Friday, November 09, 2007

Random Photos Part One

I don't know how this one ended up on top. Especially because you know Clay Aiken has never been on top. Well, maybe he has. Bottom/Top, Bottom/Top. Hell I'll flip a coin. Do you really think Sasha Cohen wants to catch him?
You know what the sad thing about this is? No, not that Brittany Murphy is on the site two days in a row, although it is kind of pathetic. But it is worth it just to see the comment that someone will write about her and her idiot husband. The truly sad thing is that is an Associated Press microphone in her face. That means they actually care what she has to say.
A little mini 90210 reunion and some receding hairlines.
This really should have been on top. You know I am a sucker for those in love photos. Jennifer Finnigan must really love those Weekend At Bernies residual checks Jonathon Silverman gets to be that much in love.
I don't even know what to say except that I'm sure Larry King had some really sore knees.
The new cover of W.
Dave Annable makes his first CDAN appearance. Let's see if Tracee will do him.
If you are Jennifer Lopez, wouldn't you rather have Cris Judd's baby?
Hell, Jennifer probably doesn't even know Scott Speedman but anything is better than a Skeletor baby.
I was hoping this was some kind of Korean program where they bury people alive, but it turns out they are actually letting Paris Hilton out of the box, which of course ruins the potential of a joke like "It's a damn shame throwing away a perfectly good white girl that way."
Way to go all out dressing up. Patrick Fugit is well on his way to becoming a master of the Kevin Smith school of dress.
When it is so cold that you have to wear a jacket and scarf and keep your hands in your pocket, then perhaps Owen Wilson would be better served by actually wearing shoes.
Kevin Farley doesn't look a bit like his brother does he? Damn.


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