Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Today's Blind Items

So no sleep at all last night. I think it is about 40 hours now without any sleep, and think it has been three cities in four nights. Tomorrow should be back to normal with photos and all the bells and whistles of the blog. Also, don't forget will be the first post from our new actress blogger. Hope you will check that out. She has promised to blog at least once a week, and she likes taking photos so that is always a good thing. I need a nap, but am sucking it up until the flight back to LA. I have decided it is not a good idea for an aging, 400 pound guy to involve himself in this level of partying. These people are professionals. The only positive about the weekend is that the tattoo artist passed out before I could get my new one. I was going to get Larry King on knee pads. That would have been a bad idea.

I hope you like the two items that should have been blind items, but in my current condition could not even think of how to make them blind.

Another one from the road. This unrelated lead singer of a rocking family group, went on what he called the VD Tour. About two nights before he went on a world tour, this singer came down with a case of gonorrhea. Instead of getting it taken care of with a shot, he decided to spread the love of VD on the tour. Throughout the entire tour, he would only be with women who would have unprotected sex with him, and therefore have a very strong chance of catching the clap. He would try and spread it to two or three women a night, and by the time the tour wrapped he was convinced he had spread it to at least 200 women directly. He then went home, and got a shot. It is not surprising given these facts, that this STD is not the only STD our rocker currently has. He still never practices safe sex though with groupies. He will with girlfriends, just not women he meets on the road.


  1. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Ugh, out that creepy bastard. Who is a band of relatives whose lead singer isn't one of the relatives? (That's how I understood this one).

  2. I'm thinking David Lee Roth/Van Halen.

  3. Liam Gallagher of Oasis.

  4. Oh, David Lee Roth. Good Guess Princess pea. He is such a cocky sleaze it wouldn't surprise me.

  5. David Lee Roth is a valid guess, but ENT says the tour was wrapped up. Van Halen is still touring as they are headed here to Houston. DLR was my first guess as well until I re-read the post.
    Whoever this is, he's a sicko. I can't see how people do things like like this. ENT - Reveal this guy, please!!!!

  6. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Isn't it illegal to knowingly infect somebody? Or is that just HIV?

  7. quick....

    call the cdc....

    unprotected sex is bad for you.

  8. I know I'll sound harsh but anyone who has unprotected sex deserves what they get. Any woman who has unprotected sex with a guy in a rock band - really deserves it. How stupid can you be!!!

  9. I agree littleoleme, but what a a**wipe!!

    God only knows what he could get from the women he sleeps with, I mean if they are having unprotected sex with him, think who came before him.

  10. I hope one of the 200 gave him HIV. Terrible thing to say but whoever it is is such an a**.

  11. JD Fortune with INXS?

  12. Is INXS "family group"?

  13. could it be one of guys from the Darkness?

  14. Yuck! A fuckface in Good Charlotte.

  15. Tim, Andrew and Jon Fariss are all part of INXS. They toured right after JD Fortune became the new lead singer. He is rumoured to be quite the male slut and cokehead (with a small package).

  16. Three of the members of INXS are brothers. Good guess Lauramart!

  17. hm. good charlotte's lead singer is one of the Maddens, so it can't be them ("unrelated lead singer").

  18. Jared and Shannon Leto???????????????????????????????#0 seconds to Mars just got back from Europe. Or Inxs.......3 brothers!!

  19. The singer has to be unrelated to any other band member so Oasis and 30 Seconds to Mars are out. I think JD Fortune and INXS is a brilliant guess and im going with that.

  20. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Can't be Liam Gallagher either, since brother Noel is in the band.

    Hmmm.......whomever this is is quite the lil' misogynist, eh? Sounds like he purposefully didn't get it treated so he COULD spread it around.

    If this is ever revealed, boycotts & screaming it from the rooftops to follow... ;)

  21. Anonymous12:27 PM

    jinx, missbliss ;)

  22. Man if it is JD Fortune...off with his head! Both!!!

    That ain't no way for a good Canadian Boy to act.

    Also I thought he was a bit o' gay myslef.

  23. it could be INXS. I could see that.
    JD Fortune was homeless and living in his car before he got that gig, and I've heard he wotked as a prostitute back then.

  24. Anonymous12:53 PM

    ENTY, you owe a reveal to protect the women of this world. Or rather, the young slutty groupies of this world.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. AC/DC: the Young brothers lead the band and a third brother (George) produced their early albums. Brian Johnson is only the singer.

  27. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Yeah but AC/DC are like 60+ years old. I just can't see it being them.

  28. Old men have sex too.
    What about Duran Duran..aren't those Taylors related?
    Simon Le Bonified Douche is not.

  29. What's scary about this (if it's true) is that there are an estimated 200 women with the clap out there (many of whom probably don't know they're affected), and all of whom are willing to have unprotected sex with strangers. That number could grow exponentially very, very quickly.

    What's EVEN SCARIER is, if the very first "conquest" gave the singer HIV (as somebody on this board hopes), then he could have infected each and every other woman with HIV--that number of infections across a huge geographic plane can be the origins of a pandemic. No joke! This tool's a regular patient zero.

    Accordinig to this Ohio case, it seems like the jerk might not be liable only to the parties he infected, but also to those THEY infected.


  30. But, hey, with that many plaintiffs, why not make it a class action?

  31. Voice of reason- yup and this is onyl one we know of. There are manymany guys out there with the clap (i always thought chlamydia was the clap personally) who don't care or are too embarassed OR because the fucknut Bush cut the spending to Planned parenthood and are not close enough to a free clinic.

  32. No, the Duran Taylors are not related at all.

  33. Anonymous5:57 PM

    its not that I think old people don't have sex, but I honestly can't see a 60+ year old man getting his jollies passing around a STD. This is someone young and incredibly stupid.

  34. I agree, it's someone relatively young, and EVIL.

    aaarrgghhhh- this made me angry- my jaw actually dropped while reading the post.

  35. Anonymous7:23 PM

    An older man with a functioning penis is NOT going to risk it being killed by a STD! LOL

  36. Oh Brendalove@gmail.com you crack me up. You couldn't be more right.

  37. I don't think this is DLR of Van Halen. A few years ago he became a paramedic in NYC saying that he wanted to help others. Though he didn't do it very long, I think that he demonstrated a level of empathy lacking in the subject of this blind.

  38. Anonymous8:13 PM

    So if this dude knows he has the clap, then he must have a symptom, right? For men, that usually means pain on urination, maybe even a discharge. I tend to think this cretin was just making up a tall tale to shock people, since what guy would risk having an untreated infection eating it's way up his shaft and into his prostate??

  39. I'm sorry but this sounds like an urban myth made up by pre-teens. I think it's completely bogus and EL fell for it.

  40. Count me in with the 'no way this is true' crowd. If hypothetical rocker guy wanted to travel around and infect strangers, hypothetical rocker guy would also be dealing with the symptoms daily. Which include painful swelling,peeing blood and abnormal discharge.
    So we are supposed to think this guy was so maniacal he would shelve his own comfort in order to infect people he would meet once in his life?

    Snopes alert.

  41. I have read this news and many people are discussing about this on richmingle.com, a site for celebrities and wealthy people. Really hot!

  42. Real or not, this is the gossip going around the rock and roll world. That is all Ent is passing on.

    Even if this young diseased buck is lying or exaggerating his abilities, the kernel of truth might be that he voiced such a desire and thought the idea was cool or tough.

    Yep, this is a youngish guy (Gene Simmons notwithstanding) who doesn't have much experience with touring and women.

  43. This is a world tour, with at least 100 dates, so it's got to be a pretty big band.

    I agree with the urban myth possiblity. This sounds like the sort of story that went round in the '70s when rock bands did really long tours, but the BI refers to present day.

    (I thought it was The Corrs, but all of them are family!)

  44. Tracy- WTF are you promoting some sleazy hook up site for? Pimpa Trace?

  45. I am still sticking with my original guess of JD Fortune/INXS. This link shows the extensive list of tour dates in 2006 that kicked off the new singer tour.




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