Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Christina Aguilera Joins The Crowd

As recently as last month in Glamour Magazine, Christina Aguilera stated that she would never do many of the things that Britney Spears has done. She said there were certain boundaries a person shouldn't cross. Many took that statement to mean many things included flashing your goodies to the world. Well, I guess we will have to take that off the list now and deduce that it means something else, because Christina has shown the world what she's got.

I know she is pregnant, and it is not the easiest situation to get out of a low car, with an extended stomach and a short dress, but to me it looks like she might have actually done it on purpose. Click here to see the NSFW photo. And don't worry, you know I will give everyone some good Johnny Depp later.


  1. Screw Johnny, give us some real man, like Clive.

  2. More importantly, why does she look like a mortician did her makeup?

  3. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Flashing can happen by accident...not wearing panties...not an accident

  4. The lack of underwear does make the tacky gesture seem intentional. I guess it was a mistake to believe that Christina was serious about cleaning up her act. Not only are these girls stupid, they are certainly unoriginal. This maneuver has been done countless times already; come up with something new and different if you truly want to stand out from the rest of the bimbo pack.

  5. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Also, if we're requesting cheesecake...I would like Stephen Dorff or Robbie Williams please. thankyouverymuch

  6. Is she pantiless? I hate to sound stupid, but I really can't tell.

    And as a mother of two.... Who on god's green earth would not wear underwear... especially when pregnant?! WTF? Any woman who have been pregnant will confirm, that if you sneeze the wrong way, cough the wrong way- panties are necessary.

  7. And Stacy--- Screw Johnny.... Uh huh. That is exactly what I would love to do!!! HA!!!

  8. ooh i second the Robbie Williams.

    who wears a dress that short with out undies when you are PREGNANT??!! sick

  9. Why the hell is she pregnant and NOT wearing underwear?!

  10. I don't know about underwear, but from the other photos (Dlisted has a link) she IS wearing pantyhose. I think this is more of an accident....

  11. She's wearing hose.

  12. Hee verification word was 'biphy'. I have such a jr. high sense of humor.

    Anyhow, it does appear that she's wearing the next question is, why is she wearing pantyhose with open toe shoes!?

  13. girlfriend needs to be wearing drawers - that baby's just gonna fall right out of her on to the street!

  14. I saw this in my inbox thinking that it was some sort of Best Week Ever Joke, etc. NOPE!

    I'm disappointed in X-tina!

  15. irshstyc: HAHAHAHAH

  16. LMAO, I remember that episode of South Park where Xtin's vajayjay kept falling out and she lost it in a well.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. @stacy: OMG, my brother just brought that up on ichat haha.
    Just to be fair, I don't know why people expect porn star esque vasge shots from celebs.
    I don't think christina did it on purpose.
    There. I said it.

  19. I agree--the flash was probably accidental and I'm not convinced there aren't undies in there somewhere. How does anyone get out of their car all the time without a little spread of the legs every now and then? Plus, the paps are always zeroing in right at crotch level! Damn, I'd be givin 'em a show every day! About the makeup, though, she's such a really pretty girl who is probably just as pretty without all that thick makeup, but those cheeks look like she's hiding bruises or something! Since it seems to get worse as the pregnancy goes on, maybe she has brown facial patches from the hormones or whatever...

  20. I don't have an issue with women who chose to go pantyless as much as I do with the paparazzi who are taking these photos. I find it really disturbing there are a whole group of (mostly I'm sure), men who purposefully set out to take photographs of women's nether regions. Especially if the flashing is not a deliberate act on the part of the star (as I feel this is not and have seen other shots I felt the same way about).

    I find it really creepy, and wonder if it was just some random man taking shots of random women's crotches as they exited cars, if there would not be any legal ramifications also.

  21. i want to know how she can wear panty hose pregnant? that shit is tight on a regular there preg panty hose?

  22. Jax, there actually is pantyhose for those who are prego, but some women just buy bigger sizes and it stretches, or they wear it under the bump. There are a lot of tricks when you're pregnant, like still wearing your regular pants when they don't button by putting a rubber band around the button, through the buttonhole and back around the button again.

    I'm guessing she's find the pantyhose a relief because of sore legs or something.

  23. Yeah, I guess those hose would be a relief when you are wearing 4-inch heels. I am nine months pregnant. (We are inducing tomorrow night) I'm glad someone is feeling sexy. This is my theory and yes, it is from personal experience. Christina leaned over to put on her panties and she couldn't reach...Wait, then how did she get the pantyhose on? Nevermind. Maybe she just forgot

  24. Her mouth looks a little 'collagenie,' too. I was gonna say lips, but I know how you people think. If so, also a weird thing to be doing when you are preggo.

  25. Anonymous10:09 PM

    She's one step higher than a hooker so I'm not surprised if she did flash. I can't believe that anyone would do her, Britney, or Lindsay Lohan. Their vaginas have seen more action than toilet seats in a public restroom.

  26. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Yeah i really cant tell if she did this on purpose or not, but if she did I find it hilarious in light of some of the things she's said.

    I WILL say though, that the quote that she supposedly made about flashing and acting out wildly, is grossly edited. In the actual conversation she was having where taht was said, she first got upset that the person was trying to bait her into voicing disgust with the other girls' actions. What she DID say after accusing them of baiting her, is the quote we see here and on other sites to show how much of a hypocrite she is.

    She DID try to not say something like that and what little she did say, is getting trotted out now. Sneaky sneaky.

    Having said that she's still a two bit whore.

    Check this out: a photoshop artist takes off all of Christinas makeup

  27. this has been bugging me for some time, because i honestly wasn't sure if i was right.
    soon after mr. bunny went to work for disney, "mulan" came out. britney was TOTALLY pissed that christina got the song instead of her, but christina could actually sing. anyway, a blast from the past:



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