Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lydia Hearst And Cisco Adler, But Who Called Mischa?

This past weekend, Lydia Hearst was showing off her new boy toy Cisco Adler at Tao in Vegas and was heard commenting incessantly about how it was nice to finally have a real man. Her ex Justin Bartha was sitting a few feet away and just put up with crap all night. The most interesting thing to come out of this hookup though was, who called Mischa Barton? At some point during the night after the couple left, Mischa was allegedly called several times while Lydia was enjoying the favors of Cisco in a more intimate fashion and kept saying that Mischa just didn't know how to handle a real man. Apparently this call was very loud and filled with sounds which were not words.


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Wow that sounds like a really tacky thing to do. Cisco Adler is a "real man"...? She needs to check her logic--the bigger the balls do not bigger the man make!

  2. Wow, for the spawn of a dirty trader and muckracker. William Randolph and Patti should be SOOO proud to share her DNA! Obviously money is incapable of buying anything like class or couth.

  3. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I think its also hilarious, that she denied Paris Hilton when the parasite wanted one of Lydias "exclusive" bags....she said she wanted to give them to women who she wanted to glorify, those who deserved them for their contributions to society...and my my isnt she just the classiest of them all...sounds more like she and Parasite are two peas in a pod!

  4. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Lydia Hearst is such a little stirrer. She was also the one who made comments about how she would never flash her cooch around and be naked in public like those other girls. Meanwhile she poses for pics like the one on this post. Kinda...just ever so slightly...hypocritical.

  5. Lydia Herst smells like crap about 90% of the time..ask anyone on a BA flight. Seriously if you mixed red bull,britney sweat and dirty tuna..you'd get Lydia.

  6. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Whoever dates Cisco has to have their head checked LOL.

  7. Maybe we're being too hard on Lydia. Maybe Cisco's balls were calling Mischa on their own. Maybe we should blame it on the balls.

  8. Crichmond1000, those balls do look like they could walk over next to the bed and dial a number!

    I love this kinda shit! I'd do it in a minute! I bet Mischa was crying hysterically too...and then woke thinking she too some bad shrooms again.

  9. Tracee, those balls could make Lydia scream, dial up Mischa AND roll a big fat joint, all while tied behind Cisco's back. I think that he uses them like a pendelum to hypnotize these young women. It's either that or the drugs, I don't know.

  10. in the photo of his terrifying nether regions on full display there was ALSO a very large pile of white powder on the white lacquer table.

    and not ONE mention: were the danglies so mentally scarring?

  11. Yes, they were that scary. I have seen more than some, but certainly not more than most, and I have never, in my life, imagined, for one second, that was a possiblity. I think I audibly gasped and had to look away. I was not prepared for the image that popped up. It has to hurt. But he looks like it doesn't. I can't imagine what those things actually do during the deed. How old was he when this happened? Was he born like that or is it the result of some misfortune or irresponsible behavior? He doesn't seem to be embarrassed. And I don't know this guy. He may be super (in ways we will never know).

  12. im soooo friggin bored at work,they actually expect me to...ewww..work.

    SOSOSOSOSOSOSOS. (white flag)
    "Send gossip"

  13. Jax, you are so funny, I can't imagine you being bored. Just sit there and listen to your own head. I laugh every time you post.

  14. aww shucks..thanks.
    My head is pretty fun most days but then the voices take over and its all "maybe you should do that report" "maybe you should report that hit n run" "maybe you should do your taxes"

  15. Haha, this is hilarious.

    I wish I could get that image of him nekked out of my mind. I see those gozongas taking over NYC at some point, like the Sta-Puf Marshmallow Man...

  16. How fantastic! I saw this photo somewhere. Seems it's posted on a celebrities singles dating site, called richmingle.com.

  17. Well, all you bitches made me look. They seem to be lacking something. They're pretty hideous, and grotesque. In a way, I'm relieved. Do you suppose he tugged them until they got that way? They're certainly nothing to be proud of, IMHO.



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