Thursday, November 08, 2007

DUI On A Vespa

It is worse than a DUI on a golf cart, and all DUI's are horrible, but still you have to smile at the thought of Mickey Rourke on his Vespa, and then getting pulled over on it. Mickey Rourke. Mr. 9 1/2 Weeks and Wild Orchid on a Vespa. You know what. Maybe it is ok. It is his way of seeing and being seen and certainly environmentally friendly. Plus the chicks seem to dig it.

You have to wonder how desperate the woman is though that she is going out with Mickey. Is she that hard up or is he paying her by the hour? I know Mickey used to be the bad boy every woman wanted to sleep with, but that was like 20 years ago. Now he lives in a condo, drives a Vespa, and gets pulled over by a policeman who appears to know exactly how to get to every Dunkin Donuts in Miami.

I want you to know that despite my profession, I actually love the police and respect them very much, but this policeman is huge. Don't they have some type of height weight requirements? It is like me. I am about twice as big as that guy, and I know that certain careers are not going to happen for me, and you will never get to see me on Dancing With The Stars. You might see me on Biggest Loser though. Mickey must have done something horribly wrong on his Vespa because for that guy to have to lug himself out of the car took special effort.


  1. Anonymous11:22 AM

    DUI on a Vespa! John Dorian style! I love it!

  2. Is that really Mickey Rourke? The same Mickey Rourke from 'Diner' and '9 1/2 Weeks'? What happened to his face? And what is going on with his upper lip hair growth?

  3. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Holy Crapola - I used to swoon over Mickey Rourke. Who is THIS? That can't be him. Mickey Rourke was smoking hot.

  4. Anonymous11:40 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous11:40 AM

    wow. that is a great example of why to never have plastic surgery.

  6. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Might be meth face though!

  7. I thought he has plastic surgery too but his eyes don't look like it at all. Is it really meth face?? I will be sad if it is!

  8. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Well, drug users are prone to nasty skin from chemical burn and just general unhealthiness...could be a little of both...and not necessarily meth, either, there are other drugs that might do that if you freebase 'em...maybe crack or freebasing coke...

  9. _-_=_, don't be sad. Maybe it's from too much Halloween candy.

    Yeah, and maybe that's a mask! ;-)

  10. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Ha, and here I'd come to add that maybe it was acne, a la Posh Spice aka Crater Face! Beat me to it TS!

    (How unfortunate that your screenname initials are TS lol)

  11. Ent you are too much today.

    That cop looks like he could swallow that Vespa whole!

  12. Trix, I'm usually behind, so yay!

    (uh oh - what does TS stand for? I hate my s/n but couldn't think of anything else and my bro always tells me I'm one twisted sister)

    Tracee! Where have you and Pinky been lately? You just up and disappeared.

  13. Anonymous1:08 PM

    LOL TS usually means Transexual. Just jokes, though, dont mean nothin' by it!

  14. Sista! I was gonna ask you the same thing. Work is picking up with the elections coming up quickly so I don't get the chance to come out and play as much.

    But I pop in when things slow down a little.

    Glad to see some friendly names around today. Actually commenters' been pretty cool lately.

  15. Trix, lolol...I'm a girly girl, which makes that even funnier. Then again, haven't some men been fooled by girly girl transsexuals? Hmmmmm.....

    Tracee, I was pretty swamped for a while, but I'm still here. Like you, there are some really hectic days where it's enough if I can read through everything. Plus, I find more juice in the comments than in EL's posts lately. Siiiiggghhhh....

  16. You know? He's been lengthy lately. Lot's of copy to read! I enjoy the snark, I do, but sometimes these posts read like War and Peace...or at least how I imagine War & Peace to read like.

    Glad to see ya doing good gurl!

  17. Wow. His face looks like a can of smashed assholes. That's what meth will do to you.

    What a shame, I had a huge crush on him after I saw 9 1/2 Weeks.

  18. Jennifer, where do you live? Our stores don't carry cans of smashed assholes - only fresh. ;-)

  19. lol! smashed assholes

  20. Some drivers steer with their pinkies while their thumbs do the typing. He's the guy who saw last year's "Expect the max" signs on freeway billboards and wondered when, exactly, we were supposed to expect it. He's the guy who spearheaded a successful drive last spring to require a driver convicted of extreme DUI to actually serve the sentence set in
    law. He's the guy who now wonders what the heck is with the state's
    "administrative per se" law.
    California Dui
