Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 This actor is tough to classify. B list would be the best for film, but he may be A list for television. Anyway, it is going to be revealed soon, so you can debate after the fact how this funny actor should be classified. It seems our actor is starting to mature. Not old, just starting to see some wrinkles. One day our actor experimented with some makeup, and liked the way it looked. Now, our actor never starts his day without applying some makeup to try and give him that younger look. His only change is that he used to hug people, but when the first person got makeup on their shirt, he stopped.

#2 I don't remember if I told you this one or not. The singer who I say is pregnant. Her husband isn't so happy about it. Me thinks he thought his lovely betrothed was still using birth control.

#3 Seems as if this aging rocker's famous daughter has got herself into a little trouble. The partying, fairly new boyfriend has got the daughter doing the cocaine diet, with an addiction to meth thrown in. While her weight continues to drop, she will tell anyone who will listen that she is fine. Meanwhile, she isn't fine, and her hair is even starting to fall out, which is something this family never has.


  1. Anonymous1:06 PM

    #1 I dunno
    #2 Gwen Stefani
    #3 Kelly Osbourne

  2. #1...BOR-RING
    #2... Gwen and Gavin, maybe?
    #3... I need to think about this one a little bit more.

  3. #3 Kim Stewart. I would kill for her fathers hair!

  4. 1. David Spade
    2. Gwen Stefani
    3. Kelly Osbourne

  5. #1 - no idea.
    #2 - Gwen and Gavin for sure.
    #3 - Kim Stewart.

  6. 1. No clue. Its someone aging who probably plays a supporting role in the movies but is a lead on a TV series.

    2.Gwen. Oh the implications!

    3. Kimberly Stewart. With her track record, how could it NOT be her?

  7. I am changing my #3 to Kim Stewart, because I forgot her boyfriend is Tommy Lee.

  8. Anonymous1:14 PM

    1. ASHTON!
    2. thought gwen right away - that's the only singer i can think of that ent has called out as preggers recently...
    3. and i dunno - but it doesn't sound like kim stewart, b/c hasn't she always been on coke?

  9. For #3 How about Kim Stewart... her "aging-rocker" father, Rod Stewart still has plenty of hair! Unless it is a wig, but I don't so...

    #2 is probably Gwen, even though this sounds pretty sad. No other singer is still in the closet about their pregnancy, so she seems to fit.

    #1... who cares. A lot of actors wear make-up, any name you throw out wouldn't surprise me.

  10. 1. Billy Baldwin (don't really care anyway...come on ENT, you can do better)
    2. Gwen Stefani
    3. Kim Stewart, only because of the hair reference

  11. Kim Stewart - how could a new boyfriend have introduced her to to the cocaine diet? Hasn't she been on it for years??

  12. tommy lee didn't get kim stewart into cocaine - she has been using more and for longer than most.

  13. #3 Billy Joel/Alexa Ray maybe? He's never had alot of hair.

    ...and his daughter has had "weight" issues too.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. i would guess zach braff for #1, cuz he is B list film and maybe A on tv, complete w/a history of being touchy-feely. but wait, ent says this actor is funny--so i guess he'd be disqualified.

  16. I thought of Charlie Sheen for #1, and then laughed my butt off imagining him applying foundation in the morning.
    Definitely Gwen for number 2, as every picture of her on here has the caption "I still say she's pregnant".
    3 - I thought of Kelly Osbourne, she has lost some weight recently, don't know who her boyfriend is though.

  17. Oooh, I like the Alexa Ray Joel guess. Though a quick Google search says her bf isn't exactly new...? Cause unless Ent's misplaced his modifier, that last clue is saying the singer's father HASN'T always had a lot of hair. If he *does* mean the rocker has a lot of hair, on the other hand... um, a grammar edit is in order.

  18. 1. Jerry Seinfeld
    2. Christina!
    2. I am going to say rumer willis

  19. 1. Zac Efron (always wears makeup, HSM would make him A list for TV and Hairspray and the like B list for movies?)

    2. Gwen Stefani!

    3. I guessed Kimberly Stewart as well. But Rod has hair still doesn't he?

  20. Oh, how sad for Gwen if #2 is true!

  21. 1-Zach Braff
    3-I'll go with Kelly O (no falling outs? In the relationship-familial sense?)

  22. 1- zach braff or dave spade

    2- so sad, but agree abt gwen

    3- its kim...she had to stop doing eerything a while back bc of her liver condition

    not kelly...enty called the daughter "famous". if it was kelly he would call her a singer or actress bc she is on stage at the moment in chicago. kim stewart doesnt do anything which is why the "famous" thing fits her to a "t".

    agree that rod/dad still has his hair. that is what enty was saying in the last sentence.

    agree that kim has been doing coke forever, but she got clean a while ago and also says the meth use is new, which i believe.

  23. 3 is definitely kelly o:

    new boyfriend is an "ex" drug addict Bert McCracken from the Used

    she's lost tons of weight in the last 6 months or so and has been partying with kate moss et all (the nauseatingly dubbed primrose hill set)

    she has been addicted before but was hooked on painkillers and doesn't have a history with coke or meth.

  24. Esther, would you consider putting ZE in 'mature' category? His belly button's still wet!

    #1, I dunno
    #2, well Gwen makes so much sense. Maybe Gwyneth Paltrow? I'm trying to think of other married singers - it doesn't say that the hubby's in the same business tho...
    #3, Kelly O makes sense, I think her dad needs a damn haircut already, and she's lost so much weight supposedly for her role. Kim Stewart? Like others have said, she's been a coke head for a while... I can't think of any other "Aging rocker's famous daughter"...

  25. Jindi, Bert and Kelly broke up ages ago. They haven't been together for quite a while.

    If it was kelly, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't hide it that much. Her family has always been pretty forthwright with everything, including addictions.

    I would pin her weight loss not only on her exercising during Chicago, but I belive some kind of plastic surgery. I'm sure she's had some. Didn't Enty do a BI about that?


  26. I think #1 is Steve Carrell. He plays the lead character & won an Emmy on The Office, which has slowly picked up with viewers/ratings.
    He's been in 40 Year Old Virgin and Dan in Real Life - I would say B list for that.

  27. Jewels! LOL at the belly button comment! Reread the BL and realized I totally overlooked the reference to mature! I had my Zac Efron blinders on...I mean I can't help it, he wears more makeup than I do!

  28. 1. Charlie Sheen
    2. Gwen Stefani
    3. Kimberly Stewart

  29. #3 I'll go with Kelly O, I think the "falling out" applies to the family, not hair, as catbird420 suggested

  30. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I agree with Lauren, he was my first guess.

  31. #1. I was going go with Matthew Fox but then you said "funny" actor which he isn't. He does look like he wears loads of foundation in every picture though. My next guess would be David Spade.

    #2. I'm going to go a little outside the box and say Jennifer Lopez. Jennifer sure wanted the baby but I wonder if Marc sees it as being trapped with her.

    #3. Kimberley Stewart. It's almost a perfect match.

  32. Anonymous3:47 PM

    #1 is zach braff. check out the fadedyouth blog's comments on him today (though the picture is convincing enough).

  33. Anonymous3:47 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. 1. Steve Carrell? Someone successful in both film and tv. And funny!

    2.FOR SURE Gwen and Gavin. Enty has been the main one going with the Gwen is pregnant story and supposedly Gavin didn't want another kid back to back. She allegedly was going back into the studio and on tour with No Doubt but now that she's wound down her solo tour, it's perfect timing for a baby. She can push back her No Doubt commitments until after the baby comes. SHE has been saying she wanted another one right away, Gavin not so much.

    3. Screams of Kimbo Stewart. Her dad (and brothers) have amazing hair. Not Kelly Osbourne, she's actually working the West End on "Chicago." It's a "famous daughter who is famous only because of her dad" and that is Kimbo to a tee.

  35. How about Zoe Kravitz for #3. I swear I just saw a shot of her advertising for something...magazines I think.

  36. What about Zach Braff for #1?

    See Lainey item for today

  37. wait, DivaBunny, I forgot Kim had a liver issue. Do you think she's with tommy b/c they have a HEP-BOND

  38. Anonymousse - Good Call!!!!!
    plus, kudos on your linkage -- very impressive

  39. anonymousse - thanks for the link. it's zach for sure!

  40. http://bricksandstonesgossip.com/2007/11/16/kim-stewart-and-tommy-lee-at-rock-for-the-cure/

    PLEASE see this picture and tell me its not Kim Stewart!

  41. Nevermind my guess, i missed the "rocker" part:)

  42. Damn, anonymousse you beat me to the punch! Zach Braff looks like Michael Jackson !

  43. Hmm, looks like EL beat all of youse to the punch and reconfigured that Braff picture into a blind.

  44. ok justind... hata, keep on hating.

  45. and, for the record, others posted Zach Braff before I did...

  46. for sure they did, anonymousse...it's just that you provided the link for those of us who are ridiculously lazy ;)

  47. and for the record, I believe the disclaimer
    kind of is a giveaway that it's out there already if you look.

  48. 1. ?
    2. Gwen Stefani
    3. Mia Tyler

  49. Anyone notice that Enty might be saying that the family does NOT have a lot of hair? I think it can be read both ways.

  50. I thought of Matthew Perry for the make-up guy.....but Zach Braff is a great guess too.

    I HOPE not Gwen
    Kimberly Stewart's new raggedy 'do made me think of her

  51. Kelly osbourne is not looking like a meth addict. she's plump, she's got thick hair and she's got a job. People doing meth and coke do not star in chicago.

    Kim stewart for three. what's with the rumer willis guess? Her dad's not an aging rocker by any means, his stupid Bruno gig notwithstanding.

  52. Steve Carell for number one! Especially the point of becoming more mature now....Hint since doing the 41 yr old virgin.

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  56. Oooh, Zach's so Purdy in that pic! LOL!

    LMBO Esther! ;) My own taste? I tend to skip the boys who wear more makeup than I do. Pretty boys are useless... ;P

  57. #3 is Kim Stewart. Have you seen pics of her lately? She looks like... well, a strung-out meth-head whose hair is falling out.

  58. JESUS CHRIST- kim stewart is not losing weight - she has always been that thin because she has always been hooked on coke.

    kelly osbourne has dropped 5 dress sizes in 6 months!

    AND she is dating a rocker (sorry, got his name wrong before - it's Ben Sheldrik from The Krak).

  59. and i'm sorry but "not looking like a meth addict" - who let Nancy Regan in here?

  60. 1. Zach
    2. Gwen
    3. Zoe K.

  61. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Jindi, as someone who grew up in a meth town, I can definately say that Kelly Osbourne does not look like a meth addict. There are SOME drugs that people can hide, but...meth is not one of them.

  62. Viking said...
    1. ?
    2. Gwen Stefani
    3. Mia Tyler

    6:25 PM

    Yeah I was thinking of someone in that family too. Either Mia or Liv...

  63. 1. Matthew Perry
    2. Hello, Captain Obvious! No doubt this is Gwen (Ent keeps saying she's pregnant). Can't be Gwyneth Paltrow b/c she isn't a singer.
    3. Kelly O, though I'd love it if it was someone else. She's really thin lately but I hope it's from healthy eating & exercie.

  64. After reading the Lainey Gossip item, I'm changing #1 to Zach Braff. He's so pretty! ;)

  65. trix: what you SEE are the addicts who are at death's door.

    crack addicts look like that - after a point.

    heroin addicts look like that - after a point.

    METH addicts look like that - after a point.

    addiction is a chronic and progressive illness - it is possible to look "normal" for MONTHS while using meth.

    and the blind clearly states that meth is something she just picked up.



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