Friday, November 02, 2007

Four For Friday

#1 This openly gay, male, pop singer must be thinking of changing teams because he was spotted making out, and groping a female fan on Wednesday night.

#2 This aging married, father/manager was overheard telling a young woman in her early 20's that he had an open marriage and that he could make her a star. He said he was doing some casting for a network television show and that it required full frontal nudity and so he would have to see what she looked like. Obviously, this woman didn't come off the same turnip truck as the other people he has managed or hit on because she said, "there isn't any such thing on network television." Our manager/jerk then said he meant he was doing casting for a film. She walked away.

#3 I am too lazy to find it, but there was a blind item a long time ago where a married, Academy Award winning actress and her B list husband faked fights at parties so he could hit on women after she left. Well, I guess it works both ways, because on Saturday night our actor was incredibly nasty to his wife at a party where everyone could hear, and then walked out. She then sought comfort in the arms of another guy and they went back to his place at the end of the night.

#4 This former A list (by definition) television actress is married, with child(ren) but has moved out of her home and is now living with a female producer of one of her failed television series.


  1. 1) clay aiken?
    2) creepo pappa joe
    3) dunno
    4) christina applegate?

  2. 3) CZJ and Michael Douglas

  3. Anonymous1:25 PM

    1. Lance Bass?
    2. Pimpa Joe - eeewwwwww
    3. no clue
    4. Lisa Kudrow - weren't there rumors she and her husband were splitting up?

  4. #1- Mika or George Michael
    #2-Papa Joe!

  5. 1. Lance Bass or George Michael(leaning more towards Lance)
    2.Pimpa Joe!

  6. 1. Lance
    2. Gross Poppa Joe. Puke

  7. What about Ricky martin for 1?

  8. Ricky Martin has always been bi.

  9. # 2 - Pimpa (2nd choice Matthew Knowles)

    # 4 - Katey Sagal (married with child[ren])

  10. well, at least we're all clear on #2.

    1. Lance, dude, make up your mind already

    3. IDT Michael Douglas would be considered B list

    4. Lisa Kudrow. maybe with Amy Harris (writer/prducer for "The Comback")

  11. now that I've looked at Random Photos I'm going to say #3 is Will Smith and Jada. That was the first thing that popped in my head, and now I see Will in the randoms, so I'm feeling certain about that one.

    I'll go with Mika for possibility on #1 since he's in the photos, as well.

  12. #3 connelly/bettany but it would be funnier if it was streisand/brolin or steenburgen/danson!

  13. I finally found the blind item, from June:

    2. This A list married couple has an understanding. The understanding is helped along by the wife who would rather be with women. When the husband spots a woman he is interested in, our wife helps by causing a huge scene. Directly in front of the woman of interest, our wife, yells and screams at her husband and then walks out. The husband who has been nominated for Globes and Oscars then lays it on to the prospective lady and more often than not scores.

    Note that this time, Ent says the wife has won an Oscar and the husband is B list. Also, in the first BI, the woman above wants to be with women, but in today's BI he says she went home with a guy. When you mesh the clues in these two, I don't see who could fit.

  14. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Clay Aiken and Ricky Martin aren't openly gay, and Mika won't comment on his sexuality, so I wouldn't consider him openly gay either. So that leaves George Michael and Lance Bass. And George Michael HAS been in serious relationships with women in the (long ago) past.

  15. Trashtalker, if EL was too lazy to look for the blind, which you easily found, I'm guessing he's trying to go on memory, which was lacking.

    I'm guessing.....

  16. #1 lance being weird, #2 thora birch's father- jack (perve) #4 katey sagal

  17. Gay men cannot snog women?

    It might have been for show, or because she wanted him to, or because they were having a bit of fun. Jeeze people, and Ent, just because Madonna and Britney Spears snogged nobody immediately decided both were 100% gay or changing teams.

    Why can't gay men have fun too? They're only kissing!

  18. George Michael btw. He was probably high on cannabis at the time.

  19. Anonymous2:39 PM

    It's gotta be George Michael, although didn't he get married? (Lance never did a solo album, I don't know that he could be considered a "singer")

  20. 1- Will Young/ Lance Bass

    2- Jack Birch


    4- Lisa Kudrow- so is she livign there becaseu the marriage broke up or becasue she's a lesbot and the marriage broke up?

  21. 1 - sir lancealot....OPENly gay and is about the only one who could still catch some female tail. i seriously doubt you could find a (real)woman who would make out with george michael.

    2 - matthew knowles is too smart to make a dumb comment like that...i'm in for pimpa! he's about as dumb as his daughter...chicken of the sea!

    3 - czj has an ironclad prenump that states she gets millions if he's caught cheating. there's no way he or she would blow that(openly or not). i'm in for someone else because i also can't see jps going home with a dude.

    4. kudrow!

  22. 1. Lance Bass, he's been talking alot about his experience with girls lately it seems:

  23. kellysirkus - Jada is not an Academy Award winning actress, not even a nominated one, so it can't be her.

  24. 2. I can't think of anyone but Pimpa plus he's been spotted out at alot clubs and stuff lately.
    Does he actually HAVE any other client, though?

  25. Rufus Wainright for one. Aiken isn't openly gay by any stretch of the imagination, and does Lance even sing anymore?

  26. Jack Birch is such a good one...I take back my Pimpa and go with Birch.

  27. Twisted-
    It wasn't that easy! Anyway, Ent knows who the husband and wife are. Even if he couldn't remember what he said last time, he still knows the details of each encounter he's describing and the adjectives he can use to describe the people.

    Basically, we've got two sets of clues, which should help narrow it down. But I did a search on Oscar-winning actresses and checked to see if their husbands were nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe. I didn't see any guys who had been nominated but didn't win. But Joel Coen has won an Oscar and was nominated for a GG. Michael Douglas has won Oscars and a GG. And Taylor Hackford has an Oscar but no GG noms.

  28. Trashtalker, then double thanks for looking for it!!

    I wonder if this is a red herring from him, then. What do you think?

  29. Maybe he didn't check to see if the husband had actually won the awards. The only one of the three couples that's A list is MD and CZJ.

    A few months ago, CZJ gave an interview in which she said, "We’ve never screamed at each other. We disagree, yeah, but we never shout. No, never."

    So either that was her own red herring, or it's not them.

  30. How about Annette Benning and Warren Beaty? Though I don't know if she'd be considered A list.

  31. How about Annette Benning and Warren Beaty? Though I don't know if she'd be considered A list.

  32. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Ha ha Sarah, we were thinking alike! The first person that I thought of was Rufus Wainwright.

  33. Annette has been nominated for three Oscars, but she hasn't won.

  34. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Warren Beatty is a Hollywood legend, and no Blister by any stretch of the imagination. Neither is Michael Douglas--he has TWO oscars.

  35. I have no guesses on any of today’s BI’s (although Joe Simpson is always a good guess when the subject is sleazy-manager-father), but has revealed one half of the BI from October 18th – the talk show host swindled out of millions is Larry King.

    The TSG story doesn't mention the actor who is also a victim.

  36. wow! you guys are good.
    I never even heard of Jack (Thora's dad)

    I'm impressed

  37. Anonymous9:01 PM

    1. Yeah, Lance Bass. Even though I mentioned George Michael, I just can't picture it being him.

    Does Hulk Hogan count as a manager/dad? Just throwing it out there. His marriage is on the rocks. But really, could be anyone. They all seem sleazy.

  38. thanks kelly - but, once a sleazeball always a perve....

  39. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Larry King is an IDIOT. He asked Jerry Seinfeld if Seinfeld ended because it was canceled.
    Jerry was incredulous.

  40. I am going with
    2. Poppa Joe
    3. I would say Jada and Will, but we all know what that relationship is about.
    4. Isnt anyone else thinkin Jennifer Garner for this?My first thought, except which is a failed television series of hers
    I would say Christina Applegate, but isnt she recently divorced? Kudrow isnt a bad one either.

  41. 1. Lance Bass. My only reaction to this besides "meh" is "gross."

    2. Previous commenter's have me convinced its Jack Birch. I think Pimpa used to be Ryan Cabrera's manager.

    3.This one is hard simpy because the clues are conflicting. Connelly/Bettany seem to fit the best. I think CZJ and Michael Douglas might be a longshot...Douglas is a little over the hill to be sleeping around.

    4.Christina Applegate has been getting a ton of press because of the recent success of "Samantha Who" so I'm not sure she fits. I also don't think she had children with her ex (isn't he gay?)
    Lisa Kudrow hasn't done much since "The Comeback" failed so it *could* be her.

  42. Ricky Martin is my guess for #1. He's openly gay everywhere but the press(remember those shots of him on the beach doing pushups with a male "friend"?). And he's had girlfriends before.

  43. Oh, and Poppa Joe definitely for #2. That guy has creeped me out ever since the "You can't hide those puppies" remark.

