Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Today's Blind Items

The clue in WD's post was subtle, but very big.

The long blind item is coming for Thursday and Friday. It has at last count, seven very identifiable celebrities in it, in a way you have never seen them before.

Although it is a long way off, December 31 and January 1 will be mass reveals days similar to last July.

Also, I wanted to let you know to mark your calendars for the Golden Globes and January 13. Hopefully if things work out as planned, the site will have live blogging not only the red carpet, but also the media room at the show. This will not be anything approaching anything you see on television at home. It will be, behind the scenes blogging and photos in multiple languages updated every 20 minutes, and all of it as snarky as possible. Our spy will also be there in the actual ballroom, to provide an update for the next day of anything that was missed anywhere else.

The birth of the TJ hooker's child is fast approaching. Keep an eye out.

#1 This B list film actress with A+ name recognition has a boyfriend who has been known to stray. Convinced now, that nothing he does will ever prompt another breakup, our boyfriend has been inviting conquests over to the place he shares with his girlfriend. Tiring of spending his allowance bucks on hotel rooms or dodging nosy roommates, he now just uses a guest bedroom. Apparently his balls stop short of using the actual bed he shares with his girlfriend for his trysts.

#2 The sisters who never speak has landed the less famous one in rehab. I told you previously about how her drug addiction was spiraling out of control. Family members finally got the reluctant sister into rehab, but with no help from her more famous sibling. What started out as inpatient treatment will soon shift to outpatient treatment.


  1. #1 who doesn't cheat...geez
    #2 makes me think it's the Olsen twins as MK has recently bee nannounced as entering a hospital for a "kidney infection." Must be teh same hospital Lohan went to for "exhustion".

  2. Ya, but I don't see MK as being less famous, in fact I would venture to say she's MORE famous because of her history and her recent stint on Weeds.

  3. I say Alba for 1.

    2. ?? still iffy..

  4. 1) including clue from WD -- Jessica Alba (!!!) & Cash Warren

    2) how about Mischa's Barton's sister--we haven't heard anything about her these last few weeks

  5. That is soooo Alba for #1

    Can think of too many for #2, but don't know which would fit best.

  6. Haven't there been a few blinds eluding to feuding between the Duff sisters? The-one-who's-not-Hilary hasn't been in the news lately (I don't think). Could be her.

  7. The second one is the Barton Sisters?

  8. #1 Warren Cash--idiot
    #2 the Bartons--Hania is a nutter

  9. I d think #1 sounds like Cash Warren, esp with Alba ref in WD's post. But the two of them were just snapped all lovey-dovey all over NYC this past weekend. Is she really that stupid or desperate or both? What exactly does he bring to the table -- or nightstand, I guess???

    #2 I still think is the Duff. I haven't seen Haylie anywhere lately,. But the Barton sisters make more sense.

  10. The Barton sisters??? Has anyone seen Haylie Duff as of late??? #1, could be a number of people. To vague.

  11. kellysirkus--found this link to Jessica & Cash's whereabouts this past weekend.


  12. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I could've sworn there was a clue somewhere about the feuding sisters that one was a singer/actress. Which would leave out Bartons... I could be wrong though, my memory's not so great.

    Totally Alba/Warren

  13. maybe the hint from WD is about the Tj hooker BI...spiderman 3...Toby Maguire...was married to his wife till after she had the baby...

  14. #2 sounds like the Judds or the Duffs.

  15. Help me with the TJ Hooker blind...I can't remember what that one was about.

  16. Pamela, it was the blind about the guy who rented a bus with his buddies to go to Tijuana to spend time with some hooker. Supposedly he knocked her up and the blind said we'd know who it was because we'd soon be seeing photo's of the man and his wife and their new Mexican nanny.

  17. Thanks, Twisted...Why would Jessica Alba put up with that shit? I just don't get it....

  18. It's not the Duffs. There was pic from this week showing them both together.

  19. should we expect the TJ Hooker baby to be passed off as the wife's child? Possibly one of those "surrogate" situations that seem to be all the rage these days.

  20. Say it ain't so, Jamie Lynn

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I think it was once suggested that Matt Damon was TJ. His wife is pregnant just now. Maybe it's faked so that the baby appears to be theirs?....L.xxx

  23. Maybe WD is Bryace Dallas Howard or Elizabeth Banks. They were in Superman 3. Could that be the clue?

  24. Matt Damon's wife is pregnant??? Laura, where did you get that information?

    Brenda22, good thinking. But, why would WD be negative about her own movie?

  25. I thought the less famous sister was Beyonce's sister. Haven't seen them together in ages.

    As for the TJ Hooker blind, the "surrogate" angle is perfect cover for TJ!

  26. Miss x,
    to throw us off? But you're probably right.

    Can't be Beyonce's sister, she was at the American Music Awards on Sunday...unless she went to rehab after that.

  27. What abot jessica and ashlee simpson. I thought mary kate but she's not less famous than ashley.

  28. What abot jessica and ashlee simpson. I thought mary kate but she's not less famous than ashley.

  29. i dont beleive Matt damon's wife is pregs.

  30. Not the Olsens, they were just at a party in NYC together. They're spotted together all the time.

    The sisters are ones who haven't been photographed together in months. When is the last time we saw Haylie and Hil together? They used to be photographed together CONSTANTLY but now you just see Hilary.

    Oh, and #1 is Jessica and Cash. It's barely a BI. It's well known he dogs around on her and she just sits there and looks the other way. Why? Not sure. She could have any man possible and Cash isn't that hot and he's also unemployed. He's either gotta be the world's best lay or she's got massive insecurity issues.

  31. I also heard Matt Damon's wife is pregnant. Read it one day and months ago and haven't heard anything else about it. Don't they have a new nanny that looks similar the the wife?

  32. Anonymous5:50 PM

    When the TJ Hooker blind item was running, someone linked pictures of him and his wife and child and a Hispanic looking nanny on the beach while visiting with Jen Garner and Ben Affleck. The pics were on some baby celebrity site. They were taken down soon after, presumably because "someone" is catching on...

  33. matt damon and his wife had a baby a few months ago, also, tobey maguire is still married to his wife, jennifer.

  34. Haylie and Hilary were photo'gd going to the spa together the other day.

    micsha must be a HUGE bitch to not help her sister - or maybe she's just aware of how hypocritical it would be.

  35. The second one could also be J.Lo and her sister. Her sister used to interview her all the time and they would go out. Now that she's married to Skeletor you never hear about her and her family.

  36. I think Tobey Macguire and the missus for TJ hooker blind, at the end WD threw a comment about spiderman 3:)

    Or maybe i am just over analysing.

  37. Hmmmm I was SURE I read it somewhere a few months agao that Matt Damon's wife was pregnant because at the time I thought it sort of gave more weight to him being TJ. BUT i have had a look on the internet and cannot find anything about it. Surely I haven't started imagining gossip? Hahahaha I need to get out more. I will have another look today (yes I am very busy in work) and post up if I find anything. L.xxx

  38. Hmmmm I was SURE I read it somewhere a few months agao that Matt Damon's wife was pregnant because at the time I thought it sort of gave more weight to him being TJ. BUT i have had a look on the internet and cannot find anything about it. Surely I haven't started imagining gossip? Hahahaha I need to get out more. I will have another look today (yes I am very busy in work) and post up if I find anything. L.xxx

  39. JLo has become a $cientologist. That's why you won't see her in the company of her family anymore - not if they don't join up themselves. This doesn't exclude her from being the object of this BI - I really like the guess.

    I just don't see Matt Damon renting a bus for his posse to debauch in Tijuana. Dennis Quaid or Ben Stiller or even Brad Pitt before Matt. Has Matt Damon ever gambled or partied like that before? Not to my knowledge.

  40. I guess you guys dont remember that its not TJ hooker's wife that is pregnant, its the chick from Mexico

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. 1. Gotta be Alba, if she wasn't such a catty biatch, I might feel sorry for her.

    2.I always thought this was the Hilary and Haylie Duff. I completely forgot about Mischa and her sister. Given those reports from a few weeks ago about Hania being unable to walk on her own, its probably them.

    3. I've always thought it was Affleck.

  43. i still think the sisters are the simpsons. i know they were together for ashlee's birthday but the only pics were with their parents and they looked forced. is there something mentioned about the sisters in that past that wouldn't make it them?

  44. Jindi - Misha's sister has been in and out of rehab on Misha's dime several times. And it never sticks. I think Misha is giving her 'tough love' by not being the money behind her revolving door anymore.

    and K - oooh! Dennis Quaid! He has two twins that he and his wife recently had "through a surrogate".
    The twins were recently given an overdose of Herapin along with a bunch of other patients at a Cedar Sinai...it was in the news.

    Hmmmm...do we know what their 'nanny' looks like? :P

  45. @Laura
    You are right I read it also and haven't seen or heard anything about again.

  46. @Kelly

    I can't speak for anyone else, but to tie up the blind item, wouldn't they report the wife is pregnant, even though we know its the nanny that would explain the new baby.

  47. Anonymous7:11 AM

    RE: Matt Damon/TJ Hooker

    I posted links to pics from JustJared a few weeks ago.

    Matt Damon and his wife had/have a nanny that was around as far back as Cannes. She is often identified as his wife's sister, even though she isn't.

    In the photos from summer till recently, you can see what appears to be a baby bump.

    A few weeks ago there was the rumor that Matt Damon's wife was pregnant. I think this happened because journalists saw the pregnant nanny and confused her with his wife. They are both fair skinned young Hispanic women. Easy mistake.

    Matt Damon has also stated that he was open to adoption. It wouldn't surprise me if in the next few months we hear about him and his wife adopting a baby.

    I think Matt Damon is TJ Hooker, despite his boy next door image. There were ALWAYS rumors about him and Ben Affleck going to hookers/strip clubs so it wouldn't surprise me to know he hasn't changed.

  48. @khemenu: Well damn. Good Job! Damon has more boyish charm than Affleck (remember that strip club visit that "ended" his "relationship" with J.Lo?) so I didn't think he would boink the nanny.

  49. Here are the clues again on the TJHooker blind:

    May 24th:
    Feel like something spicy? Well this married/not married but definitely with a significant other (can't make it too easy) A-List film star with a movie in the yearly top ten 2 out of the last five years decided he wanted a little escort fun but didn't trust anyone in LA to keep quiet. So our brilliant actor takes a bus filled with similar minded men (like you can trust a bunch of drunk guys to keep a secret) down to Tijuana a few weeks ago. With a handful of Viagra and a wallet stuffed with cash our actor went to four different houses of ill repute where he sampled the local adult industry up close and personal. He threw around money like a drunken sailor on shore leave and got himself so hammered that he even ended up very briefly with a very convincing transsexual. One grope saw our actor running out of there in a hurry so I guess we know he's straight. He had such a good time with one of the ladies that he made a special trip back down to TJ just two days later with two of his new bus pals to spend time with her and is now working on a plan to move her up to LA so she can be there for him as needed.

    June 01:
    Remember the TJ hooker blind item. No, not the William Shatner show. Although there really was nothing else on television those Saturday nights. Was it Saturday? Love Boat and Fantasy Island were Saturdays, and I know all three were on ABC. Anyway, our actor got his little vixen a work visa. Seems she is going to be a nanny for the actor and his lady. When you see the tabloid pics of the 20 year old Hispanic in the background with the kids you will have it solved.

    July 06:
    TJ hooker fun - She is there when you see the photos and she wasn't there a few months ago.

    EL's post headline from February 28th, found by someone else here - sorry, I can't recall who it was:

    Next Thing You Know Matt Damon Will Be Doing Priceline Commericals and Starring In A Remake Of TJ Hooker

    So, that was the answer that it was Matt Damon, right there.

  50. I think the sisters might be the Knowles...
    Recently, in Rolling Stone, they mentioned Solange was part of Jay-Z's entourage...but no Beyonce. Hmm...sounds a little fishy, doesn't it?

  51. Nicole, it can't be them. Check this out:


    They're still being seen together.

  52. Good job ladies!! Matt Damon (and Afflack) have even said that they were lucky that they weren't followed by pap's when they hit it big. Those boys have (had?) REAL wild sides to them! I wouldn't be surprised at all if he is TJ Hooker!
    Are we sure the Duff sisters aren't the sisters in question? They used to always be together.

  53. Parisss, I think a lot of us feel it may be the Duff sisters. I know Jindi posted that there was a photo of them going to the spa the other day, but that could have been an old photo. Really, beyond that, we haven't heard or seen anything about Hailey at all.

  54. If the clue in WD's post was Jessica Alba's brother, does that mean WD was in Alpha Dog? There are a lot of good possibilities there. And it would make sense since Ent could have met her through DS.

    Olivia Wilde?

  55. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Moosh, on your tip, I think I may have identified WD:
    America Young - IMDb has her as motion capture for Spiderman 3, casting director, stunts, producer, and actress. She starred in The Dead Undead with Joshua Alba. HELLO WD! God Bless America! (sorry, had to do it).

  56. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Her website is www.americayoung.com.
    She partied with the Heroes crowd at the Assassin's Creed launch (say hi to AP/Ali Larter?)
    Also has a demo reel at her site (so we don't have to go hunting down a bunch of movies this time).

  57. America Young (per IMDB):

    "She has her black belt under the same Grand Master that trained Bruce Lee and Jennifer Garner."

    Daaaaaaa-yum dnfrommn!!! You are awesome!

  58. here's a link to a pic of the happy tj hooker/matt damon family with nanny in tow http://justjared.buzznet.com/gallery/photos.php?yr=2007&mon=05&evt=damon-daughter&pic=isabella-damon-matt-damon-cannes-11.jpg

  59. dnfrommn, YOU'RE THE BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!

  60. Anonymous10:00 AM

    pariss, ach! I didn't even see that part.. I was too busy looking at everything but the 'trivia'. I think we've found our girl!

  61. dnfrommn ... dcfrompa thinks you rock hard core!

  62. Laura, I did find a national enquirer story stating Matt's wife is pregnant again.


    This is from August & we haven't heard anything since.

    Combine that with the pic of the new nanny and Matt does appear to be TJ Hooker.

  63. How the hell did you figure it out? I am in absolute disbelief!!!

  64. Since she has stunt double credits, it would also make sense that she'd be up for the part that Zoe Bell got.

  65. I just got your name - "DN from MN." No wonder you figured it out - Minnesotans are the smartest!!!

  66. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Parisss: mooshki said that maybe the hint was that WD was in a movie w/ Jessica Alba's brother. he hasn't made that many movies, and I just checked out all the actresses who had been in movies that had already been completed or were in post-production w/ Joshua Alba. I saw AY/WD's page had all those credits, and blammo. all the pieces fit

  67. JLo wouldn't not talk to her family - well, at least her dad - because of Scientology. Her dad is a big time Scieno. Has been for years (poor sap)

  68. Well congrats! Do you think poor enty is banging his head against a wall right now?

    Happy Thanksgiving to enty, Miss America (she'd probably hate being caled that- sorry!), Twisty, and Mr. Minnesota! Have a wonderful week to all!

  69. Thanks, Parisss. Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends here and Happy Thursday to the rest of you.

  70. Go Dnfrommm! I think you nailed it. If it really is her, I hope she keeps blogging. Her sense of humor and insight into Hollywood is refreshing and fun to read.

  71. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I sent an email to ent, he said I got it wrong.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Well damn, back to the drawing board/imdb.
    Is there any confirmation that WD may have had a role in Spiderman 3?

    I think Anna Faris is a definite possibility.

    But another person I was thinking about was Lucy Gordon.
    small role in Spiderman 3 and a role in "Brief Conversations with Hideous Men" The new indie directed by Jon Krasinski (swoon)

    Could Greg Grunberg be WD's link to JJ Abrams? Greg is in a film called Fast Glass with Joshua Alba.
    A few of the actresses could be possibilities:
    Amy Rider - Had a stint on the first season of 24 and few comedy credits.

  74. or... maybe ent is going to say we're wrong because he doesn't want to spoil the surpise so quickly.

  75. WD has left some really interesting insight and I'd like to throw in a name of who WD could possibly be. My guess is Olivia Wilde.

    Olivia Wilde was in Alpha Dog, which also casted Jessica Alba's brother, Joshua Alba. According to IMDB, she has an indie film that is now in post-production called Fix. It was filmed in Los Angeles, California, the same city where her House episodes were filmed. WD said he/she worked on low budget films before and according to IMDB, Olivia worked on the low budget films Death and Life of Bobby Z, Camjackers, Bickford Shmeckler's Cool Ideas, and Conversations with Other Women.

    I've also read rumors on Lost boards in which she tested for a role on Lost similar to Michelle Rodriguez's. Granted, this is just a rumor.

  76. DNfromMN--I think you're bang on. Ent wouldn't/couldn't tell you if you got it right. That would just blow it out of the water.

    Have a great Thanksgiving.

  77. I don't think Ent would lie to DNfromMN to keep the surprise going. He could have ignored her email.

  78. TJ Hooker is Will Ferrell. All sorts of subtle Enty clues there. Mark my words on the big reveal...

  79. cosmic said...
    TJ Hooker is Will Ferrell. All sorts of subtle Enty clues there. Mark my words on the big reveal...

    I agree. It's Ferrell, not Damon.

  80. can't wait for more live blogs.. those are fun ;)



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