Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 You know the singer with all of the towels? Well it turns out this singer plans her bathroom visits in advance. Ten minutes before she needs to go, she tells a member of her staff to clean the entire bathroom, especially the toilet and to make sure there are candles lit and music playing. She does this even when she just has to pee.

#2 This aging former A list film actor's best friend is his ex-wife. Neither his current wife or his ex-wife's current husband are thrilled that the pair often spend an hour or more a day on the phone talking, chatting and laughing. It has got to be so bad, that now they only talk when their respective spouses aren't around.


  1. 1. Mariah? Weren't there were all those stories written about her and how she doesn't know how many bathrooms are in her house and how she needs fresh towels all the time.

  2. #1 is definitely Mimi.


  3. #2 - Richard Gere/Cindy Crawford - photo of him in today's Random Photo's with caption about him geting old fast.

  4. #1-So Mimi. Her and shitney would compete who could sweat the most during a contest.

    #2- Was the ex-wife an actress? Is the new husband an actor too? I need more time to process this.

  5. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I have no reason to believe that No. 2 is Michael Douglas but I am throwing his name into the ring.

  6. Anonymous1:59 PM

    #2 is so vague, but I'm guessing Richard Gere and Cindy Crawford for the same reason as temats.

  7. #1 is Gwen Stefani, and here's the rider with all the towels:


  8. Anonymous2:28 PM

    that's a shame about Gwen.

    I liked the Bruce & Demi guess because they were seen all the time together, but Bruno hasn't remarried. It seems weird for Gere and Crawford to be together, but Gere is definitely former A-List. I'm probably one of 200 people who saw his latest movie (The Hunting Party), and that was purely by accident -- but it was good.

  9. The original blind item describes the singer as "curvy", so Gwen hardly qualifies. I think it's Mariah, too. I need to become rich and famous so I can have people light candles and put music on in my bathroom before I go. Being rich and famous would suit me well, I think.

  10. Harriet, it would suit me too! I want to bathe in Evian and have men wipe me down with warm towels, dammit! :)

    Gere and Crawford seem like a good fit. They had a very amicable split.

  11. Totally agree with Kitty for #1 and Temats for #2. The clue, as Temats pointed out, was the photo of Gere and EL saying he's aged a lot lately.

  12. And her rider really isn't that bad...actually, her demands are pretty normal.

  13. #2 - that's pretty healthy to be fair. Nice to know that despite all the acrimony in Hollywood especially in marriages, that some people are still amiable.

    Too bad Bruce isn't married again or it'd be a perfect fit.

  14. And the contract Gwen has only specifies white towels, it doesn't say they must be "new", which is the weird preference of the towel singer.

    I'm thinking Mariah also, unless it's someone like Chaka Khan, who fits the "curvy top 40 singer". She released a new album in Sept. and it debuted at #15 on the top 200 chart. The first single off the album reached #29

  15. Harriet, if people refer to Gisele Bundchen as CURVY, then most def. Gwen is curvy. She was actually CHUBBY back in No Doubt days, cute chubby, though. But she is a curvy gal.

  16. Had a helluva time getting google to let me speak...I'm gonna say Kevin Costner and his ex-wife, Cindy. Don't know if she's remarried though...

  17. Isn't J-Lo the one with all the crazy demands for new white candles, towels, and flowers every where she goes? I think it's hilarious that women who are a size zero (or two, at best) are being described as "curvy".

  18. Anonymous3:23 PM

    JLo for #1. i remember a while back somebody posted the rider for her concert tour and it required that everything in her dressing your be white including a whole bunch of towels.

  19. Just a little info. Does everyone know Chaka Khan is a lesbian?

  20. how about Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman?

  21. What?! Rare Avis? Didn't know! Do tell!! Wasn't she married for a hot minute? She needs to say loud and proud.

  22. hahaha as if Gwen was ever chubby.
    I rmeember her No Doubt days too and at best you could say she was not toned.

  23. Anonymous4:00 PM

    1. Mariah
    2. Harrison Ford

  24. Chaka is interviewed in this week's People magazine. She says she has a new, young boyfriend, but I guess that really doesn't mean anything.

    I didn't realize she had such a drug problem all these years. I've been a fan of her's forever.

  25. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I'd just have to go with Mimi for #1 - not just the towels, but she is just SO FRICKIN' OUT THERE and so mentally stunted. What would SURPRISE me is finding out she doesn't have a "wiper" too...

    No idea for #2, but as someone else said, it's nice to see a Hollywood couple that can still be friends.

  26. Chaka has been married three times. She may be bi, but I highly doubt she's a lesbian.

    Wasn't there an item about a diva who could only use towels once? Who was that?

  27. Never mind - found it:

    "#4 This oh so demanding curvy top 40 singer with the famous pipes, has a bit of a towel problem. Seems she makes one of her people go buy fresh towels daily. Yes, brand new towels must be used everyday irregardless of whether a towel was used the day before or not. Seems that our singer thinks that towels that have been hanging collect too much dust, and so wants fresh ones daily so she is always clean. I guess no one has bothered to tell her that they are gathering even more dust sitting in the store, or on the shelves of her home awaiting their first use. Hey, at least all her staff, their friends and family have more towels than they know what to do with."

  28. #1 Beyoncé:

    Backstage booty for Beyonce - By Richard Simpson, Evening Standard
    5 February 2004

    Even by a diva's standards, it was a list of backstage demands to behold. Details emerged today of an astonishing list of requirements from Beyoncé Knowles.


    Beyoncé demanded a VIP room with separate "vanity area", another dressing room and a recently sterilised bathroom with four new white towels.

    Beyonce, her requests:

    Private bathroom cleaned and disinfected with anti-bacterial products, and a minimum of four brand-new white towels (two face, two body)

    Rose-scented candles. Lighter for candles


  29. #2 - My first thought was Kevin Costner and his ex-wife, Cindy....

  30. I thought there was a BI sometime recently that Beyonce like new towels.

  31. Honestly if I am going to perform somewhere I would demand them be new too - please, you have no idea what skeeve used them before you. That and I dont think 4 towels is a whole lot to ask. IMO.

  32. That's how I have my bathroom set up.

    All I need now is for Gerard Butler to come in and wash my back when I'm bathing and my life would be perfect.....


  33. Someone at MTV reads this blog. Mariah Carry is on cribs right now.

  34. I don't care if it's true or bollocks, but #1 just gave me the best laugh I've had all damn day. Just picturing the candles and music makes me chortle. God help her staff if she ever contracts the West Virgina Quick-Step.

  35. Melissa said...
    Honestly if I am going to perform somewhere I would demand them be new too - please, you have no idea what skeeve used them before you. That and I dont think 4 towels is a whole lot to ask. IMO.

    I agree with you about new towels if you are going to perform somewhere, but this person uses towels ONCE and never again. Doesn't matter if she is on the road or at home. That is just plain wrong.

    I could never be a celebrity assistant, don't care how much they pay or what the perks are. I would tell them to fuck off with the 1st sign of crazy demands.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I agree with the Richard Gere/Cindy Crawford guess for #2. Their divorce seemed very amicable. And I don't think either of them has ever said anything derogatory about the other.

    Weren't there rumors of infidelity with both Harrison Ford and Kevin Costner? I hope both ex-wives have moved on, but to be best friends and spend hours on the phone with the cheater?

  38. "Famous pipes" is what made me sure it was Mimi the first time around. Most other singers are more famous for their whole persona than specifically for their talent. Love her or hate her, no one could argue that Mariah has one of the best voices in the biz. (Remember when they had her shatter a glass with a high note?)

  39. For #1 I think it's either Mimi, JLo or Beyonce. And if JLo is a size 4 it must be her waist and calves only becasue her ass and thighs alone must be a size 10.

    No idea for #2.

  40. My bad, I forgot about "the famous pipes" comment, so that takes JLo out.

    So Mimi or Beyonce.

  41. #1 I'm stuck on Mariah Carey for this one

    #2 What about Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman? They have kids together, so you'd think they talk.

  42. BI # 2

    I don't see this one being either Harrison Ford or Kevin Costner. Since both men seemed to have had some mid-life crisis and dumped their wifes. Both took up with younger women... I seriously doubt that those wifes are being all chatty with their old husbands. hahaha!

    I find the Gere/Crawford guess interesting. But I really thought Gere had dumped Crawford. And he always seems to fawn over Carey Lowell(?)... his current wife. Plus I don't think for one moment Carey would put up with chatty phone calls from his ex-wife.

    I am thinking that the couple both reside in LA area/California in general area. And must have had a high profile marriage for this now to be a blind item.

    So to throw out a off the wall guess... how about Melanie Griffin/Don Johnson??
