Friday, November 30, 2007

Four For Friday

At some point tomorrow I will blog a little. I am going to try and do some things in honor of World AIDS Day. My plans are to post some photos of events happening around the world, and to also share a personal story. It is not about gossip, and there is no reveal. It's just going to be a story about the first person I knew who died of AIDS, and to celebrate his memory. For those of you who don't read the blog on the weekend, I hope on Monday when you get back to work, you will scroll down, and find the story, and share in the comments any similar stories or events in your life.

#1 Do you remember the female singer who beats the crap out of her husband? Well, lately she has been spending almost $1000 a day on coke and refusing to give her husband any money. He makes money, but not our singer's kind of money. The only good thing that can be said about the coke habit is that it takes up so much of her time she has stopped kicking his ass.

#2 You know that A list actor facing the child porn grand jury. Well, it isn't just evidence gathered. Two of the witnesses brought in to testify in front of the grand jury were girlfriends from the way back machine, and one of the girlfriends is married to an A/B lister in her own right.

#3 I am happy to report that our B list actress who is always getting played by her celebutude boyfriend has been getting even. Over the past two weeks, she has been rogered roundly at least on three different nights by a certain gentleman who has been in a film, but is known for much more.

#4 The writers strike was a blessing for one B list actress on a hit network comedy/drama. Would that be a dramedy, or a coma? Anyway, she is the star of this new show. She has been in this space before due to a tiny drug problem. Tiny in comparison to Amy Winehouse, but you get the idea. Seems our actress has kind of gone off the deep end. A little private mental hospital stay for a few weeks. She went in voluntarily, but she would have been committed involuntarily if things had gone on much longer. As it is, it has been kept quiet because of the strike. If the strike ended today, the series might be shelved until next season because it is unknown when our actress is going to leave the facility.


  1. #1 - Pink?
    #2 - Charlie Sheen / Kelly Preston (former fiancee)
    #3 - Jessica Alba?
    #4 - ???

  2. I think 4 may be Christina Applegate

  3. #1 Avril
    #2 Charlie Sheen
    #3 Jessica Alba
    #4 ??

  4. #1 Avril
    #2 Charlie Sheen
    #3 Jessica Alba
    #4 ??

  5. #1. Avril Lavigne? (there must be some reason she is hanging out with Parasite)
    (although the Pink guess makes sense, too)

    #3. Enty, you finally score with Jessica Alba???
    (what movie were you in?)

  6. For 2: The reference to the "way back machine" seems like a clue pointing to The Rocky & Bullwinkle movie. Perhaps the actor was in it. Off the top of my head, that would include Robert DeNiro and Randy Quaid. Also John Goodman, but isn't he gay?

  7. #4. Samaire Armstrong keeps coming to mind, but I'd hardly call her "the star" of DSM

  8. The more I read these BIs, the more pathetic many of these celebrities and their hangerons appear to be. What a bunch of worthless fucks.

  9. #4 Blake Lively.

    Does Gossip Girl count as a dramedy?

    I bet Ent would think it was lame, and the "coma" comment would work then

    Has she been seen recently?

  10. 1. Pink
    2. Sheen and Preston
    3. Alba and Dax (any pics of them)
    4. I'd say Samaire but she's not the star on Dirty, Sexy Money. SO I'll go with Applegate.

  11. Simone, I agree. Who ever thought that reading about celebs would make us all feel better about ourselves?

  12. I think Applegate would count as A list, and her show qualifies as a comedy, not a dramedy.

  13. #4 - Christina Applegate - in Sam Who, it's a comedy without a laugh track (so dramedy-ish) and she was in a coma).

    #3 - Who is Alba getting it on with, tho?

  14. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Is "getting rogered" what I think it is? I've never heard that particular phrase.

  15. # 4 - Did no one else's computer show a link to that new tin man show, which stars zooey deschanel (who's also in Weeds)? Mine did the first time I looked at the blog.

  16. #1 Avril....she has ben out partying more, and shit- she was with Paris last night. What more evidence do you need?

    2- Charlie Sheen

    3- Alba

    4- I still say Samaire.......

  17. Anonymous1:54 PM

    #1 - Avril, sharing her coke w/ Paris.

    #2 - no clue. I'd doubt De Niro since he has never dated anyone who did anything famous. And wasn't it a TV > film guy? Goodman of the above guesses.

    #3 - Good for Alba! Shame for the relationship sham. I think we should look for a man with a known southern endowment, or someone who was in a sex tape?

    #4 - It's gotta be Katee Sackhoff or Michelle Ryan for Bionic Woman. Show's doing crappy. Maybe the infighting roomers are because she's been in rehab. Definitely the star of the show.

  18. Thanks for taking the time to recognize how far we still need to go with Aids awareness and the HIV epidemic. If any of you are on Facebook,add the Red ribbon in support.

    I can't wait to read your story tomorrow. I too sadly have my own story about a great man who will never be forgotten and who was loved so much.

    My older brother is HIV positive and healthy thank god, but this time of year is a reminder of the reality that he lives everyday.


    Alba,not sure who with
    Samaire-coke fiend.

  19. Brendalove, YES IT DOES!

  20. TANGENT:

    Is this PAge Six article about our sisters who are no longer speaking b/c one is hoovering tons of blow?


    kidney infection MY ASS. MKO used an army of lawyers to scare the rags away from her first stint in rehab for : COCAINE ADDICTION - not anorexia.

  21. Ahhh...betsy, thanks, I didn't catch the coma reference in relation to Christina.

    Didn't Samaire have to take off while shooting was still on for her "personal troubles"???

  22. Anonymous2:04 PM

    "rogered" is a british the guy english? He's been in one film, only one? But is known for much more. Singing?

  23. Oh geeze. Here we go again.

  24. brendalove - that phrase was new to me as well, so I had to head on over to Urban Dictionary to, um, expand my vocabulary. Here's the link:

  25. From Page Six:

    JUST a week after being hospitalized with a kidney infection, Mary-Kate Olsen was out on the town....Meanwhile, twin Ashley - who is said to be "distant" from her sister...

    AHHHH!!!! Thanks Jindi

    "kidney infection" - is that code for overdose?

  26. Kara, you may have missed it, but this was discussed before when EL posted it that blurb. The Olsen twins are inseparable, it's not them.

  27. #1 Avril
    #2 Looking more like Charlie
    #3 Who's Alba getting "happy" with?

    #4 I peronally don't get the Samantha Who as a comedy/drama so I have no clue.

  28. EL gave us the answer in the "not so random" photo's. It's the Duff sisters - Hailey hasn't been seen for a while.

  29. oh, dnfrommn, FYI - Alba is currently filming in Toronto - lots of filming going on there actually, so you might want to look in that direction. Hope this helps.

  30. Distant is not inseparable. Also, I don't see EL giving the answer as the Duff sisters. The only thing I got from it was Haylie hasn't been around because she was recouperating from a boob job.
    I;m down with MK on that one.

  31. JJ's Dirt had a comment about the sale of the Olsen's condo where he wrote:
    "Broke for more cocaine Mary-Kate?"

  32. could number 4 be kate walsh?
    "coma" - medical term
    "new show" - Grey's spinoff
    "private mental hospital stay" - private practice

    my guesses for the others:
    1. pink
    2. don't know
    3. jessica alba

  33. I doubt #4 is Christina since her show is all comedy, I doubt it is Samaire because that show could go on without her. And please, please don't let it be Anna Friel.

  34. robbie williams has only been in one film. alba is in ny promoting a film. i saw her on regis monday i think.

  35. yes, alba was promoting "awake" and speaking about her broadway show offer and a possible actor strike in june. she's doing the promo rounds in NY.

  36. If #2 is Sheen/Preston, then I'd hardly worry if I was Charlie--KP's marriage to Johnny Perv is clear evidence that she's insane and has no idea what she's talking about.

    Re: #1 being Avril--such a disappointment to Canadians, btw, since she started with so much promise--anyway, Sum 41 recently cancelled the rest of their tour (including their stop here in my hometown) b/c of a "back injury". Had an interview with the rest of the band and they couldn't really come up with an explanation as to HOW the injury came about. Perhaps Avril went a little medieval on his ass because she was out of coke...

  37. Kate Walsh was on vacation this past week in Hawaii with her new husband.

  38. robbie williams has a current girlfriend...and a big bushy joke intended.

  39. Anonymous3:01 PM

    lol jax.

    Also, robbie williams is apparently in Morocco right now, or Dubai or Egypt--depending on which tabloid is correct.

  40. seriously $1k on coke a DAY! How is this person still alive?

  41. 1. Avril of course. I'm NOT a fan of Sum 41, but I feel REALLY bad for Derick.

    2. Charlie Sheen has had plenty of high profile girlfriends. I'm almost positive its him.

    3.Alba? How HILARIOUS would it be if she boinking JT on the set of "The Love Guru"? I think we all know she's not getting freaky with Hayden C.

    4. I don't want it to be Anna Friel OR Christina Applegate!
    Christina just appeared in a video with the head writer of "Samantha Who" supporting the strike so I don't think its her.
    Miss No pants isn't the lead on "Dirty Sexy Money" so I doubt her absence would result in the show being shelved.

  42. I am beginning to wonder if the sisters who do not speak... is the Olsen's too. It would explain alot about Mary Kate's appearance.

    #2 BI

    Tho I would not be surprised if it was Charlie, something tells me it's not him. There would be no hiding any of it if it was him. The ex-wife would have made it a point to have had it all leaked by now. I just don't think it is him.

    #3 BI

    Whoop there it is... haha! No matter who the guy might be... Alba needs to move on from that K-fraud of hers...

  43. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I hope it's not Anna Friel, although I don't think there's any chance of the series being shelved. It's still pretty highly rated and ABC is doing a LOT of promotion for it.

    Private Practice still seems iffy. I would consider Amy Brennemen to be B-List, or Audra McDonald. Although, again, if they left the show, it could still go on (particularly Brenneman since she's incredibly annoying and pushes back the women's movement like 80 years).

  44. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I hope it's not Anna Friel, although I don't think there's any chance of the series being shelved. It's still pretty highly rated and ABC is doing a LOT of promotion for it.

    Private Practice still seems iffy. I would consider Amy Brennemen to be B-List, or Audra McDonald. Although, again, if they left the show, it could still go on (particularly Brenneman since she's incredibly annoying and pushes back the women's movement like 80 years).

  45. Anonymous3:32 PM

    ack, sorry for the double post.

  46. I agree Kim -- $1K of coke a day is hard to imagine any human being digesting. Is she snorting a fresh line every 15 minutes? Gross.

  47. for 3 the dude could be Hugh Laurie / House. He is really known for a lot of stuff.

  48. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Forgive me if it's already been mentioned, but I think Lainey sealed the deal re: the blind about the actress who is back doing drugs:

    Not sure if Drew travelled with Justin to LA or if she’s still in Toronto shooting her Grey Gardens and spending time with perhaps a more mature crowd while he’s away.

    mature crowd - dating a youngun, making out with an older guy - yep, Drew :(

    (and I know it's off topic, but I also know we like to dissect the blinds here so I knew this was the place to

    OH - as for THESE blinds, the only one I'm 100% on is Avril for #1. MAN I wish she wasn't a fellow

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Just saw a report about Samarie Armstrong not coming back to "Dirty Sexy Money" because of her drug problems

    GO ZX! haha

  51. #4 can't be Samaire. As many have said, DSM could go on without her with no problem. As far as the show being shelved, it's not that the show isn't doing well -- it's that this star is in rehab, so she wouldn't be able to start filming if the strike ended now. In the beginning of the blind, Ent says it's a hit show.

  52. I saw the TinMan link too. I wonder if it's just an ad though?

  53. Charlie\Kelly was the first thing to came to my mind as well.

    Is she allowed to testify, though? Doesn't that open her up to cross exam? Is that acceptable in $ circles?

    Honestly curious.

  54. Sweater, there is no cross with grand juries. It took this long (since Ch split with Den) to build a case - and the city atty. still needs the grand jury to get an indictment? Hmmm. Can't wait for more details!

  55. Oh, sorry. #1 - The Brat. #3 - Alba. #4 - I'll take everyone's word that it's Miss Armstrong. I don't watch DSM so I don't care.

  56. #3 If it is Alba then i'm going for 50Cent as her partner in crime. As far as I know he's only been in that one movie and he's known for lots of things - his music, his feud with Kanye, his bullets... and he's been showing interest in her for a while.

  57. Kate Walsh for #4?

  58. #4 isn't Samaire Armstrong, because shes definitley not the star of the show, that would be Peter Krause.
    And if you watched the show, you would know that shes been gone for at least 2 or 3 episodes, as was in rehab for a while, but the preview for next weeks episode shows her coming back. :)

  59. It's alba with Dax Shepard. He's done films but he's known for his big peepee

  60. 1. Pink
    2. Charlie Sheen?
    3. Jessica Alba
    4. Christina Applegate

  61. #4 - Samaire How hard is google people.

  62. Re: #3, my first thought for the gentleman who'd been in one movie but is known for more was also 50 cent. There was a recent picture of him and Lilo. Just saying.

  63. P.S. The "celebutude", of course, would be Riley Giles, who is said to have a bit of an attitude.

  64. Dax Shepard has been in more than one movie.
    He is also with Kristen Bell now. Sorry but i just can't see Jessica Alba finding him at all charming. My money so to speak is still on 50 cent.

    Lohan has apparently dumped Riley but I think they fit the story about the guy dishing the dirt to the tabloids more than they fit this one.

  65. #2 is definitely Sheen IMO. Didn't he recently admit that he turned over his computer to the FBI in response to Denise's kiddie porn allegations? He was bragging that the FBI hadn't found any evidence.

  66. Silenttypes link to the TV Guide site has put me on board with Samaire. Whether she is technically the star of the show or not, she is definitely referred to as the star. The ‘mental hospital' reference is also in line with what TV Guide reported.

  67. I can't imagine # 2 being Charlie Sheen simply because I think CBS would be flipping out a bit. Isn't Two and a half men their number 1 comedy? I think it might even be the top comedy period. That said, I have no idea who it could be if it isn't him. Regardless of who it is, disgusting.

    #3 does seem like Jessica Alba, and if it is, that's fine and all, but why not just drop kick the cheater to the curb?

    #4 seems to imply that the show will have to stop filming if she can't get her act together, that's clearly not the case for Dirty Sexy Money, so not Samaire Armstrong (maybe they'll recast and go with Dominique Swain?). I guess I'd go with Christina Applegate (which is too bad) or maybe Anne Heche. Kate Walsh was just photographed in Hawaii with her husband.

    I'm going to take everyone's word for Avril being #1.

  68. I guess it is possible that two actresses required treatment for mental health issues during the writers strike. One being the star and one a featured player. I think it is also possible that the information in the blind isn't 100%correct, which seems to happen frequently.

  69. Anonymous10:24 AM

    50 cent is a good guess if the B list actress is Alba. They were rumored to have dated in the past.

    The "rogered roundly" clue I'm just not getting.

  70. Ahhh makes sense. Thanks Judi :)

  71. the Heche guess for #4 works for me. Her show is terrible, and she is certifiable.

  72. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I know that no one is really checking out the answers to this one anymore but I think we have a confirmation that #4 is probably Samaire:



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