Thursday, November 08, 2007

CMA Awards

Kellie Pickler gets top spot. Not just because she looks amazing. It is not even the fact that she called me the other day and made me laugh until I cried. Then the crying became real and I had to pull out the Prozac/Percocet combo but it is all good now. Kellie gets the top spot for managing to generate real tears when singing her hit song and getting the most publicity from the show even though she didn't win anything. That earns you the top spot any day. OK, and she also promised to talk dirty to me next time she calls, but I am not holding my breath.
I don't even know who Jake Owen is, but a fake tan and 80's suit takes me back to my glory days, so here you go.
I know Ty Murray is smart, but I swear he looks dumber each time I see his photo which is about once a year when they do these country music things. Does this mean Jessica Simpson will be at it next year? Well at least her breasts are equal. Jewel seems to have one that has deflated.
Dwight Yoakam is the epitome of cool. As long as he keeps his hat on.
I am really beginning to dislike Carrie Underwood, and it is not just the fake hair and the fake songs and the fake personality. I know she has millions of fans. Fine. She is all yours. She will probably find a Mutt Lange guy and go live in Switzerland, although I am hoping she goes more the way of Tanya Tucker and is forced to do a reality show in 20 years to pay all her bills.
This is the American dream. Bucky Covington would still be working at a Dairy Queen if it weren't for American Idol. Instead he has a great career and a woman who only cares about him for his fame and money. That is living people. Congratulations Bucky.
Taylor Swift. 17. For just a little while longer. Of course I remember when everyone was excited that Britney Spears was going to turn 18, including Ben Affleck who paid a little visit to her about a week after. Look how Britney turned out. Taylor Swift can actually sing so I hope that she knows to stay away from guys with names like L-UPS and M-DHL and she should be fine.
"Hey Sheryl Crow. The guy you loved and wrote an entire album about is shacking up with an Olsen twin. How does that make you feel?" Someone on the red carpet asked her that almost exact question. I phrased it a little differently.
One thing Nicole Kidman learned from Tom Cruise is how to appear interested and disinterested at the same time. I think the only reason she hasn't ended it with Keith Urban is that it would crush him, and quite possibly kill him which would result in poor ticket sales for Nicole.
Michelle Branch does a very good job of usually hiding her tattoo, but here is the one photo I could find of it. Is she still married to that 50 year old guy who kind of did the whole Celine Dion thing with her until she got legal?
LeAnn Rimes is always a favorite, and she looks incredible.


  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I love Kellie Pickler. She always comes off as genuinely nice and sweet. I remember watching her season of AI and seeing her in the backround cheering on/singing along to her fellow contestants. The other contestants only did that when they knew they were being filmed.

  2. I thought Keith sounded a bit off last night and he looks like he's had work done. Must have gotten a two-fer with the Missus???

  3. I loved this year CMA... Rascal Flatts along with Gary LeVox and Jamie Foxx were great! I saw this great country music directory with lots of videos from people like Taylor Swift, Dierk Bentley and Tim McGrow:
    Which one of those is your favorite singer?

  4. So I guess Carrie Underwood is the answer to the BI about the blond singer who has recently developed a personality thanks blow.

    And Ben Affleck and Britney! How did I miss that one? Juicy comments, Ent! Thanks!

  5. Michelle and Teddy are still married. They have a beautiful little girl together.

  6. Ben n Brit are OLD news april..check out the Cry Me A River video..the guy is supposed to be Ben.

  7. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Did Amy Grant & Vince Gill make an appearance?

  8. And Enty- Jessica Simpson was there last night.

  9. Anybody know who designed Kellie Pickler's dress? It's really beautiful.

  10. Amy Grant and Vince Gill were there.

    I loved how George Straight REALLY kissed his wife when he won.

    Nicole Kidman looked like she'd rather still be married to Tom than to have been at the awards show last night.

    Reba needs a new do.

    Jamie Foxx was good.

    The derogatory comments about Carrie Underwood have influenced my opinion and IMO her acceptance speech was insincere as hell. Is it just me or did she NOT get the reaction from the crowd that she expected?

  11. Who's the Sheryl Crowe reference about? Lance Armstrong is dating an Olson twin?



  12. i love sheryl crowe and if someone really did say that to her, how cruel .. but in the end, I guess they both ended up with babies ..

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Just to set the record straight, Bucky didn't work at Dairy Queen -- he worked in his father's body shop. And he met his girlfriend before his video came out and she had no idea he was in the music industry at the time.

    Let's face it everyone would be working someplace else before they got the opportunity to do what they love and become famous in the process.

    Happy Birthday today Bucky Covington and his twin Rocky.

  15. Bucky Covington's career is deserved. He paid dues in bars, and other venues long before American Idol. He is a real musician. AI is a great head start for anyone of course. But it is by no means a reason to detract from his success at all. And as you do not know his girlfriend, how about not picking on someone who has been nothing but kind and gracious to all who have met her. But I will agree with you on one thing.... Kellie Pickler looked amazing.

  16. Cathy & Kathy, chill. Snark is part of the fun of this site. It's not hating, it's appreciating - just from a somewhat unusual angle... ;-)

  17. I can appreciate good snark:) Just like to set the record straight.

  18. Shut the fuck up tania. The (C)Kathys can defend Bucky if they want.

    Where would ANY of the Idol singers be without Idol? A lot of this biz is who you know.

  19. Spasuzy - that was absolutely uncalled for!

    Sure they can. And I can think (and post) that maybe they took Ent's comments more seriously than he intended. Hardly deserving of such rudeness, I think.

    Not to mention, you then appear to agree with Ent with your second comment - a comment which will probably equally bother the c/kathys...

  20. No attitude was meant on my part and we all can have our say. I was just setting the record straight. Bucky is well deserving of the success he is achieving and he most graciously appreciative as well.

  21. Cathy, I didn't think you had an attitude, I'm sorry if you got that from what I said.
    I'm just used to the level of snark here, and was surprised to see that what he posted about this guy actually bothered you & Kathy, because to me it's water off a duck's proverbial - even if he's snarking on one of my favourites! I come here for a laugh, so you just caught me on the wrong foot.

  22. Thankx Tania.

    Well I know I am a little protective of Bucky and I know Kathy is too.. If anyone is deserving of goodness it is him.

    so.. Bucky hugs all around :)

  23. Anonymous2:38 PM

    That color dress is flattering to Nicole. She's definitely a "winter"

  24. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Hee hee, in more ways than one, now that I think about it.

  25. Ent should have linked to the video of the Kellie Pickler performance. She's not the best singer in the world, but she melted a million hearts with her sincerity, including mine. I totally cried watching it, especially seeing her little brother in the audience wipe away his tears at the end.

    That performance might not have been technically perfect, but it was career-making. Carrie who?

    The bronze dress is lovely and despite the new boobs, the smile looks 100% genuine.

  26. oh tania...I said shut the FUCK up because they had the right to comment on whatever they wanted. I didn't say shut the FUCK up because I agreed with them. You dumb stupid shit.

    I hate peeps who come in here and diss other peeps who have a different opinion and then put a cyber smiley wink thingy at the end.

    So, I decided to call you on it bitch.

    So, again, shut the FUCK up tania!

  27. OKay - I'm ou of hte loop here.
    Why is Carrie UNderwood so disliked? (I'm not a fan but I am curious).
    And what's this about Ben and Brit?

  28. Read elsewhere (on Lainey's site) that Underwood openly made nasty remarks about Kellie and her performance. Jealous much? Kellie looks beautiful. Crow's cryin' all the way to the bank.

  29. Thanks Jax! I didn't know that about the 'Cry Me A River'-video.

  30. I hadn't heard about the Ben Affleck & Britney thing either so I googled it and look what I found!

    God, how times change! What happened? It's like she's forgotten everything that she was...oh well.

  31. Spasuzy, when you have pms, take a Midol before you post. tania was just explaining Ent's sense of humor, which makes for better enjoyment of the site for everyone.



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