Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 The scene. B list film actor who used to be on the edge of A list but can't quite seem to get there. Our actor has a little get together. Our actor invites another couple over as well as a lady friend he is dying to get into bed with. At some point in the evening, the lady friend our actor lusts for decides to use the restroom. While doing her business, she feels something ticking her bare leg. Looking down she sees a huge cockroach crawling up her leg. As she screams, she notices there are several others throughout the bathroom. Needless to say, our actor didn't get any that night.

#2 This C list television actress/reality star has been spending some time with a married couple who are half A list celebrity, half regular in the past few weeks. Our actress thought it was just about friendship, but it turns out the couple would like the actress for much more than just friends. Promising they could help her career and get her noticed around the world, our actress is on the fence about it, but so far has said no.