Monday, November 26, 2007

Today's Blind Items

Our feuding sisters did spend some time together over the Thanksgiving holidays. It was only a few hours, but at least it is a first step.

#1 This male A list television star could be indicted by a federal grand jury within the next two weeks as it investigates the actor for alleged child pornography crimes.

#2 This former, aging, A/B list film actress and now a healthy C with some great name recognition but not much else, is trying to halt the publication of a book. The book alleges that our actress had sexual relations with her daughter. The allegations come from a maid and housekeeper, but have been refuted by the girl's father.


  1. No idea about #1, but could #2 be Melanie Griffith?

  2. #1 Gross!
    #2 Gross too!

  3. #1 Didn't Denise Richards accuse Charlie Sheen of looking at child porn? I'm going with him because I seem to remember reading that somewhere.

    #2 No idea, but ick. Hopefully that's not true.

  4. have we determined that the feuding sisters are the simpsons?

  5. Wood, sadly I thought the same thing. That is absolutely terrible, whether or not it is true.... **gag**

    Eh, I wouldnt call Charlie Sheen A List though. B list, maybe. I mean, come on - that show blows.

  6. While we're on the disturbing topic, how about an update on your long B.I. about the TV father who was sexually abusing his teen daughter. Preferably an update that sends him to prison.

  7. ENT, can you PLEASE print Lainey's Blind Riddle?
    My guess for Lainey's is Drew Barrymore.
    Maybe you could tie in a "reveal" b/c I'm pretty sure she has been the subject of one of your Blinds.

  8. Charlie Sheen is the highest paid actor on t.v. isn't he? That would probably make him A list

  9. Ent, is the not-famous sister out of detox or rehab or did the Fame Sis go visit her somewhere?

    I agree, #1 is probably Charlie Sheen, shich is really disgusting.

    #2 I cannot even bring myself to imagine - but I'll have to agree with Melanie griffith story. She has got some pretty major issues.
    Although, it could be Tatum O'Neal - now there is a chick with issues - and she was on the receiving end of this same situation as a child when her dad was dating (I think) Melanie Griffith. YIKES!

  10. Feuding sisters: I'm really starting to believe its the Simpsons

    #1. Charlie Sheen

    #2. Nooooo idea, but sad and disgusting

  11. 1. no idea, don't care.

    2. Too disturbed to think about whom it could be. :(

  12. Wow. The blinds depressed the hell out of me. The sisters could be the Duffs. Weren't they photographed together for the first time in ages at a hair salon last week?

    1. Please god don't let it be Charlie, I would hate for Denise to be right. A list implies still on the air though...

    2. beyond. ick.

    As for Lainey - hardly a blind item eh?

  13. OK. I'm officially going with Tatum O'Neal for #2
    Not only does she have a childhood history with this type of thing, she also lost all custody rights of her children. Even if the mom is a drug user, it is rare to take the kids away from her completely. Plus, the divorce and custody records are sealed tighter than a drum on that marriage. If it was just drugs, I don't think anyone would have gone to such lengths to seal the records. The O'Neals have never been shy about their substance abuse issues. It must have been to protect the kid.

  14. ^ seriously.

    2) melanie griffith

  15. (i meant that i agreed lainey's wasn'ta blind)

  16. #1 - Sounds like Charlie Sheen, which is so disgusting. But too bad some of you don't like the show. My hubby, friends and I think it's hilarious, mainly because of Jon Cryer who is so funny.

    #2 - Ewww. This is gross. However, if it's refuted by the father, maybe this really did not happen? What if the mother was just sleeping with the daughter in bed and the maid/housekeeper thinks they saw something they didn't? If there is not concrete proof, and it turns out it's not true, that would cause so much mental damage to the daughter. What if the maid/housekeeper had some sort of grudge against the actress? This is a serious accusation.

  17. Anonymous1:14 PM

    #2 hmmm either Tatum or Melanie, in my opinion but pinning it on one or the other will be sounds more like Tatum. Both are known to have boundary issues though!

  18. Here's my two cents.

    My first thought for #1 was Kiefer, only because I think he's more A list than Charlie, but Charlie definitely makes more sense. Of course, it could also be someone we haven't heard a peep about, porn-wise.

    Like most of you, I figured #2 was Melanie, but kellysirkus makes a great point about Tatum. History does have a way of repeating itself.

    KS - I agree Drew for Lainey.

  19. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Why would you guys think that blind is Drew? She doesnt have any kids, and Lainey has made it clear that Cheap and Crafty does. Or else she wouldnt have needed the baby stoller.

  20. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Cheap and crafty also is married.

  21. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Ah, wait, nevermind didnt see the new Lainey one! Does sound like Drew! Carry on!

  22. Trix,
    Drew is not Cheap and Crafty ...there's a new blind she just posted today about an actress doing drugs agian after being clean for 2 decades.
    I can't figure out who Cheap and Crafty is. Lainey has shot down every one of my guesses. Any ideas?

  23. Where can I find the Lainey blind item? Just want to see what you all are talking about.

  24. trix - this blind wasn't about cheap & crafty. Drew was also in rehab at a very young age. Here's the link.

    hope this helps

  25. trix, Cheap & Crafty was Lainey's last blind. This is a new one from today called All Ages & Jonesing. It does sound like Drew, which is kinda' sad.

  26. Anonymous1:27 PM

    heh heh thanks Brenda, I did figure that part out. Its hard on Lainey's site because nothing is tabbed. As for guesses on Cheap and Crafty...hmmm maybe Maggie Gyllenhaal? I cant remember if she's married though, her baby daddy might just be her boyfriend. OK someone married with at least one young child...

  27. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I think Richardson's accusations should be taken with a grain of salt. There is obvious deep hatred between Richardson and Charlie, but I have read repeatedly that there's a call-girl/escort past in Richardson's life. Perhaps it has been put out by those that don't like her, or perhaps by sheen. Kevin and Bean on KROQ used to comment that she was a complete bitch after they had her on the show one time. Maybe it's all true with Charlie, maybe not---given who may or may not be doing the accusing.

  28. Regarding Cheap and Crafty I'm liking Rachel Weisz or Catherine Zeta Jones -although Catherines' kids might be too old for strollers. Definitely an oscar winners, so that narrows it down.

  29. Charlie Sheen is a skanky man-ho that I wouldn't allow to get within ten feet of me, but I doubt he's into kiddie porn. You don't suddenly wake up one day as a pedophile when you've been banging prostitutes all those years.

    I think it's someone else.

  30. I thought Cheap and Crafty was Julia Roberts.

  31. Maggie G. is a good guess. I hadn't thought of her. We know it's not Julia, Gwenyth, Nicole, or Kate Blanchet. I thought the words "golden" and "spotless" were cluess, but still can't figure it out.
    and today's is definitely Drew. She has a tatoo of a daisy on her thigh.
    and re the items above, I don't think much of D. Richards, but if her accusations were totally false, why would the court not allow Sheen visits with his kids without a monitor around?

  32. Since we're talking about Lainey, did anyone ever figure out her other blind about the guy who dates waitresses and loves digital penetration?

  33. Just to kick off here for a moment, someone mentioned Kiefer "Jack" Sutherland. Is anyone elses mind shattered that he is STILL the spokesperson for Ford after getting arrested on a DUI. I mean, his past is shady, and I know someone who saw him drive drunk, but come on! Spokesperson for a car manufactuter, and drives drunk. Nice one Ford. Who is making the decisions over there!

  34. 1. I don't think Charlie's monitor is court ordered. I think that is Denise's craziness. And if it was Charlie they would just plain take the kids away. He wouldn't rate any visitation. Whoever it is - yuck, gross, ick, etc. etc.

    2. I'm might actually throw-up over this one.

  35. What about Goldie Hawn for #2?

  36. Kevin, it's the same moron who gave Paris Hilton a Ford. They can't wait until someone gets killed with one of their cars, apparently.

  37. Anonymous2:13 PM

    What about Mia Farrow for number 2?

    I have no basis in fact, I just think she seems like she has issues.

  38. Lainey ruled out Julia Roberts. Maybe Jennifer Connelly? Lainey made it sound like Cheap & Crafty has an Oscar.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. AAAhhhh...thanks, dee!

  41. The sisters... the Duffs were photographed together in the past week...

  42. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Ah, dee you beat me to it, I'd come to sign in and suggest Jennifer Connelly.

  43. Cheap & Crafty = Cate Blanchett?

    "golden" -- blonde and both a GG and Academy Award winner
    "sounds elegant" -- australian accent
    married with two young children (born 2001, 2004) and pregnant with her third.

  44. I don't believe for a second that it could be true, but since Ent often posts clues in the daily pictures, could Susan Sarandon be a possibility for #2? She's got a daughter in her 20's and there was a pic of Tim Robbins today.

  45. I don't think Ent means #2 is true- in fact I think he is implying it is a false accusation, but one that could hurt regardless. It is probably Demi Moore- she fits the profile with great name recognition, has a few daughters, a famous ex-husband that she gets along with well enough for him to stand up for her, and the A/B to a C could be a reference to her increasing breast size. Oh and she always does film, not TV.

  46. I suppose Demi also likes them young.

  47. whitedragon and anna, I don't think it is Demi. Although she likes them young, she also likes them HOT, and her children are not the best looking. Plus I don't get a molester vibe from Demi.

  48. I don't know if anyone quessed this one yet, but for #2, what about Nicole Kidman, when she was with Tom Cruise (her adopted daughter)? Andrew Morton has that book coming out, and maybe there are allegations in that. I don't know if she would be considered a "healthy C," though, she warrants a higher rating than that. It is a terrible allegation.

  49. Could cheap and crafty be Kate Winslet?

  50. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Wasn't there a blind a few months ago about an actor who films his child's sleepovers? Something about someone coming in to repair the cameras or wiring or something...anyway I don't know if there was ever a consensus on who that was, but could that person possibly be the same person in #1?

  51. I most definitely think #2 is Tatum O'Neal. There is more than enough dirt on the O'Neal family to fill an entire book.

    I also think ANY father would refute these allegations in an effort to protect his daughter. Whether true or not, who would ever allow that info to become public?

    Tatum making John McEnroe look like the sane balanced parent is akin to Britney making KFed look like father of the year.

    nelly, I thought about the Andrew Morton book as well. I wonder if anyone is actually going to care enough to buy that book. They hype is ridiculous, and the final analysis seems pretty obvious.

  52. 1. Charlie Sheen comes to mind simply because of those seemingly absurd allegations Denise made a few months back. I guess she was right?

    2. Um Pass. I don't even feel right making a guess on this one. Kellysirkus makes a good argument for Tatum O'Neal (c list, major name recognition)

    Unfortunately, I think today's was about drew barrymore. She has a history of drug abuse, etc.

    I think Cheap and Crafty is Catherine Zeta Jones. I'd like to think that Maggie Gyellenhaal and Rachel Wiesz are cooler than that.

  53. This would be a good litmus test for EL if/when it comes out within a couple of weeks.

  54. My guesses:

    Blind Item #1 Charlie Sheen
    Blind Item #2 Melanie Griffith

  55. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Regarding #2 - it might not be kiddie porn. It could just be someone underage. If you have a 17 year old girl that looks 24 posing for porn, that's still child pornography.

  56. When I read Lainey's blind item cheap and crafty, I immediately thought of Angelina Jolie.

  57. Charlie Sheen / Goldie Hawn?

  58. with regard to cheap and crafty... take a look at this link:

    i dont think its cate bc as lainey says..."she can do no wrong"; neither can angelina in lainey's eyes. why not julia? she is def busy and has the need for multiple strollers AND i agree that she is totally obnoxious!!!

    as far as cdan bi's... i think its charlie for #1 bc of richardson's previous allegations.

    for #2, i have no idea except i would agree with the posters that gave a good argument for tatum. i dont see why it would be griffith though. i know she's a nutjob, but she has always had custody of her kids.

  59. I was thinking that it could easily happen that a mother/daughter do a threesome with a guy and that would qualify as having sexual relations with her daughter. That's not that far of a stretch to imagine. i'm sure it's happened more than once, esp in Hollywood

  60. Long time lurker, first time poster...
    #1. Hugh Laurie popped into my head, simply because of the sudden bolt (was it last month?) off the set & back to the UK. Hope not, love him!

    #2. Not sure, maybe Demi??

    For Lainey's Cheap & Crafty, Gwyneth Paltrow is my guess.

  61. @private. . . colin farrell was the anal enthusiast. . . that one was pretty thinly veiled. Other references to colin in her column that week made it pretty obvious.

  62. My guess for the Lainey BI.... is Catherine Zeta Jones.

    (*Lainey has already stated it is NOT Gwyneth, Nicole K., or Kate Blanchet or Julia Roberts.)

    And the BI states that the female has a "record has been spotless and golden"...

    Which Jolie does not remotely come close to that.

    Jolie has only became morally righteous in the last 3-4 years. Well with that exception of f*ckin around with Pitt.... hahaha! She has been riding high on her broom of self-righteous.

  63. Regarding #2 - it might not be kiddie porn. It could just be someone underage. If you have a 17 year old girl that looks 24 posing for porn, that's still child pornography.

    You mean #1, right? Both are in that sort of sketchy territory, so just wanted to make sure you knew what you were responding to.

  64. "Jolie has only became morally righteous in the last 3-4 years. Well with that exception of f*ckin around with Pitt.... hahaha! She has been riding high on her broom of self-righteous."

    more like 6-7 years. She started the "change" around the time she adopted her first son.

    I think Lainey's cheap and crafty is Jennifer Garner.

  65. re: brendalove for #1
    She's right, 16 or 17 counts as child pornography, and I seem to recall that Charlie Sheen asked his prostitutes to dress as cheerleaders?

    for #2: what if the daughter weren't related to the mother? Although, kellysirkus' idea of the threesome seems likely too. That makes me think of Goldie Hawn, but she's been happily "married" for so long that doesn't seem likely.

  66. It didn't even occur to me that #2 could refer to a STEP-child. That really complicates things...

  67. Refuted means to disagree. So the maid and housekeeper (redundant?) made the claim that may appear in a book- although the father doesn't believe it... or doesn't say he believes it. McEnroe & O'Neill both wrote tell all books, his was said to be somewhat watered down in areas. Supposedly she lost custody because of her drug problem.

    I got this quote from her Oprah interview "However, when her 7-year-old daughter walked into her bedroom and found a syringe, Tatum says she had hit "rock bottom."

    "That's what happens when you're in the disease of addiction," says Tatum. "That's when you know that you need help and that's when I called John [McEnroe], and I said, 'You need to take the kids, and I need to get help.' … And it wasn't the first treatment and I went to many more after that."

    Tatum says becoming sober was a struggle filled with guilt. "[I had] lots of conversations with [my daughter] and lots of heartaches and lots of shame and lots of regret. I think it's really hard for mothers to get sober and to get clean. It's very hard for us because we have a lot of shame. We have a lot of maternal guilt."

    So it could be untrue, and is something just alleged.

    But can't you see a mom (like Dinah Lohan) doing drugs and drinking with her daughter (Lindsey, Ali?- ha!)and then getting it on with some guy. I bet it does happen. Some mom's just don't know what being a mom is. And we wonder how young women today don't know what the term lady means anymore.
    Who is the father of Melanie's daughter? Don Johnson? Poor kid has no chance, huh? Melanie took Tatum (allegedly) to "heroin fueled orgies", and she was molested by one of dad's friends (allegedly).

    And #1 could easily be teenage porn. There are many "barely legal" & "barely not legal" sites. If it was a young child I'd be disgusted... but some of that stuff is really in a grey area. 17 & 18 year old girls look alot older sometimes, and as much as there are Britneys & other teenage girls using sex appeal to further themselves (hello again moms, where are you?)- If a man was looking at a "barely legal" site, I wouldn't think that he was a pedophile. It's very grey. And I think real pedophiles need to be castrated, and sent to a little island to die. Just my opinion :)

  68. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Why aren't the answers given after everybody has given their comments on the Blind Items. Would like to know for a fact the real answer.

  69. d, please tell me that you don't really believe a man asking a woman to dress like a cheerleader is an indication that he's a pedophile.

  70. i made the charlie sheen guess for #1 is bc of the allegations from denise abt him looking at child porn on the internet.

    if i remember correctly, even looking is supposedly a crime. i agree asking someone to dress as a child/teen/cheerleader isnt a crime.

  71. But did whack job Denese alledge it was small pre-teen girls... Or was it eighteen-ish looking girls? I think that is a huge difference.
    I have no problem with perverts. I do have a major problem with pedoophiles and children being hurt.

  72. Not sure if he's A list but what about Kelsey Grammer (he produces three shows and stars in one, has Emmys)? I recall him being accused of doing something with a 12year when he was a drug addict and on Cheers. The matter was settled (I think). He has a little girl, maybe he's the part time videographer too.

  73. Sorry should be: 12 year old girl

  74. @parisss: denise accused his of full blown child porn AND of looking at it in front of their kids. here is a link:

  75. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Ryan Seacrest for #1. There was a rumor in 2004 that he likes 'em about 15 years old...and I DO mean girls. He loves (and encourages) all the gay jokes because it's a great cover.

  76. Gammagirl, I thought Cheap&Crafty was Zeta-Jones too. Just the first one that came to mind.

  77. re: Lainey...

    could "spotless and golden" refer to a golden globe winner?

    just asking...

  78. I believe that Ryan Seacrest is straight like I believe Richard Simmons is a manly man.

  79. For #2, why wouldn't the housekeeper and maid call the police instead of profiting from a book? That would be molestation. IF this was true, that would be the right thing to do. So I agree with the husband; it's NOT true.

  80. I agree that if Charlie was looking at 17 year old girls it's not wrong although considered child pornograpy but in my opinion it doesn't make him a pedophile. I heard that if a 17 year old girl wants a tatoo without parents concent is considered child endagerment. So it's a very gray line.

  81. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Twisted, if you can find any stories linking the Sea-man to a backdoor romance, I'd love to hear about it.

    On another note, the spotless clue reminds me of the movie title Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

  82. Peek freans, you're looking for *stories*? Gossip doesn't come in stories. Try blind items that are obviously R.S. Ted Casablanca has done a few, so you might want to start with him.

    He slept with Merv Griffin to get his cable gig on E!. His little fake romp with Teri Hatcher was done just to make him appear straight. Those remarks by Simon Cowell about Ryan coming out of the closet, aren't just random comments.

    Whatever you read, it must have been written by someone who was naive.

  83. fueding sisters are the Duffs. Didn't we see a pic of Hillary and her sis coming out of a hair salon?

  84. 1. Brody Jenner - the teen story in Canada

    2. Can be anyone taking drugs. after taking so many drugs some of them took, you dont make distinctions any more - the city you are in, the people around, daughter, beautiful or not. All is gone.
    Griffith, Hawn, Basinger, Hatcher, Moore all can be in here.
