself "better" than Jessica, especially at the begining of their relationship, when she was an unknown and thanking her lucky stars she had hooked up with an insider who might open a few doors for her.
    Apparently, that dynamic remains between them, and she is constantly reminded how lucky she is to be with him.

  43. you smell something? It smells pot. Ohhh, Jax is back! Nevermind!

    Baldwin for #2!

  44. Dylan McDermott for the second one.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. #1 Let's think about the choice of world "celebudude" and cheating. I'm at a loss for this one so far, but it seems to be someone who has been dating that B List actress for a while. Long enough for her to tell him secrets about her friends, and long enough to have her confidence and be cheating on her. I do NOT think it's Riley Giles, based upon the fact that he declined Dina Lohan's offer for a reality show and he has avoided the press so far. If he wanted the money he would have jumped at the chance.

    Could it be Jennifer Aniston's hot new boyfriend Jason Lewis? Aniston is clearly B List. And we have heard a lot of gossip about the Cox-Arquettes and a little about Jennifer too recently.,22049,22808989-5001026,00.html

    Shot-in-the-dark guess it might be Alex Vaggo, Paris' Pizza Boy. My only problem with this is, would Paris be considered "B List film actress"? More like D list. See the article written below dated Sept. 25, 2007.

    Ent, can you give another clue please?

    2# I'm thinking like many of you, maybe Dylan McDermott & castmate? (don't know who)

  47. #1 - I'd like to add that Jason Lewis doesn't seem like the type of guy to do this, but you never know...

  48. Dylan and Shiva McDermott split up? I didn't know that.Sorry to hear it.

  49. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Gabriel Aubrey would be an interesting choice for #1, if Halle Berry could be considered B list (she is to me, anyway). Who are Halle's friends?

  50. I'd call Big Shots a hit before I'd call 30 Rock new. (Just my opinion) I still like the Dylan guess best. The rumors about Big Shots being canceled were just rumors. The network is definitely behind it for a while longer at least.

  51. If everyone knows about Cash Warren's background, why does Ent keep saying he's a loser who's mooching off Alba?

    Oh, I know why.

  52. Off Topic

    Lainey gave a hint today for her Blind "Hot Hirsute & Horny" = Scott Speedman

    See "Hair Off" from 11/30/07

    per Lainey
    "Gossip columnists use blind items to report scandalous, dirty smut without the threat of a lawsuit. My riddles contain clues pointing to the celebrity in question and follow up clues are usually embedded elsewhere in subsequent columns which means you have to read every word. As irritating as that is though, once you find the embedded detail, it pretty much gives away the answer. Unfortunately, I am not able to answer guesses via email. Please forgive…would be happy to spill in person!"

  53. Anonymous8:57 AM

    iluvny: Jessica Alba is LUCKY to be with Cash Warren? Yeah fucking right! What girl is lucky to be with a guy who constantly cheats on her and uses her for money?

    And "Assistant producer" my ass. He's a PRODUCTION ASSISTANT which, while it sounds similiar, is completely different and much more lowly.

    He's been overheard bragging about sleeping with other chicks while still being with Jessica.

  54. halle's man is a well paid model and restaurant owner in his own right - so i'm inclined to think it's not him.

  55. pope-rah,

    can you tell me where to find the original lainey blind? saw today's piece but didn't make the connect. her site doesn't have a search function ... gossip mayday!

  56. i wouldn't consider her blist but maybe blist in the land of faux reality shows - heidi and spencer...wouldn't be a big surprise either...

    DM has two girls with Shiva, so why bring just "one?"



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