Thursday, November 15, 2007

Amy Winehouse's Hair Checked By Prison Guards

Guards at Pentonville prison stated that Amy Winehouse was acting suspicious when she showed up for a recent visit to see her husband who is a guest of the institution. The warden of the prison personally was there when Amy arrived and asked her to run her fingers through her hair to prove she didn't have any drugs within her beehive.

Amy did so, and although no drugs were found, a sandwich and small child were discovered. Seriously, that thing is big. I can't understand why they thought she was acting suspicious. She has been on a 96 hour speed and crack binge all supplied by her "good friend" Pete Doherty. After dropping off some drugs to keep Amy going for another few days, Pete also dropped by Pentonville prison where he brought Blake some clothes and trilby hats.

Wonder if the warden checked the lining on those hats. There hasn't been any mention of Blake going through severe withdrawals so he must be getting something from someone.

According to a "friend" who has supplied drugs to all three people, he calculates that between the trio they spend between $3000-4000 a day on drugs. The above picture was taken last night where over half the crowd walked out on Amy's show, while the rest stayed and booed her.


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I don't know how UK prisons are, but most people in US prisons say its easier to get drugs inside than outside.

  2. Of course they checked her hair. You could hide a small child inside that monstrosity!


  3. Yes, khemenu, it's the same in the UK. One reason why putting drug users in prison does not work. Just means that the taxpayer pays their food and lodging.

    Blake thingy-wotsit is on very serious charges, which is why he's banged up awaiting trial. No bail for that one and his mates.

  4. My first thought when I read he was transfered to the prison hospital, was that he was going through withdrawl - although they SAID it was because the other prisoners were all over him. I don't believe it - I think he was DTing

  5. Even if drugs are easy to get dones't mean he would get it the day he walked in. Criminals have a code and no one gets the goods until they prove not to be a rat and considering how high profile Blake would be i doubt anyone would be feeding him drugs so freely.

  6. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I hope he DOES end up going through withdrawals. For keeping Amy all drugged up just so he can control her and her money, he deserves a little suffering. I know that sounds extreme, but whether its deliberate or just subconscious blundering, its still awful.

  7. With hubby in the slammer and Amy still stumbling, apparently she's able to keep herself all drugged up all by her lonesome.

  8. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Yep, I don't think ol' Amy needs much convincing to indulge in anything.

  9. Amy said this to the fans at the show: all the people booing - just wait 'til my husband gets out.

    Because he's gonna show up at every single one of your houses at beat the crap out of you. So there!



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