Friday, October 12, 2007

Yes, But Can They Do Anything About My Size If You Know What I Mean

Mel C of the Spice Girls who should not be confused with Mel B of the Spice Girls or Mel Gibson of AA is obviously not one to blow her precious money on plastic surgery. As much as she would love to have Victoria Beckham's breasts, she prefers to get them the old fashioned way.

Mel C is a big believer in fake medicines and gimmicks to get increase her breast size. In her latest attempt to get above a size A, Mel C has revealed that she is eating special Japanese cookies to increase her bra size.

The cookies known as 'F-Cup cookies', are alleged by the manufacturers to boost a woman's breast size if eaten twice a day.

Mel C told the BBC that: "I'll be a guinea-pig for them. Can you imagine if my boobs got bigger suddenly? That'd be great!"

The Japanese cookies contain 68.7 calories and have trans-fats, which allegedly add weight to the breast area. They also contain 50mg of Pueraria Mirifica, which the producers claim is a "breast-enhancing herb".

I can report that the cookies haven't increased me to that three inch threshold yet, but I do feel a slight swelling sensation in my huge, droopy man boobs.


  1. Ent, maybe you need to invest in a bro...I heard they're worth their weight in gold. I think the cookies just make you fat, which makes your boobs bigger.

    Hey Mel I got magical "herbs" that can get you result, just send a check for $5,000 dollars to:

    P.O. BOX 8008
    ShitDontWork, TX

  2. Anonymous11:44 AM

    haha, this is from the Scott Mills show, right? I'm pretty sure none of them were even remotely serious.

  3. If only there was a cookie with such powers.:(

  4. I'm looking for the magic pill where I can sit on my butt all day, eat whatever I want and still have a hot body. And money, too.

    Let me know when that pill is out.

    And, no, I'm not even close to being your size, Ent.

  5. Anonymous1:46 PM

    When I looked at the ad, I didn't see "F-Cup" I saw "Fuc-up"

  6. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I got one word for you, Ent:



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