Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Today's Blind Items

You wouldn't think that blind items and gossip could be affected by the fires, but they are. Many people aren't going to work and many are just staying at home and night and watching the news or helping out friends. Right now my basement abode looks like a refugee camp. In my 400 sqaure foot rabbit warren I have 5 people staying with me who all have been evacuated. Remember also that each person has stuff so that basement window got blocked quickly. As a result of all this, there is not much whispering going on. Hopefully that will change quickly. Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me and has worried about me and my friends. The house I helped evacuate over the weekend is still standing and yes, so is Vixen's. I have lots and lots of friends in San Diego and those are the people I worry about the most. Keep them in your thoughts.

#1 Gosh, I guess he was an A list film actor. He starred in films and opened them on his own. Even though he still does that, I don't think he's A list anymore. B list and agingis more like it. Doing some press for some ridiculous project he is involved in and becoming more and more of a jackass at every stop. He doesn't even bother hiding the fact he is married now and just hits on absolutely anything that walks or talks. Women though. Only women. Playing a stereotype almost, our actor just walks up to a woman and says he wants to f**k her. 95% of the time he gets rejected. That still leaves 5% and in every city he has gone to, he has used up that 5%, and used them often. I don't know how his wife stands him. I guess the money.


  1. Would Ben Afflect be considered "aging" though? He's not that terribly old. I would think 45+ for age?

    Tom Hanks, John Travolta? Maybe even Tom Cruise, but he just seems insane...not so much as a perve.

  2. One more guess: Nic Cage?

  3. Was Billy Bob Thornton ever A list? And is he (currently) married?

  4. What is the project your guesses are working on though?

  5. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Gimme an A!
    Gimme an F!
    Gimme another F!...

  6. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Mel Gibson?

  7. None of the above. Tom Hanks is way A list, Affleck may or may not be depending on the film he just directed which opened in the top 5 over the weekend, and Travolta and Cruise are also still A list. Billy Bob Thornton and Nic Cage are also A list and holding.

    It's Cuba Gooding, I'm sure. He's married, he's an ass, he used to be A list after Jerry Maguire, he's photographed in bars with gross women, etc etc.

  8. I say Richard Gere. His cause is usually something along the lines of Free Tibet and he used to be a sex symbol around the world. Not so much anymore being that he almost got arrested for kissing that bollywood star.

  9. Sean Penn or the Waterworld guy.

  10. See, I don't think the silly project has anything to do with movies, so I'm thinking it's none of the above either.

  11. When was the last time Ben opened a film. Hollywoodland was his last movie and that was an Adrien Brody vehicle. Plus I don't think Gone Baby Gone would qualify as a "ridiculous" project.

  12. Daniel, have to agree with you on both points.

  13. Ridiculous project, IMO fits Patrick Dempsey, a frequent "jackass" guess. He's in Paris promoting his new movie where he plays a divorce lawyer who falls in love with a "fairytale princess". (who thinks up these things?) But he's not really known as an "A list film actor", although he did do films back in his day as a brat pack teen idol. I can't think of who else the blind item fits.

  14. If Affleck is considered aging them me and my walker are outta here. He's in his 30's people.

    Free Tibet is hardly ridiculous.

    I'm going with Billy Bob but a bit hesitant as he just had a child and seems quite smitten with the family. But then again you can be a top drawer Dad and a complete Jackass at the same time.
    Look at Ryan Phillipe.

  15. Russell Crowe has been hawking his ownership in a rugby team, with some televised match in January. He was even on NFL football either Sunday or Monday, discussing it (I can't recall which - I think it was the night the Colts played).

    That's more like the ridiculous project I think EL is referencing.

  16. must be Costner - if his wife can put up with him hitting on hotel staff and it being dragged through the papers, by now she must be numb to his constant lady leering

  17. Ridiculous Project refers to a film. Projects are films.

  18. Was A list and aging made me think Hartison Ford. Making an action hero film at hs age is certainly ridiculous, and he did hit on that masseuse for a happy ending that time.

    Is he married to Calista though?

  19. The part about "Women though. Only women." makes it sound like this guy is rumored to be gay or bi. Is Russell's or Cuba's sexuality in question?

    How about Hugh Jackman? Ent made a reference to Hugh's beard yesterday. And, up until Monday, he was involved in the ridiculous Viva Laughlin. I don't know if he was traveling around doing press for it, though.

  20. You knew I meant Harrison Ford!

  21. Trashtalker, I think EL said that so we wouldn't throw Tom Cruise into the mix.

    Ms_Wonderland, Harrison Ford isn't married.

  22. I´m with Paul on the Costner train!

  23. What's Costner's ridiculous project?

  24. Waterworld Part Deux

  25. i think russell crowe is a good guess with him promoting that rugby team. hugh jackman may be a better guess with his questioned sexuality and that laughable new show he is in

  26. OOOOHhhhh...thanks, Jax. Yeah, that IS ridiculous....lmao.

  27. trashtalker - There is lots of talk about Cuba being a "switch hitter"

    IDK what "project" he's promoting right now other than his alcoholism.

    He is definitely the answer to at least one blind about friends being concerned about the drinking

  28. IMDB says Costner is involved with some animated series. The Plot is described as: Animated Internet series centers on a group of globe-trotting Victorian-era explorers and their Gothic adventurers.
    -Sounds kinda ridiculous to me

  29. Hey Ent, can you post Lainey's Blind?

    I'd love to hear what everyone says.

    My guess is the ex-Mr. Witherspoon

  30. How come nobody has guessed Michael Douglas?

  31. I would imagine that Michael Douglas would be more discreet. If CZJ got wind of his dalliances, she'd have his nuts in a second.

  32. Ted, personally, I couldn't find anything about a project that MD is working on which would be deemed ridiculous. (other than his

  33. Samuel Jackson? he is married and rumored to hit on other women when he goes out...was A list (Pulp Fiction) and has opened his own movies in the past (Great White Hype)... not sure what his "latest ridiculous project" is but the last one was "Snakes on a Plane..."

  34. Wow. Costner's in a band called Modern West? Maybe it IS him!

  35. I like the Patrick Dempsey guess. He was A-list back in Brat Pack days, right?

    Most likely Cuba. Bi rumors, his career has gone down the toilet and rumors that he cheats on his wife.

  36. Anonymous3:23 PM

    kellysirkus - teehee Philippe was TOTALLY my first thought on the Lainey blind too ;)

  37. Anonymous3:24 PM

    OH - as for THIS blind...ugh, no idea. Could be any of the people mentioned...which, after reading that, is pretty

  38. Shame on all of you who guessed Russell Crowe.

    Rugby league is not ridiculous!

    Not compared to NFL, anyway...

  39. Here in the states, we really don't give a flying fuck about rugby, so all this hawking he's doing is beyond ridiculous.

  40. Last time I posted I had my nuts put in a vice so I timidly throw my name in the gentle on me please....

    But Robert Redford is out promoting a movie at the moment. Could he be a possiblity??

    (running back in before I get hit again)

  41. oh, Toni, they only hit you cuz they love you.

    imagine if they ignored you.

    Redford is a little too old for this much action, IMO.

    BTW, Twisted, don't you agree we might be open to a little Rudby action here if we can get some David Beckham level of yumminess.

  42. Um...if Ben Affleck can only hook up with 5% of women in town... consider me in that 5%. I'd hit that. ;)

    Costner is a good guess.

  43. thanks for the kindness kellysirkus. New to the whole sleuthing thing so thanks for gently pointing out Redford would need the ole magic purple pill to make this BI a reality :-)

  44. I don't think Redford is married.

    Just a gentle squeeze of the sack for ya, toni. :)

  45. Kelly, TOTALLY agree with you on that one!!!

  46. By the way, this is rugby LEAGUE we're talking with Crowe, which is different to rugby UNION.

    There are some very hot rugby league players.



  47. By the way, in regards to the Lainey BI. I don't think it's Ryan P. He could hardly be described as hirsute (hairy)... could he?

  48. Ewwww..... My eyes, my eyes!! Now I'm REALLY against rugby - union or league.

  49. Toni, if it's any consolation, I thought of Redford, too, until I looked back at the blind and I realized the person is married. Hard to keep all the details straight sometimes.

  50. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Cuba Gooding, Jr. sounds about right. There was a mild scandal on Gawker a few months back where some coed's email to her friends about meeting him and his clumsy 'seduction' technique was made public. Seemed like it was a pretty regular occurrence for him. Also, isn't he promoting that god-awful Daddy Day Camp?

  51. Isn't Russel Crowe also promoting a movie with Denzel though (as well as his rugby thing) And regardles of the fact that I think Denzel plays the same part in every movie, he is not typically associated with 'ridiculous projects' either. so I'm guessing not Russel.

    And Ben, though a favorite and suggestion for the answer to almost every male B.I. is getting great reviews for his part in Gone Baby Gone, as well as his brother is getting good reviews, so even though he seems to be acting a bit out of charachter lately in interviews and such, this project is far from ridiculous either.

  52. Calla, Paul threw Costner's name into the ring waaaaaaaaaaay up above.

  53. I'm sorry but it's Eddie Murhpy. He played a jack ass in Shrek, is aging and obnoxious. And now married right? and all of his latest movies have been flops.

  54. Lindsay, Eddie Murphy isn't married.

  55. lainey's BI's are always fairly obvious. It's not Philippe; she does not consider him hot (calls him "carb-face") and always refers to him scornfully. This is a fond-ish reference. It's Colin Farrell, doubtless. He was on a TV series called "Ballykissangel" in the late 90s and just had a fling with a (very young) Irish waitress.


    Here is it, if anyone's interested:
    Where To Put It
    Warning – this is dirty and crass and, for some, not very appetising. So if you are the prudish type, prone to huffing and puffing your sanctimony through your nose…stop reading now. Otherwise, save your indignant emails. You’ve been cautioned.

    He is hot and hirsute and horny, has had a varied career spanning television and big budget Hollywood productions but has preferred of late to stick with indie fare. Currently single and while there may be many reasons why – his romantic requests regarding the finger could have something to do with it.

    A while back he was seeing a girl, a waitress, of course, not terribly serious but they were booty calling regularly to her delight until he became rather “obsessed” – a direct quote – with where he wanted her to put her finger.

    Turns out he enjoys being stimulated in that dark orifice and eventually, although she takes great pleasure in starf&cking, using her digits so creatively became too much for even her to bear. And so she broke things off…which is why he prefers to pay for it now since he knows his particular predilection skews to the kinky side.

    I know it’s not ladylike to talk of such things but my gays say it really is the most stimulating thing ever. Yet another reason why homos are that much more evolved.

  56. lainey's BI's are always fairly obvious. It's not Philippe; she does not consider him hot (calls him "carb-face") and always refers to him scornfully. This is a fond-ish reference. It's Colin Farrell, doubtless. He was on a TV series called "Ballykissangel" in the late 90s and just had a fling with a (very young) Irish waitress.


    Here is it, if anyone's interested:
    Where To Put It
    Warning – this is dirty and crass and, for some, not very appetising. So if you are the prudish type, prone to huffing and puffing your sanctimony through your nose…stop reading now. Otherwise, save your indignant emails. You’ve been cautioned.

    He is hot and hirsute and horny, has had a varied career spanning television and big budget Hollywood productions but has preferred of late to stick with indie fare. Currently single and while there may be many reasons why – his romantic requests regarding the finger could have something to do with it.

    A while back he was seeing a girl, a waitress, of course, not terribly serious but they were booty calling regularly to her delight until he became rather “obsessed” – a direct quote – with where he wanted her to put her finger.

    Turns out he enjoys being stimulated in that dark orifice and eventually, although she takes great pleasure in starf&cking, using her digits so creatively became too much for even her to bear. And so she broke things off…which is why he prefers to pay for it now since he knows his particular predilection skews to the kinky side.

    I know it’s not ladylike to talk of such things but my gays say it really is the most stimulating thing ever. Yet another reason why homos are that much more evolved.

  57. i get the feeling it's someone a bit older. my first thoughts: billy bob or nick nolte but, they are not married. i'm going with jeff bridges or dennis quaid. they did open films ,they still open films, they have a few bucks, and they had that "A" list time. they are both married. i'm not sure about the ridiculous project. it's probably the midlife crisis/ "B" list statis that's making the guy act like an asshole.

  58. Dennis Quaid is such a slut, it's ridiculous. Great guess.

  59. ok, just checked, that ridiculous animated "SURF'S UP" was released this month and they are promoting it somehow with halloween. if jeff bridges is going any where to hawk that crap...he fits....

  60. released on dvd i should say

  61. I will not comment again on this...but I really feel compelled, having lived thru this whole situation....Ent...the whole David D thing was misinformed, and not in sync with what the majority of us in S.Cal were one was going to follow HIS lead, but yet, how can you say that he was placing lives in danger, when 2000 homes in San Diego were destroyed, and SEVEN in MALIBU were destroyed. I AM SORRY>>>BUT I AM FURIOUS about you putting the fact that he was not in danger of ANYTHING compared to the rest of S.CAL...and the rest of the SO CALLED NEWS that spent 90% on CELEBRITY "so called danger" should be ashamed of what you posted....

    This is from someone that actually has been effected by the fires....and NO...DAVID DUCHOVNY WAS NOWHERE NEAR DANGER>>>>>I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT>

  62. Not every BI's answer is Ben Affleck - and sure as hell not this one.
    1. He's in his 30ies, which is hardly "aging".
    2. His wife surely doesn't need his money as she's an award winning actress herself.

  63. I first thought Colin Farrel. He's been talking about his son with special needs and promoting some group that deals with those needs. Maybe it was autism? He's only 31 but looks like he's aging fast. Would be very sad if it was him!

  64. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Hi J - Sean Penn was my first thought, too. All that Hugo Chavez damage (don't get me started).

    But . . it sounds more like Costner. I think he's pretty well known to be a pig.

  65. Anonymous6:57 AM

    No one in their 30's is "aging". That would get the "lifestyle taking its toll" type of description. Aging usually starts in the 40's for women and 50's for men. Not fair, but it's Hollywood.

    Robert Redford is not aging. He's OLD. He's been officially in the OLD category for a long time.

    The wife can't be anyone with her own money, if she is putting up with humiliation for his money.

    Btw . . the 80's brat pack era was my teens to 20's - Patrick Dempsey was not A list then. Young A list was Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall, Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, etc. I can't place Patrick dempsey's face and am off to Google him.

    Sorry if I sound grumpy. I have a cold and I'm huddled in a bathrobe drinking hot tea and sniffling =(

  66. Acetomato wrote:
    "The wife can't be anyone with her own money, if she is putting up with humiliation for his money."

    Not true. Women put up with bullshit all the time for the status they think they need. You can't really connect dots that might not be there.

    Also, we shouldn't be grumpy for things like colds when we compare that to people being devastated over the loss of EVERYTHING as many are experiencing in California, don't ya think?

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Good guesses everyone! Me thinks it may be, 1) Costner
    or 2) Robin Williams

  69. Laineys BI is Jerry Bruckheimer. (sp?)

  70. Jerry Bruckheimer isn't currently single.

  71. Even if it isn't him, it is him...

  72. Yeah, it's probably Costner. Good luck with the cold Ace! I feel much better after some Mucinex. I'm desperate, and silent - and should go straight home to bed!! Ick!

  73. Twisted- I know you think you're an A-List blogging commenter... but I think you've gone to the B-List.... the BITCHY list. Come on. Lighten up and don't try to police what everyone says.

  74. Oh, come on Twisted... I tend to agree with you most things, but I just hate that whole "shaming" people for living life normally when "other peoople are suffering" crap. My best friend had to evacuate her home north of San Diego and has NO CLUE if it's still standing, but guess what? I (and acetomato777) still have the right to be a little GRUMPY if we have a cold! I actually thought it was nice of ace to apologize for his/her grumpiness. (That comment about Patrick Dempsey being part of the "Brat Pack" got under my skin, too, for some reason!)

    Seriously, though. I lost everything in a fire once (I was renting and did NOT have insurance), but the world didn't stop turning on my account.. And for that matter, think of what's happening in Darfur - just a wee bit worse than people losing their (well-insured) homes, don't ya think? Yet that hasn't stopped any of us from being crabby for silly reasons/obsessing over celebrity gossip, etc.

    That's all.

  75. Carolyn -
    Sorry, I'M in a crabby mood because my friend lost her dogs in CA and everything else she owns and my sons friend has been missing since Saturday and it looks like he may have done something foolish. Colds seem silly to complain about, but I'm just sad here.

    Apologies to Acetomato.

    Anon- knock off the fucking bullshit. And to think I was stupid enough to come to your defense not that long ago.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Twisted:

    I'm sorry - I get it now. :(

    I REALLY hope your friend's son is OK! That's so scary...


  78. Carolyn, YOU don't need to be sorry!!! I DO!!

    Thanks for being level headed in your reply to me, I appreciate that.

    And thanks also for the good wishes. The mom has been on television pleading for him to come home and it hasn't happened yet. I can't imagine the anguish she's going through. (Anyone in the Chicago area has probably seen these reports)

    I need a long nap and I hope if I take one I'll wake up and get nothing but GOOD NEWS from people.

    (I'm saying that as a joke, but really, I think I've slept about five hours in the past two days. I'M CRANKY!!!!)
