Monday, November 05, 2007

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which "SNL" vet is making himself unpopular on the sets of his TV guest spots? "He doesn't bother talking to any of the men," fumes one insider. "He's only interested in flirting with all the girls."


  1. Chevy Chase? The only SNL vets that I could find making tv guest spots are him and Norm Macdonald. So, I'm going with Chevy

  2. tracey morgan, obviously... he's the only one on a show right now (30 Rock, anyone) :-)

  3. tracey's a castmember on 30 rock. It said tv guest spots.

  4. It's the original ladies man, Tim Meadows. He's been doing guest spots EVERYWHERE.

  5. @ Random Ramblings: How the hell could it be Tracy Morgan? He's a castmember on 30 Rock and has no need to do TV guest spots. How many tv guest appearances has he been on recently? None. There would be no need for him to do guest spots if he's a recurring character on a NBC show. Anyways, I think alan's guess is right, its probably Tim Meadows.

  6. alan, I like your guess better than the Tracy Morgan one....good guess.

  7. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Michael K on Dlisted is the one guessing Tracey Morgan--but he's TERRIBLE at blind items and you should never take his answers seriously!

  8. Not that I think this is the answer...but could someone tell me what the hell Horatio Sanz was doing on SNL this week? Totally LAME.
