Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 This blonde, female singer was hit on Sunday night by another woman. When the singer realized what was going on, she replied, "Ewwww. That's sick." How about that for some tolerance huh?

#2 This aging B list television comedy actress left the lot her show is filmed on yesterday after finding out production had been halted. As she was driving away, she lowered the window on her car, and said to the picketing writers, "have fun boys."

In keeping my commitment to making the strike end sooner here is a blind item about a producer. Tomorrow if there is no settlement, it will be the turn of a writer.

This producer from a wealthy family is famous for his low budget productions and his screwing of actresses and actors both literally and figuratively. His M.O. is to get his cast to sign what appear to be lucrative back end gross percentage deals. The actresses are in particular thankful and he uses this as a tool to sleep with them. He keeps this up during the filming. After the film is released, he claims the movie has not made any money, and in fact has lost so much, that he has to declare bankruptcy in the corporation he established for the film, thus denying all the payments owed to cast members. He then dumps the actress in question, and when confronted by agents and managers offers a ridiculously low settlement while he keeps adding to his fortune and moves on to his next film and actress.


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