Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Britney Gets Beaten Down By Old Guys

Britney was Number One on the Billboard charts for about six minutes yesterday. Then Billboard said crazy chick couldn't have the number one album and changed the rules. Instead of being number one, and selling 320,000 albums, Britney is actually 2nd, only sold 290,000 albums and got crushed by The Eagles who sold 711,000 copies of their latest album.

The problem was that The Eagles album can only be bought through Wal- Mart, which is coincidentally where Britney buys most of her clothes. Wal-Mart has never released sales figures to Billboard, and Billboard has never counted any albums sold at Wal-Mart until this week.

Lost in the shuffle of the beat down Britney took by The Eagles is that, even with Wal-Mart reporting, Britney lost 30,000 sales from earlier reports and has sales of 300,000 less than her previous worst effort, "In the Zone" which sold 609,000 copies in its first week and was her worst seller.

There are rumblings coming out of Jive that Britney could be dropped, because of her lack of effort in promoting the album, and the fact they are convinced now that the success of Gimme More was the result more of curiosity, than an actual desire to buy the single and that it won't be repeated. With no singles, no touring, and no promotional efforts, there are no album sales.


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