Monday, November 05, 2007

Run Katie Run

Do you think that at some point during the five+ hours Katie Holmes was running the New York Marathon that she said to herself, "I could just take a quick left here, run off the course and just keep running and be free." I think she thought of it. I also think that the lojack she had on her ankle, Tom whispering in her ear on her bluetooth, and the fact that she had minders surrounding her probably made that decision a little harder. For five hours though, she got off the treadmill she uses at home and was actually free. Free to run and see people. Free to think that she could just be one of the other thousands of runners. She didn't really dress like a runner. She dressed more like a soccer mom going to the store, which made me really think she wanted to make a break for it.

Now, of course I could be all wrong and she could have spent the whole five hours thinking how lucky she is to have Tom in her life, be called Kate, only allowed to work on roles Tom says are ok, submit her schedule to his, never see her parents or family, and of course wonder why the hell she ever wanted to run a marathon and if there was a place to puke from all the exertion, and if anyone would take notice if she used the port-a-potty on the side of the course.
If you sign up for the Ironman triathlon in Hawaii Katie, you can stay out of Tom's grasp for 13 or 14 hours probably.


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I think Michael K on Dlisted pointed it out. She was wearing heels later that evening. CRAZY!

  2. Why does anyone feel sorry for her? She knows exactly what she got herself into. She could have said no like Scarlett and Jessica, but she chose to be a Stepford Wife. It's not like she had anything else going on. This is as best as it gets for her.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Five and half hours of running and no bra. Yeah, I'm sure she ran the whole thing.

    Kory - I couldn't agree with you more.

  5. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I thought it was interesting that apparently the name she ran under was "Katie Smith" Katie...not KATE..I guess that idea of Tom's never stuck.

  6. Nipple burn much?

    Ya i saw the pix on DListed too..bitch goes out and runs for 5 hours then takes in a movie in heels? She looked beat as hell.

  7. Anonymous10:08 AM

    IMDB is reporting that when she saw Tommy-boy along the route, she said, "Here I am baby, signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours," as she ran into her husband's arms at the finish line. Perhaps her contract gets her bonus points for favorable publicity?

  8. Is anyone taking bets on how long this farce will last?

  9. Poor girl. She might really be that naive to buy into the whole thing. She'll wake up one day and then we'll get an interesting story.

  10. I've got to give her props for even attempting the marathon. But, hasn't she ever heard of a sports bra? Those lopside nipples look scarey.

  11. Califblondy -- she is an actress, after all -- ya gotta sell the goods.

    NY coverage says at the 15-mile mark Tom rushed out into the runners w/Suri to give Katie a kiss. that's when people realized who she was. He'll do anything, spoil anyone's moment, to be the center of attention, won't he?

    Did she really have minders running around her?

  12. Kory, I totally agree. Don't feel sorry for KH, feel sorry for Suri.

    My 40-something year old friend just ran a marathon and beat Katie by more than an hour. She'll be gloating when she hears about this.

  13. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Five hours of running and no signs of sweat...WTF? Did she jump into a port-a-potty and change clothes for the finish line photo?

  14. Kory, I agree. She's a big girl - smart enough to know what she got into. I hope comes out of this at least somewhat "sane".

    And I still thinks she resembles Chris Klein more than Tom Cruise...


  15. Good for her for running but somebody tell her she needs a sports bra. Once those Cooper's ligaments have stretched they can't be tightened back up. Katie, even the little ones are gonna sag.

  16. She looks suspiciously fresh and clean for having run 26.2 miles. Five hours of bouncing around braless like that must have caused serious pain. And she was out in heels that night? Sounds like she was either drugged out of her skull to kill what must have been excruciating pain or she pulled a Rosie Ruiz (famous cheater from the Boston Marathon).



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