Thursday, October 18, 2007

Today's Blind Items

This married, aging, raspy, B list television and film actor who uses a fake name as his stage name had to file for bankruptcy in the past month when he ended up losing most of his money in a hedge fund in which he had invested heavily. Unable to meet some margin calls, he had to get a mortgage on both of his homes which had been completely paid off. He also had to sell many of his prized collector's items, but in the end he just couldn't get it all together and was forced to declare bankruptcy. Look for him to be almost everywhere in the next year as he attempts to start trying to build back his fortune. A male talk show host was also involved in the same fund, but had enough personal assets that he made it through ok.


  1. Denis Leary was born Denis Leary. He doesn't have a stage name

  2. Is Martin Sheen raspy? I thought he had a smooth voice, unless i am thinking of someone else.

    Fake name as stage name - got to be Rip Torn.

  3. "Rip" is a family name taken by generations of the Torn men... or so says IMDB, and Wikipedia

    I don't think that's really a stagename. I think that was always his name.

  4. David Caruso? Is he married? Gonna go check.

  5. ryan seacrest for the male talk show host that made it through okay?

  6. Is Peter Falk still B list?

  7. You know I always thought Rip Torn was one of those fake names they gave actors in the '50s, like Rock Hudson. Still, Rip is not his real name it's Elmore, so I'll stick with him. Thanks Tigerbeat.

  8. David Caruso's birth name is David Caruso

  9. How about Chi McBride?

  10. Anonymous1:39 PM

    It might be Tony Curtis. He has a raspy voice not sure if he is married but he did have money problems.

  11. non relating,

    i hate the way Martin Sheen says the word "human" he leaves out the H and replaces a Y, you try it



  12. Anonymous1:43 PM

    each of the two--
    that pronunciation is sooo east coast
    I got made fun all the time for talking like that when I moved out here to the other coast!

  13. Christopher (Ronald) Walken?

  14. what about brad garrett? real name: Brad H. Gerstenfeld

    b-list? maybe?
    -raspy voice
    -fake name
    -been in film and television

  15. Princess-brilliant answer on Brad Garrett. I also looked up Jay Leno on IMDB and apparently, he has written jokes for Brad Garrett's stand up, so they are friends.

  16. Ha, I'm from Boston and I read Yuman and thought "yeah that's right!"

    Like warter for water and kaaaa for car. I also say talk like torque as in what are you torquing about? Get out your wrench.

  17. But Garrett's in the middle of a divorce, isn't he?

  18. i think if your divorce hasn't been finalized yet, you're still considered married.

  19. Martin Sheen....aka Ramon Estevez.

    Fake name....check.
    Raspy voice...check.
    Aging TV/Film B list actor...check.

    And he's probably friends with the talk show host in question.

  20. don johnson a.k.a donald wayne..."in that smoke tinged and raspy voice that is now so familiar to millians of tv viewers", he's been in financial trouble before almost losing his home in aspen a few years ago.....he's married, 57....?

  21. don johnson's wife comes from money

  22. Majik & ice angel, I don't think the BI implies any connection between the actor and the talk show host is necessary, other than their connection to the hedge fund. They might not know each other at all.

    Brad Garret isn't a bad guess, but hasn't he been getting some fairly sweet v/o coin from doing kids movies? Can't see it being Ramon Estevez (I wish he'd kept that name, he's a whole new guy!), despite the well-known name change.

    I think Don Johnson is the best guess based on the clues - raspy being the most dead-on. Plus, the wifebot might not know about the unwise investments... and he might be trying to keep it that way.

  23. Don Johnson is a great guess.
    He's definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed
    and has been pretty desparate for cash for quite some time.
    I'm still laughing at the Boston Rob up there torquing about his wicked cool accent.
    Dude, if the Red Six win are you going to have a YYYYYUUUUUUge blowout?

  24. Brad Garret just closed on an 8 million dollar home in Malibu. Don't think it's him.

  25. What's with people suggesting actors who have current major network television shows? Obviously Brad Garrett and Denis Leary are getting paid by the boatload on a regular basis right now. No, this is someone who's b list and no longer working much. I think Don Johnson or Rip Torn are great guesses. James Caan is movies, not television, Peter Falk and Tony Curtis aren't B list television anything. Martin Sheen is NOT B list-he was in one of the highest grossing films last year in a major role. (the departed. ) not to mention the lead in a huge network series people are still talking about. Do your homework, people!

  26. What's with people suggesting actors who have current major network television shows? Obviously Brad Garrett and Denis Leary are getting paid by the boatload on a regular basis right now. No, this is someone who's b list and no longer working much. I think Don Johnson or Rip Torn are great guesses. James Caan is movies, not television, Peter Falk and Tony Curtis aren't B list television anything. Martin Sheen is NOT B list-he was in one of the highest grossing films last year in a major role. (the departed. ) not to mention the lead in a huge network series people are still talking about. Do your homework, people!

  27. oops! can't be Don Johnson OR Rip Torn. Both are using their own names as their stage names, according to Google. Hmm.

  28. James Caan was on the show Las Vegas for 4 seasons.

  29. I'm going out on a limb here and guessing Tim Allen (born Timothy Dick...seriously his real last name is Dick).

    He is both a TV an Film actor. Is Brad Garrett considered both TV and film?

    Tim Allen does a stand-up routine where he kind of grunts in a raspy way like real men grunt...ent say "to start to build back his fortune" as in the hit TV show he was in Home Improvement.

    I also read somewhere else he was having money troubles but it was blamed on the extra large amount of money he pays his ex in childcare and alimony...he's remarried.

  30. don johnson's given name of donald wayne is listed on many "stage name" sites. i have a general question, what does aging actor generally mean to you?? (anyone out there) to me it's sorta 45-60. is it higher or lower?

  31. I'm from the actual city of Boston (as opposed to the 'burbs - yet people will say they're from Boston) and I have absolutely no clue what you guys are talking about. No one I know drops the "h" for "y" and adding in an r in the middle of words is definitely not a Boston trait. In fact, water sounds more like wahta. Boston is Bahstin - I don't know where you guys are from, but the only person I ever heard promounce water as "warter" was an aunt from Ohio, so whateva.

  32. I'm thinking Larry King for the talk show host. He's had questionable financial dealings in the past.

  33. @laura: only one person said anything abt boston. it was referred to as an east coast trait. AND since when did you become the pro linguist and boston speech expert??? get over yourself!

  34. The only person I can think of that fits is James Garner.

  35. Are Tim Allen and Andy Dick related?

    I like the Don Johnson guess.

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  39. Tim Allen was a reveal of a blind item not too long ago as giving quite a bit to charity. Not saying it couldn't be him because maybe that was before the loss of money, but I would think Enty would have refered to him as a comedian as well.

  40. Me thinks it's Christian Slater.
