Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Isabella And Connor To Be Released For Christmas

In interviews promoting her new film, Nicole Kidman has been asked repeatedly how she is going to spend Christmas. She has stated she is going to spend it with her family, either in Australia or in Nashville. She has also hinted that Isabella and Connor will be with her for Christmas as well. Someone must have found the key to the prison, or decided that Nicole could use the publicity boost, but in any event will be nice to see the children surface. With Tom not needing them this year, they have been locked in storage for much longer than is customary. No football games or soccer games. I really thought with Isabella's love of soccer that the little General would somehow hook up his daughter with David Beckham, or even have Beckham show up at one of her games, but didn't happen.

Since Scientologists don't celebrate Christmas, the only thing Isabella and Connor had to look forward to at Tom Cruise's house was the airing of grievances and the feats of strength. The latter is no fun anymore because Tom runs around telling anyone who will listen that he is a superhero and can beat anyone at anything while Kate(Katie) sips her gin slowly in the corner, stares out the window and dreams of being set free one day.